|The black dragon|

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Enjoy the cover I spent an hour on
The dragon warriors... the strongest of the strongest chosen by the dragons to inherit an ability to protect their brother the crimson dragon.

The blue dragon gifted one with dragon eyes, the green dragon gifted another with dragon legs, the yellow dragon gifted one with dragon skin and finally the white dragon gifted another with a dragon claw. But hidden to all those was another dragon, one that stayed in the shadows... the black dragon.

The crimson dragon was the kindest to him and In turn the black dragon gave his warrior powerful abilities to protect the crimson dragon in the shadows. He gave his warrior the wings, tail, horns and ears of a dragon. He watched the crimson dragon and other dragon warriors in the shadows protecting them from things they had no clue of so they could live in peace. Kuroishi was the original black dragon he stopped small groups that wanted to overthrow the dragons and other things that would cause problems in the future. He was content with protecting them from afar and never asked for more. But at times he did feel lonely.

One time he got too close to the group and was found out. They tried to attack him at first but once he showed his gifts they were amazed and wanted to include him more into the group. Kuroishi was nervous and at times still kept himself in the shadows and wouldn't Appear in public so he was still kept under wraps. No one knew of the black dragon's existence and that's how the black dragon warrior wanted to keep it.

When the crimson dragon king got sick the black dragon stayed every waking moment by his side. He would travel around the land to find anything to save him but no matter what he tried it never worked. The king died and the dragons wept not sure if it was them crying or the dragons crying out for the death of their brother.

As the dragon warriors went separate ways the black dragon wandered and found a village under attack he saved the village and they labeled the black dragon as a blessing. The black dragon was confused and a little shy about the attention but he got used to it as they made him the leader of the village. The people admired him and his dragon features that they wanted some of their own. Everybody made an animal mask and that animal was assigned to every family member. Only the black dragon's bloodline could wear a dragon mask. The black dragon was offered many young men and women his age to marry them for their status and he took two wives and one husband. He adored them and had 5 sons; the eldest son gained the abilities of the black dragon after the original died. And after he died his son the new black dragon took it upon himself to protect the village and his people. It became A custom for the black dragon to marry multiple people to ensure a black dragon is born faster.

A man with long black hair and purple eyes exclaimed as he sat under a tree with two young boys in front of him. One had black hair and (e/c) eyes the other had brown hair and green eyes.

"That's the story of our ancestors' father?" The boy with black hair asked while the other just as amazed nodded.

"It is when I get older my abilities will be yours and maybe you will protect the crimson dragon king." He smiled and the son and father laughed while the brown haired boy clenched his fist his smile fading into jealousy.

"Father, what did I get from the black dragon?" The brown haired boy expressed hopeful. The father glanced to the side nervously.

"You got Nothing Akuma. You didn't get the gifts your brother did that's why he looks different then you. The black dragon god has chosen him as his campaign. You as the eldest will support him as he leads the village until the crimson dragon king comes for him then you will lead and take care of your mothers in my place!" The father happily said as the black haired boy agreed with joy. The brown haired boy's face darkened with anger.

{The black dragon} Yona of the dawn x M!readerWhere stories live. Discover now