Prologue 4 - Roses with thorns

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CiRCLE Live House

Shinjuku City, Tokyo

6:00 A.M.

Y/n's POV

*alarm clock sound*

Y/n was wide awake now as he gets up from the bed, washing his face, cooking breakfast and eat, taking a shower, brushing his teeth, preparing some clothes and wearing them. As he finished, He go to CiRCLE to start his work. To those who wonder... Y/n has an extra key since Marina gave it to him because she has gained a lot of trust in him. As he get inside he start cleaning the ENTIRE Live House like dusting the speakers, sorting boxes and papers, fixing the lights, restoring a new statue, sweeping and mopping the floors, cleaning the walls, wiping the windows-

*Fast Forward*

Aaaaaaannnndd It's Done!

I then looked at my watch and it says it's 7:50 A.M. Then it's almost 8. Then i heard footsteps coming from the door and opened who is revealed it was Marina. As she came in i surprised her.

Marina Tsukishima

CiRCLE Live House

7:51 A.M.

Marina's POV

As i was about to open the door, I realized it was already open, I then get inside and then suddenly a male pops out of nowhere with a broom who is Y/n. I then screamed in surprise.

Y/n: "BRRRR! Hello Mari! I cleaned your whole flipping live house for 680 yen right now- I cleaned the whole thing!"

which is 5 dollars.

Marina: "Jesus! Y/n! You scared me...! Wait, You're early."

Y/n: "Well i am very determined to work here so..."

Marina: "Haha, Well you are very great at cleaning."

Y/n: "Since i finished everything, What do i do now?"

Marina: "Well you can guard at the front of cafe desk if you want or maybe finish your most important job."

Y/n: "Oh right! Roselia and HHW are the only ones who i didn't recruit. Well i can't find them because i don't know where should they be. Well i'll guard the cafe first."

I then nodded as i pat his back.

Marina: "Don't force yourself too hard Y/n-kun."

Y/n: "Thanks Boss, Appreciated... I'll be going now."

Timeskip by Y/n giving food to the customers at the cafe.


CiRCLE Live House

8:30 A.M.

Y/n's POV

I then looked at my watch and it says it's 8:30 A.M. which means i have to find the last two bands.

Y/n: "Marina! I'll be going now!"

Marina: "Where?"

Y/n: "Well, You know... Recruiting."

Marina: "Oh okay, Well be safe!"

I then left at CiRCLE then head to the streets and stop by at Hazawa Coffee because i'm craving for food. As i went in i was greeted by Tsugumi who is Keyboardist from Afterglow.

Tsugumi: "Welcome to Hazawa Coffee! I am Tsugumi Hazawa, your waitress- Y/n?!"

Tsugumi was surprised to see me. I then chuckled and greeted her back."

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