1.03 - Into The Desert

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Lizards scurried by under the heat of the sun, burrowing into the sand and darting between the rocks. They were the only other signs of life out here, the only other beings baking under the bright light above. Luz wiped the sweat from her brow and envied their ability to hide in the little crevices as she walked briskly, trying to keep pace with the lazily floating pram and the Mandalorian. Her chest burned from the exertion and every time she took a pause, she found herself panting. 

The heavy breathing once again washed over her as the Mandalorian paused, his helmet turning as he looked around. Luz tried to rest an arm against the pram, but the metal was hot to the touch, even through the thin fabric of her brown wrap. She pulled her arm back and scowled, nearly missing it when the Mandalorian drew his blaster.

Luz's eyes went wide, and then there was a flurry of movement. She cried out and immediately tried to tackle the pram to the ground, probably burning herself in the process. Flashes of yellow-green burned her vision, scaly and heavily armed. Through the flashes of vibro-axes clashing with the Mandalorian and his armor, a single thought floated across her brain. 


The lizard-like aliens had attacked the monastery more than once in her time there, but had never made it in, so she had never seen them up close. They were hulking and muscled and their axes were hefty and damaging. Luz bit back a scream even as she tried to cover the pod with her body, protecting her head and neck with her arms - as if that would do any good for the most vulnerable parts of her.

As fierce as the Trandoshans were in appearance, and more so in reputation, the Mandalorian remained calm and fought back, quickly disposing of the attackers with his guns. The last of the Trandoshans, the largest and most menacing, launched himself towards Luz and the Child, raising his axe. But then there was a blaster shot and the alien collapsed on the ground several feet short of the teen and the infant.

The Mandalorian nodded to Luz, who got on her feet and brushed herself off. Her cheeks burned with humiliation and fear from how close of a call that was. If the Mandalorian hadn't shot the Trandoshan when he did, Luz would be dead.

(She didn't understand why she wasn't. It would be easier for the Mandalorian if she was dead, after all.)

The Mandalorian took a step forward, still as silent as ever, and reached for something on the ground. He picked it up - a beeping item, small enough to fit in the palm of his hand. A tracking fob, Luz realized. Though the Mandalorian had gotten there first, there were still others after the Child, and they didn't seem to care about bringing it alive.

Luz swallowed nervously as the Mandalorian let the fob fall to the ground, before stomping on it and crushing it with the heel of his boot. He didn't say anything, and with his expression hidden behind his faceplate, Luz had no clue what he was thinking. Had no clue what he had planned for her or for Squish.

The Mandalorian turned on heel and continued on, the pram floating after him. Luz had no choice but to follow.


Luz and her companions were still in the heart of the desert when darkness fell. The reprieve from the sun was a welcome experience to the teenager, who had been perspiring and aching as she trailed after the floating pram and the Mandalorian's long strides. Insects buzzed as the trio stopped for a rest, with Luz immediately sinking down onto a large, flat rock to give her poor legs a rest. She let out a heavy sigh as the pram floated next to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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