|10 years later|

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"Big brother, what is in the giant cement block in the middle of the village?" Kuragari asked Akuma. Akuma turned angrily at him.

"Kuragari it's none of your business just stay away from it there's a man inside he's a monster. Our mothers will be here in a minute to say goodnight." Akuma rushed out of the room and three women walked in.

"Good night dear." They all said and Kuragari got a bright idea.

"Mother, mama, Mom... big brother said there's a monster trapped in the cell block. Is it true that he really is a monster! I heard an older man tell me that they sealed him there to protect us." Kuragari whispered. Hanae shushed him and Samui looked down shamefully but Oniyuri was wide eyed. Hanae and Samui excused themselves and left Oniyuri with Kuragari. Kuragari was confused.

"He's not a monster... He was just unlucky. Akuma he-.... he did no wrong. He's been in there since he was 8... it's been 10 years since I've seen him. I- I wish I could have done more... I wish I tried harder. Akuma promised me he wouldn't be there for long but... but" she stumbled on her words Kuragari was shocked his beautiful mother who was always stern and had a straight face was about to cry. She excused herself and Kuragari felt bad. He wondered who he was to make his mother so sad?

He got out of bed grabbed a black hooded cloak and opened his window. He jumped out landing on the soft grass he headed for the cell block prison. When he arrived he heard the sound of a whip and the low growl of a man. He seems to be in pain. Akuma was shouting something I couldn't make out. When it was all over the man whispered something.

"I'm sorry Akuma..." He whispered and Akuma stomped out of the cell prison upset. Kuragari hid behind a bush then ran to the cell door. It was locked. He walked to the other side and saw a small window. It was very high up and small but he tried his best to get up to it. There was a dent in the concrete wall and his foot was small enough to boost him up to the window. He couldn't see inside but he saw a dark room where only moonlight was the only source of light. He saw chains on the ground and a giant metal ball hooked to the chains

"Hello... um." Kuragari said nervously. The sound of chains shifted closer to the window and Kuragari got a peak at extremely long black hair.

"You shouldn't be here child, you'll get scolded." The voice as soft as spring it shocked Kuragari. He expected something more harsh and scary.

"Um Mr! I want to know who you are... and why you are here." He asked with a little bit more confidence.

"I am no one of importance anymore and I can't tell you who I am." He stated the sound of chains shifting and his long black hair fading into the darkness.

"Wait! Please, I want to know why my mother started crying when I asked about you!" He whisper shouted and then there was a sigh and the chains shifted again.

"Who is your mother?" The voice asked.

"My mother is a woman named Oniyuri. She has long gray teal hair and is the most beautiful in the village! I have two other mothers if that helps.

"I cannot tell you why Ma- Oniyuri was crying when you mentioned me. But... is she and the other wives doing well? And how are you doing? Are you behaving?" He questioned the sound of chains clicked as he tried to get closer to the window.

"Oh... yes my other mothers' are doing well and good too. I don't know why you're asking but I'm very well behaved. I have to be my elder brother Akuma as the caretaker of the village. I'm sorry he hit you with a whip." Kuragari said nervously.

"That's good and I'm sorry you heard that but don't worry about it, each slash is one of my sins being washed away." He explained.

"I don't think it's right... So are you not going to tell me why you are locked in here? What happened in the past for them to treat you like this!" He insisted. There was silence then the sound of chains.

{The black dragon} Yona of the dawn x M!readerWhere stories live. Discover now