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Two more hours followed his streaming, and she'd eventually had gotten bored and went downstairs to hangout with Lia who was in the living room.

She yawned and looked over to Lia who was staring at her already. "What??" She questioned with such confusion. "Nick is streaming with Clay, I hope you know that." She said as she glanced at her phone, hiding something.

Bri rolled her eyes. "What're you hiding Dahlia?" Brielle questioned as she crossed her arms. "Did you guys talk? There was like, yelling and then it went silent?" She said as she stared at her phone more intensely.

"Well I'm alive, so he didn't kill me. We did talk yeah, he fought me and then we uh, figured stuff out." She said and shrugged staring at her hands.

Dahlia slowly looked at her friend. "Okay, because you obviously aren't getting what I'm hinting at, did you fuck him? You guys went silent for a while and no doors opened." She asked and Brielle flinched, jaw dropped and blinked repeatedly at her.

"I- wha- Dahlia??" She spluttered out in shock. "Where the fuck did you even get that from?" She said, before laughing hysterically.

"I mean, I feel like it's pretty obvious yeah?? You guys went silent and I mean there's so much you could think?" She explained quickly and Brielle facepalmed.

"No, we did not fuck, I don't plan on fucking him actually." She said, shivering at the thought and shook her head after.

"Cmon, Bri, you can't leave the details out. What happened?" She pried once more.

"Look, Dahlia, I ended up passing out on his bed and woke up to him streaming with George? Is that what you wanted to hear?" She said, explicitly leaving the details out of the kiss.

"Bri, please," she began to beg, at this point one would assume she'd be on her knees begging with how she's gripping onto Bri trying to rip the information out of her.

"I know you're hiding something, you are very easy to read. Spill." She said, staring into Brielle's eyes.

"We kissed okay?! What more do you want to know," Bri exclaimed as she held her face in her hands as a loud squeal erupted from her friend sat beside her.

"Finally!" She screamed as she threw her arms around Brielle. "The f- what do you mean finally?" She questioned  as she stared at her friend. "Umm, nothing?" She said as she laughed lightly.

"Okay, okay, me and Nick made a bet on how long it would take you guys to kiss." She said and lowered her head. Brielle stood there for a second before smacking a hand over her head.

"Literally hate you," she muttered as she shoved herself into the couch and exhaled loudly.


The two more hours of the boys streaming finally ended. Dahlia and Brielle were on the couch huddled together on their phones. A throat was cleared and both their heads snapped up.

"How was your stream?!" Dahlia asked with a smile. Clay stared at them both. Silently. Judging them. Brielle slowly turned to look at Lia who was fidgeting with her fingers.

"It was okay." He said with a tone of voice. "That's good," Brielle said slowly. A ding came from Lia's phone and she laughed uncomfortably.

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