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Meeting Choi Minho was pure coincidence. Or at least that's what Taemin likes to think. After going through the whole depressed phase, Key and Jonghyun had insisted that he accompany them to the club. To unwind, they had said. Yet as Taemin sat on his stool, watching Key and Jonghyun out on the floor, he couldn't help but wonder what the hell he was doing here. Clearly, he was not in the mood as his thoughts kept drifting to that person.The man sighed, eyes travelling down to the drink in his hand.


Said man's head shot up and looked at the one who had called his name. Choi Minho's smiling face, illuminated by the club lights, met his gaze and Taemin almost doubled over in shock. He did not expect Minho to be in the country, let alone in this club.


Relief flooded Minho's face as he gave a bright smile, "So it is you!"

Taemin could only nod, unconsciously giving a small smile. He and Minho once had something, way back intot their high school and early college days. One might even say they were high school sweethearts. Taemin admits he was once madly in love with the older, but that was long ago.

"When... when did you get back?"

"A couple of days ago." Minho responded, sitting down on the stool beside Taemin, and quickly ordered a drink, "I tried looking for you, but.."

"I moved out of the apartment."

Minho and Taemin once lived in a shared apartment, small yet cozy, enough to be considered home. Everything was going smoothly, nobody ever thought the two would part, but well into Minho's second year of college, he had received a scholarship offer that would take him out of the country for more than four years. Minho had been doubtful, but Taemin had insisted that  he accept it. After all, those chances don't always present themselves. Make no mistake, they tried to make it work. Desperately. But with the distance, mismatched schedules, the pressure and the absence, they both cracked. Both decided it was best, and ended cleanly, choosing to remain as friends. But as years went by, the hectic schedules made them forget and they lost contact. Yet now here they were, meeting once again in the most unexpected place.

"I know." Taemin swears he saw a flicker of sadness in Minho's eyes, "So, how are you? Last I heard, you were engaged!"

"I..." Taemin looked away briefly, avoiding Minho's eyes, " I just moved out, and, well... single."

Minho's eyes travelled down, eyes lingering on Taemin's ringless finger, "I see that... What happened?"

"Stuff happened," Taemin chuckled bitterly.


"But I'm okay," He forced a smile, pain-filled orbs going mist with tears, "I will be okay."

And before he could stop himself, Minho found his arms around Taemin's small form, gently squeezing and murmuring sweet nothings into Taemin's ear as he quietly sobbed against Minho's chest. Something about this felt so right, so comfortable. It made Minho forget where they were, all that mattered was he had Taemin in his arms again, and he never felt happier.

And as for Taemin, as he buried himself into Minho's warm embrace, he never felt more safe.

Somewhere along that, the burnt out candle that was once theirs began burning once more.

He never should have agreed to come here. But then again, he would just probably drown himself in alcohol if he ever went home, so he figured why not. But then again, it was painfully awkward. Jongin watched his officemates lose themselves on the floor, casually sipping his drink in silence. Across him sat Kyungsoo who fidgeted, fingers nervously tapping against the half empty beer bottle in his hands.

Both of them shared awkward glances. The silence was unnerving and suffocating. Kyungsoo stood, muttering something about going to the bathroom before quickly escaping into the mass of sweaty bodies. Jongin sighed, and set his drink down. He stands as well and decides to follow the shorter male, well set on ending things properly. He slowly makes his way through the dancing forms of the people, keeping a lookout for the other male.

Jongin frowns when he sees Kyungsoo standing frozen in front of the bar and swiftly makes his way over.


"Jongin." Kyungsoo jumps in surprise, head whipping to the tanned male behind him, eyes wide with shock before he looks back to the direction he had been staring at.

Jongin stupidly follows his gaze.

He swears his heart stopped when he saw Taemin's familiar figure in the arms of another man. In shock, Jongin slowly steps forward and sees the familiar face of Choi Minho. He had seen him in college frequently, mostly with Taemin latched on to his side. Minho was someone Jongin always looked up to- he was smart, athletic, kind, and he was a lucky man, having the beautiful Lee Taemin by his side. Even when he was with Kyungsoo back then, Taemin always had Jongin awed by the grace and strength he possessed as an individual. And as he and Kyungsoo split, Jongin found himself looking at Taemin more and more, admiring from afar.

But Jongin snaps back to the present. Choi Minho left years ago. Why was he here? He was supposed to be a very successful man in another country, yet why is he back here? Jongin pushes away the thought of Minho coming back for Taemin. Because, goddammit, Taemin is his. Minho left him just like Kyungsoo left Jongin.

Yet despite those thoughts running through his brain, Jongin could not do anything as he watched Choi Minho hook a finger below Taemin's chin, lifting the tearful face and gently wiped away the tears. Minho's mouth moves, but Jongin could not make out the words that the other spoke to Taemin, his feet slowly taking him closer to the two. Then Minho moves in, cupping Taemin's face tenderly and closes his eyes as his lips touches Taemin's kissing him softly, sweetly, lovingly. Taemin's eyes slowly fall shut. Jongin stops, frozen, and he feels his heart shatter into a million pieces when he sees Taemin kissing back.

Jongin swallows the lump in his throat, eyes going watery as he looks at them kissing sweetly. A single tear escapes his eyes as he brokenly calls the name he always loved.


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