|Life goes on|

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"Okay now that all the dragon warriors are here we need to get back to Ik-Soo." Yun explained packing their things up.

"Ik-Soo?" The four dragon warriors asked.

"He's the oracle that told me to find you!" Yona smiled, helping Yun. Zeno smiled and held out a finger.

"Not so fast Zeno knows something no one does!" He smiled and the others looked at him confused.

"What do you know?" Hak asked what everyone wanted to.

"Well Zeno knows of a secret!" He pointed with a free feeling vide.

"Just get to the point Zeno." Kija stated annoyed.

"Rude anyways the original story is four dragon warriors were given powers by the dragon gods but it was really 5 that were given powers. The black dragon warrior. From what I heard he was given lots of powerful abilities by his dragon for the sole purpose of protecting the king in the shadows hidden from the others. The black dragon god was somewhat disliked by his elder brothers but the crimson dragon king favored him and cared for him. The dragon warrior did what he said and never showed himself to the others but one day he got too close. His feet just moved on their own; he wanted what the other dragon warriors had. Before he knew it they had seen him. They tried to attack him but the crimson dragon king knew who he was immediately and stopped them. When the king died he left to a village and had two wives and one husband." Zeno smiled while explaining and the others were even more confused.

"Are you lying?" Jae-Ha laughed thinking it was a joke.

"No, Zeno is serious! We need to find him!" Zeno shouted trying to make everyone believe him.

"Then why can't we sense him like we could each other?" Kija questioned and shin-ah nodded in agreement.

"Well it'd lose the point of protecting from the shadows if we could sense him." Zeno sighed.

"Then how are we going to-" Jae-Ha started but couldn't finish as all the dragon warriors turned their head facing south wide eyed.

"What's wrong?" Yona asked, confused as to why they were looking in the same direction.

"Yea why are you guys looking in the same direction? It's creepy." Hak said his face scrunching up.

"Will everyone stop talking and help me pack!!!" Yun shouted at everyone.

"Do you guys feel that?" Kija asked and the others nodded.

"See Zeno told you~" he laughed cheekily.

"But why now?" Shin-ah quietly whispered.

"Maybe he was just waiting for all of you to meet up then to show his location." Hak said.

"Could he be in trouble?" Jae-Ha suggested and everyone turned to look at him.

"Oh no then we must save him as his brothers it is our duty!" Kija shouted in horror as he made a dramatic scene.

"Okay okay we'll go save your brother. Then we'll see Ik-Soo." Hak sighed, getting up.

"Yay Zeno can't wait!" He clapped as the others rejoiced.

"What do you think this dragon warrior will be like?" Yona asked the other dragon warriors.

"Hmmm, maybe like Shin-Ah." Hak pointed to the silent blue dragon with a smile.

"Could be since the whole black dragons thing is to be in the shadow's..." Kija imputed.

"Then we'll just have to show him the light!" Jae-ha laughed while he shined and glittered posing dramatically.

"You idiots, you'll never meet your brother in time if you don't help me pack!!" Yun shouted angrily, pointing at them all.

{The black dragon} Yona of the dawn x M!readerWhere stories live. Discover now