Part 3

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The bell rang for lunch, and I had a meeting with the prefects of a campaign that we were doing. But I needed to tell her that I won't see her until after school.

I don't know why I should tell her, but I felt that she needed to know. I wait for her, looking like an idiot standing in the middle of the school.

I was about to leave, but then I saw her coming round the corner with one of my other friends and her cousin.

I wave to her, and I scream out "HURRY UP! I NEED TO GO!"

"Where are you going!" she yells back.

I didn't want to make myself look like a bigger fool, so I just ran about to go to my meeting.

"WAIT!" she screams back at me.

I obviously stop of course...🙄and I turn back around to her.

She's nearer now.

"Where are you going?" she asks.

I scoff, "I'm going to..." I pause a little, trying to find something to tease her.
"I'm going to see my boyfriend," I say as I push hair behind my ear.

She stops and points at me, with her dark brown eyes and mouth open, her dimple visible.

"Just kidding," I laugh, absolutely embarrassed at what I said. "I won't be seeing you."

"Okay then," she says with a frown on her face. "After school then?" she asks. I nod my head and dash to my meeting.

Even when she frowns, her cute dimple (that I didn't notice until like days ago) is shown.

"How cute," I say while laughing and smiling. 

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