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"..Yes! YESSS!..haHAHH!! WOOO!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, clapping your hands and raising them high in the air with no shame, you unconsciously shoved your gaming chair back away from your monitor.

"NOO!!" Your brother shouted, stretching the word in disbelief, a death message sat dull on his screen. "no.. NO! NO! NOoo!.." he repeated the word, denying his defeat. You could hear the faintest of his voice echoing from his room right next to yours. You couldn't describe how happy you felt, still freaking out about your win, wheezing out laughs. The wide smiling never leaving your face, you rolled your gaming chair back in place.

".....Y/N?? Elvis?? Ya'll still awake?-" Your eldest brother groggily spoke, he stood just at the stairs railing, holding a cup of hot coffee. His hair ruffled and tangled. You turned to your door and shouted back.

"YES BROTHUH! we are BUUU-syyyy!" You returned back to your keyboard and mouse, your eyes gazed the bright monitor screen, focusing back on your game.

"Oh please, it's-.." he paused. "...THREE AM?? What are you guys? Vampires??-"

"YES! now let us procrastinate in peace!" You hear your brother shout from his room, holding back a giggle at his comeback.

"UGH!" The elder groaned loudly, his footsteps fading as he left.


"Morning Elias." You greeted him, a faint smirk on your face as you watched the elder's frustrated and exhausted face. He approached the coffee machine, pouring himself a third cup today. You laid your chin on the palm of your hand, your other holding your phone as the bright blue light reflects on your face.

"..mornin'." he grumbled, not fond of taking any mockery at the brink of morning, well, he assumed it was morning by the blinding yellow light shining through the kitchen window.

"Where's yer brother?"

"Our brother, he's still sleeping I think." You corrected him.

"On this time? Well, check up on 'in jus' Incase he's dead." on que, your twin brother- Elvis. Despite having quite the fancy name, is the complete opposite. He's the crackhead of the neighborhood. heck, he's the main reason why mom had to pick you both up from the police station. You both received a long lecture afterwards, still, it was fun.

Speaking of Elvis, the man walked into the kitchen with his phone in hand. From watching his hand motions, he looked to be swiping something. He sat beside you, and as the kind sibling you are curious of things he might be up to- you leaned to his side to get a good look of his phone screen. You see his finger swiping through profiles of women and men, he groaned.

"Errghh... Been five days and I ain't gettin' any matches.." disappointed, he turned off his electronic and leaned back in his chair.

"Well, I guess you're just meant to be bi-yourself." Your eldest brother, Elias cuts in before sipping his coffee with a smirk.

"Hey! What about you? Twenty-one and no girls??" Your brother retorted, trying to remark him of being single for years.

"Twenty-two actually, and- I'm not a teenage boy starving for human interaction."

"Tch- fair."


The bell rings, finnaly, lunch time has arrived. Fast forwarding in time, you and your brother took your respective prison food trays and sat down at the lunch table with your small group of friends. you had tuned out most of their talking, busy scrolling through your phone once again until another phone was thrusted into your face.

"Y/N! Look!" A screenshot of Herobrine was present on the screen, you blinked unknowingly.

"...and?" Your friend groaned.

"Ever heard of the mysterious Minecraft myth named Herobrine??"

"Well.. kinda, but how is he so mysterious if his name is— well, the very first entry of the Minecraft iceberg? And like— he's a really well known myth."

"Oh come on!— He's an absolute icon! You can never forget the little guy."

"I thought his first sighting was like... I dunno.. ten years ago?.. besides, why am I taking part in this?" Your friend smirks, oh no...

"Wellll— you know how to code, right?" You huffed.

"..Jacklyn if you're asking me to code Herobrine in Minecraft I swe—"

"Oh no no!" They cut in. "I was just wondering...if you could maybeeee— try to find Herobrine in minecraft's code?" You thinned your lips, the teen kept leaning into your face.

"That just sounds like some fanfic bull####." Your brother cuts in, scrunching up his nose.

"I know, I know. Why not give it a chance aye?"

You took a moment to think, looking down to your lunch. You were highly, highly skeptical that Herobrine would actually exist, he's a myth, a legend. You appreciate you're friends effort to make sure you remember the decade old myth but it just sounds.. time wasting. You'd already get a headache the minute you study algebra, let alone peek into minecraft's code.

"Well... I don't think i have any streams planned for tonight so— guess I'll try it, but don't blame me if I don't find anything interesting." You jabbed a finger at your friend, who shrugged it off.

"Yeah, yeahh–"


Your phone vibrated in your pocket, a text notification pops up on your lock screen. Pulling the electronic out, you clicked on the notification.

Magenta Man
hey we streaming tonight right? 8 pm or something

Magenta Man
VC me when you're ready

You showed your phone screen to your friend, whistling out: "whoops! Sorry, I'll do it another time I suppose." For better context, one of your Minecraft streamer friends proposed an idea to you, which involves decoding and checking out some 'hidden files' he found inside Minecraft. You both planned on streaming it aswell, talking to the chat, maybe even play Minecraft a bit to keep yourself entertained but still, you hoped you have enough snacks to last you enough.


"Eurghhh—" the young teen groaned to his microphone, he was leaning back into his chair and massaging his temples.

it's been a good half an hour into the stream, you spent most of your time playing Minecraft while your friend struggled to find that 'hidden file' he found not too long ago. "Struggling there?"

"Shu— huh– OHHHH!—" he whooped, on your screen, you see his slightly smiling mouth gaping wide in excitement, as if he just won a lottery.


"I found it!"

"Wait— whAIT– where? Show me–"

"Okay first—" he demonstrates the process of finding the file, following it carefully, you were astonished seeing the file on your monitor screen. It was titled: 'prototype:player.exe' without hesitation, you clicked the file.

Double Trouble! - Herobrine x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now