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Loki woke up, chained to the wall in a dimly lit cell. He looked around as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, and sneered as his guard walked into the doorway. They thought that they would get away with it again? Good luck with that. He knew that his brother would begin to search for him. That is, if Thor wasn't.......Loki shook his head. Of course he wasn't. It was Thor.

 "Came to try your luck at killing me, haven't you?" Loki asked with a grin, hiding the fear growing within him.

  "No. My master wishes to see you." The guard replied in a monotone voice as Thanos walked into the cell, causing the guard to shiver slightly. All of the Chintauri were taught to fear Thanos, and it was all with good reason. Thanos was known to have destroyed entire planets with just a snap of his fingers. The guard left the cell quickly, making sure not to touch the mad titan in any way. That would lead to some horrific consequenses. Thanos looked at Loki, and grinned. Oh, how he had looked forward to this.

   'Why hello my little rag doll." Thanos said to Loki, lifting up his chin "Looking forward to your stay?"

    "Not really." Loki replied, spitting in Thano's face. He screamed in agony as Thanos shoved a long, thin blade into his stomach. Thanos sneered as Loki writhed in agony, blood pouring out of the fresh wound. Thanos yanked out the knife and shoved it in again and again, until Loki grew dizzy and weak from the extreme blood loss. Thanos looked at his play thing and chuckled.

                                 "Well you better get used to it Loki, because this is your new home now."

A Break in the ice (Currently being edited!)Where stories live. Discover now