Chapter 1: Forgotten AI

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Y/U/N > Your User Name


A smaller sized screen fixated itself in the center of your monitor, it shows that of a flat, gray surface. Similar to the layout most 3D model programs would display, to your surprise, it was empty.

Slumping in your seat slightly, your screen immediately switches to a bright blue screen with long text being typed in, multiple pop ups appeared plaguing your screen, momentarily crashing your whole system. Out of panic, you turned off your monitor, flinching slightly at it's now scorching hot surface. What was that..?

By now, cam was most likely laughing his butt off seeing how your whole entire monitor just crashed. Slumping in your seat once more, you waited until your monitor quit being a grill. You turned away from the device, checking your phone and hopping onto cam's stream, just as you guessed, he was laughing. The chat was confused and even worried of what had happened to you. From what you can see, your call with cam was cut off.

Sighing, you hopped from your gaming chair and strut down the stairs into the kitchen. A spark of blue shines from cables attached to your monitor, a whirring sound emits from it. The screen flickers on, a pitch black figure glitched in and out. Two, pearly white eyes snapped open, staring at your room door clicking shut before flickering out, leaving your computer— which was off once again.


"Yo, what happened?" Elvis asked, he had watched your and cam's stream on his phone, startled by your screen suddenly disappearing.

"My PC just crashed, I think the file had a virus or something.." you muttered, grabbing a bag of chips and eating. "I just hope it doesn't delete any files or anything."

"It's a virus, Y/N. They have no mercy for computers." Elias commented.

"Yeah, yeah—" you waved him off. "I'm waitin' for it to cool down, maybe call uncle Jorge to help."

"For?" Elvis piped up.

"For a tea party, Of course to see if my computer is still working! Uncle Jorge's the computer nerd of the family, if there's anyone who knows more about computers and viruses– it'd be him." The first part was said in a sarcastic manner.

"Aight, fair point."


"Looks fine 't me." The man answered gruffly, you see his thick gray mustache moving under his nose due to the movement caused by his mouth.

"Really? No deleted files? Corrupted programs?"

"Nope." The monitor was rebooted once again, the usual normal home screen displayed. "No pop ups, rebooting like normal, not even a virus alert or anythin' like that." You stared at your monitor screen, immediately clicking through your browser, files, etc. But there was just.. nothing, everything looked untouched.

"Guess my job here is done."

"W–wait, are you sure nothing's wrong with it?"

"Nah." Despite his nonchalant smile, a spark of blue crackled behind the monitor, slowly travelling down the wires before spreading through each cord it could reach, connecting to other electronic powered devices nearby.


"Hello!" You happily greeted, cracking open a can of Sprite before chugging it's cool, fizzling liquid down. "Hello, hellœ! Hálo!" Pronouncing the greeting in many different ways, you smiled at one of your monitor screens that displayed the chat. On going text piled up as you took your time to greet your chat, occasionally rocking your head to the beat of the background music you put on.

"What happened on camman18's last stream? Err.. my computer crashed, yeah, I dunno how it just kind of.. kind of crashed all of a sudden." You answered the question whilst sipping your sprite. "I actually called my er.. uncle to check on it a few days ago, and apperently there wasn't anything wrong, like at all. No.. deleted files, corrupted programs, pop ups or anything like that. It's like– it's like nothing happened."

Your voice softened. "Anyways, we should get onto this shall we? Imma.. imma call philza real quick." Your screen shows a Minecraft loading screen. A louder ding followed. "PHILLL!"

You received a tired response from the elder. "yeah?"

"Hop on origins smp will ya? I found something interesting."

"What kind of.. what kind of interesting?" You smirked slightly.

"Just something."

"You better not blown up my house."

"I'm not that cruel!"

"Oh— oh.. come– come on! Y/N!" His voice shifted into laughter, once you've joined in. You couldn't help but wheeze.

the sight before you was– interesting. Phil's character stood amongst multiple upside down T's made out of obsidian with a sign on each written; big balls. You slammed your hand on your desk, an ever so evil smirk on your face. "How mature of you, Y/N."

"Thank– thank you."

"You're almost eighteen."

"I know– wait— what can you do once you've turned eighteen?"

"Smoke cigarettes... sell illegal substances... laugh at seventeen year olds.. get a job. There's plenty of things to do." He listed.


Paoqkedjau --> Y/U/N : hello.

what. who. where. why— Hyeh??

The forwarded message puzzled you,
Questions popped up in your head, the username was unfamiliar, one you didn't really think was possible. You only stared at the corner of your screen, squinting in of what you just read. Nobody else was online except for you, phil, and sam doing whatever, your head had already tuned out phil's talking. The username in question, was a bunch of scrambled letters constantly changing every second.

kaciwjwhej --> Y/U/N : don't ignore me.
Aoiciwjgfje --> Y/U/N : I can see you.

okay that's weird.

You turned off your computer, slapping a piece of tape over your facecam before trudging out of your room. Later that night, a tingling feeling stuck onto you. Y'know.. the feeling of being.. watched? Yeah, that feeling.. it wouldn't leave you alone. You kept flinching at every direction, finding nobody. Your family noticed this, though, didn't push the subject further.

The rest of the week was spent with you scratching your head over the interaction. some noticed your lack of streaming, and face cam. Though, assumed you were just unmotivated. Scared was an understatement, you were anxious for your safety, though.. nothing else happened after receiving those short messages, everything went along as normal like nothing happened. Still, you didn't remove the tape from the face cam and your phone camera.

At the moment, you were stuffing clothes into your backpack, recently invited to film a vlog with Tommy when you've heard the news that he was in America. It was a nice excuse to go outside, and time away from your computer. You were interested in how it'll go.

During your packing, a figure stared at a semi transparent screen, bright colors reflecting on the AI's face. A laughter broke through the commotion, he couldn't hold back the small twitch at the corner of his mouth. The world around him was gray and depressing, walls didn't exist, you'll feel like you're walking and standing on a cold solid surface— before realizing nothing is really there. Another figure stepped in, black smoke erupting from it, they tilted their head before speaking in a soft yet almost mechanical and glitchy voice.

"'re watching them again?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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