A broken god

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20 minutes later, after the rest of the team discovered the unconsious god,  the Avengers had managed to transport Loki to the infirmary in Stark tower and attach him to an IV.

"What in the Hell could have happened to him in order to make him look this bad?" Tony demanded, confused "I thought he was in prison!"

"I wish I knew, man of iron. Because I will murder the person who did this to my brother." Thor replied, rage in his voice. The rest of the Avengers were careful not to touch Thor. One wrong move, and he would lose it. It was his brother, after all. Perspherone suddenly  ran in with an oxygen mask and some gauze for Bruce.

"Is this correct?" She asked quickly. She was freaked out. It was her first day, and already they had found a half-dead man. Bruce nodded.

"Yes Perspherone. Do you think you could sing to him so he could calm down a little?" Bruce asked.

"Sure!" Perspherone replied, a soft smile etching the sides of her face. Perspherone pulled a chair over beside Loki's bed and sat down, taking a deep, slow breath. "Don't worry, you can do this." Perspherone thought to herself. She began to sing a soft, happy tune that soon had almost every Avenger in the room nodding off slightly. Bruce nodded at her once he was finished wrapping up Loki's ribs and legs, showing her that she could stop singing.

"Good......now that he's wrapped up, we can leave all now. He's going to need a lot of rest." Bruce replied, as soon as Perspherone finished singing.

"Ms. Parker.....could you stay here with my brother and sing to him for a while longer?" Thor asked, grabbing his hammer off of the floor.

"Actually.....that sounds like a good idea." Tony replied, nodding in agreement.

"Wait....WHAT!!! You are going to leave the newest member with a psychopath!?!?!?" Clint and Natasha both shouted at the same time, both reaching for a weapon of some sort.

"Relax you two, Loki's barely consious, so she should be fine." Tony responded, rolling his eyes "Besides. is he going to be able to hurt such a sweet young girl like her?" He walked up to her and squished her cheeks slightly, laughing softly. Perspherone growled at Tony, quickly slapping his hands away.

"Well......okay." Clint reluctantly replied. With Natasha following him, Clint left the room quickly, before either could say anything else.

"Well kid, we're going to leave you two alone now. Have JARVIS tell me if you need anything." Tony told Perspherone, walking to the door. Perspherone nodded, and Tony and Bruce both left the room. Thor looked at his brother sadly, a few tears streaming down his face.

"If only I had been a better brother to him." Thor said to himself, not realizing he had said the sentence out loud.

"It's okay Thor, I'm sure you were a good brother." Perspherone replied, placing a hand on Thor's shoulder reasurringly. She gave him the biggest, brightest smile she could, in the hopes of cheering her friend up. Thor looked at the girl and smiled. She had such an innocent soul, to be a part of such a dangerous team filled with violence and anger.

"I shall leave you now. Please take care of him." Thor replied, leaving the room. At that, Perspherone sat back down in her chair, letting out a loud sigh. Perspherone studied the god in front of her. He was quite handsome, with his emerald eyes and raven black hair. He had bold cheekbones, and seemed quite muscular despite what he had suffered. On Earth, he would have most likely been surrounded by legions of women wanting to sleep with him.

"You must have been the playboy of Asgard." Perspherone mumbled to Loki, smiling gently. She reached out and lightly touched his jaw. He flinched quickly, moaning in pain and jumping as if he had been branded. Perspherone quickly drew her hand back, letting out a shocked gasp.

"I'm sorry." Perspherone quickly apologized. She sighed, and sang once again.

Loki's P.O.V.

Loki opened his eyes, looking over at the woman beside him, now fast asleep. She was beautiful, even for Asgard's standards. She had thick locks of brown hair, rosy cheeks, and the most delicate skin he had ever seen in  his immortal life. If he didn't know any better, he would of thought that she was a porcelain doll. Her singing was incredible, from what he had heard earlier. She had certainly been blessed by the Allfather himself. He looked her over quietly before fading back into unconsiousness, having horrific nightmares about the last two years of his imprisonment.

A Break in the ice (Currently being edited!)Where stories live. Discover now