Chpt. 11

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Sorry guys I've just been so busy. Well here's the next chapter for you :) .

Perspherone was sitting at a bar in Houston TX, angry at herself. It had been  a month since she had started to look for her team and Loki. Every trail that she had found lead to a dead end. She was starting to grow more and more restless. She hadn't slept in three days. She barely ate anything, and spent her time searching for something that could help her find the Avengers. So far, she had the advice of some crazy homeless guy she met in Nashville, a pendant she bought from an old chinese woman in Chinatown, and her Grandmother's memory. She looked down at her boots. They had some specks of blood on them from when she had gotten into a fight with a few guys in Austin. A young woman dressed in an outfit that hugged her body tightly walked up to Perspherone, wearing a smile you saw on polititians and prostitutes.

                                      "Sweetie, can I get you another drink?" The woman asked, her voice syrupy.

                                     "Sure." Perspherone replied "Make it some Vodka." The woman left with Perspherone's order, allowing Perspherone to take out her watch.  She pressed a button on the side, contacting SHIELD.

                                   "Where are you agent?!" Nick Fury demanded.

                                   "In a bar in Houston." Perspherone replied.

                                    "Does that bar offer information on my missing agents?" Nick Fury asked.

                                   "No, I'm calling it a day sir." Perspherone replied.

                                   "Well, you better get started bright and early tomorrow!" Fury ordered.

                                   "Yes sir." Perspherone replied, shutting of the communicator. The woman returned with Perspherone's drink.

                                   "Here you go sweetheart." The woman said.

                                    "Thank you." Perspherone replied, taking a sip of the Vodka. She sat there for a few minutes, quietly drinking and reflecting on the last few weeks. After an hour. She left some money on the table and left.

After a few minutes, Perspherone returned to her hotel room, tired and ready to sleep. She crawled into the bed and fell in a matter of minutes.

Perspherone woke up in a familiar cold, dark cell. She immediatly recognized the place. It was the cell were Loki was held. She looked around, searching for Loki. Se found him after a minute. He was sitting in the corner, curled up in a ball. He was sobbing. Perspherone could smell fresh blood everywere. She looked at the walls. Blood was smeared everywere. She almost gagged. She ran over to Loki, listening for any words from the guards or Loki. She sat down beside Loki. She could immediatly sense that something was wrong.

                                         "What happened to you?" She asked Loki kindly. Loki looked at her, his eyes streaming with tears.

                                           "T-they r-raped me." He studdered, curling back up into a ball. Perspherone felt powerlss and horrified. She put her arm around him, allowing Loki to rest his head on her shoulder. She began to sing a soft tune, that put Loki to sleep. Perspherone sat there for a few hours, listening to Loki's harsh, pained breaths. After a few hours, She could see sun shine in through a small window across the hall. She was confused. She had thought that Thanos wouldn't need sun on a different planet. She realized something. He wasn't on a different planet.

Perspherone suddenly jolted awake, a smile on her face. She quickly got up, rushing out of the Hotel. She got on her motercylcle and quickly headed for the closest gas station. She didn't have to look into another planet to find Loki and possibly her team. Thanos was stationed somewhere on Earth.

Sorry for the long wait. Oh, sorry for the whole ordeal with Loki in this chapter. I should update soon. Oh yeah, there should be a good few chapters left in this. See ya soon!

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