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Taemin refuses to acknowledge the arm slipping across his waist, he refuses to hear the soft murmur against his ear; he refuses to acknowledge the soft lips grazing his sensitive neck.  He keeps his eyes closed and pretends to be in the depths of dreamland. He ignores the body curled around his own. Once his lover's breathing turns deep and even, signaling his entry to sleep, Taemin opens his eyes and glances at the digital clock on the night stand. He sighs softly and tries to untangle himself from the loose embrace.

He sits up, glancing at the exhausted form of one Kim Jongin behind him. His eyes fill with bitterness and sadness as he slowly slips off the bed and pads towards the bedroom door. Each step tugs on his heart, and he finds himself on the verge of tears as he exits the room, closing the door softly behind him. Once out of the room, he slowly crouches down with his hand still on the door knob as quiet sobs shakes his small form.

This was not the Jongin he knew. His Jongin didn't come home at 3 am, smelling like alcohol; his Jongin certainly didn't come home with the lingering smell of another man and sex, with a visible love bite on his neck.

When Kim Jongin wakes up the next day, he is surprised to find the bed cold and empty. Ignoring his pounding head, he sleepily calls out to his lover and stands on shaky legs, blindly making his way towards the door.

Silence meets his calls, making Jongin frown. All concerns about his headache went flying out the window as he walks through the apartment in search of Taemin. He breathes out a sigh of relief when he sees his lover curled up on the couch in their living room. Jongin confidently strides over and kneels beside the sleeping boy and places a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"Taemin,"He gently coos as he brushes away the stray strands of hair on Taemin's face. He chuckles as Taemin's face scrunches up a bit, a cute pout forming on his lips, "Baby, wake up."

Said boy opens his eyes slowly, head turning towards the boy beside him in sleepy confusion. Jongin chuckles again, finding his lover's actions adorable as he places a kiss on Taemin's lips. Having woken up enough, Taemin turns his head just in time, making Jongin's lips touch his cheek instead of his lips. Jongin's eyes brows knit in confusion.

"Don't you have work?"

The words are cold, harsh even, causing Jongin to frown. Taemin never acts this way. Nonetheless, he nods, still shell-shocked at his lover's attitude.

"Go get ready," Taemin's cold, hard expression softens as he gazes at Jongin's hurt and bewildered face, "I'll make you some breakfast."

He says nothing more and moves to the kitchen, leaving behind a confused Jongin on the living room floor.

"He's being distant, Kyungsoo." Jongin speaks softly, frustration clear in his eyes as he looks at the smaller man before him, "It's so frustrating because I just want to hold him, kiss him, but it always seems like I'm walking on thin ice."

Kyungsoo nods, only half listening to Jongin's rambling. His eyes are transfixed on the boy's lips, as if in a trance. His thoughts take him back to last night, when he had been in Jongin's arms—receiving the love Jongin had to offer.

Then he moves, pressing his body flush against that of Jongin's and silences him with his lips. Jongin's eyes darken with desire as the smaller male pulls away, and he leans in to capture Kyungsoo's lips in a fierce lip lock.

Kyungsoo know what they are doing is wrong. But to hell with justice. Jongin belonged to him first. He had been stupid enough to let go of him once, but now he was determined to fight for what is his.  It was a selfish thought, Kyungsoo admits, but he was a selfish person.

[TaeKai/KaiSoo/2min] HumanWhere stories live. Discover now