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(a/n: sorry for any mistakes or typos <3)

another day in the underworld: something our angels had become very well accustomed to by now.

all five boys were grouped together at hoseok's house chilling as a movie (that no one was actually watching) played in the background.

hoseok and jimin were having an arm wrestling championship, moderated by yoongi, while jeongguk and taehyung were cuddled up cheering them on from the sidelines.

"jimin, do you workout or what?" hoseok asked, hissing as he shook his arm in pain after jimin had won the last round.

"i mean, you obviously don't. noodle arms." jimin snickered.

"rude!" hoseok shoved him.

yoongi chipped in,"you really do have noodle arms though, especially for a guy who likes to manhandl-"

he was then tackled to the ground by hoseok.

"you're just mad that you like when i manhandle you!" hoseok argued.

"fight! fight! fight!" jimin cheered and taehyung joined in, followed by jeongguk.

eventually, once the commotion had died down, the group naturally fell into a comfortable silence. well, almost silence. the movie still played in the background and small conversations erupted here and there.

when the night neared it's end and the angels figured they'd have to make their way back to heaven, the topic of the library came up seeing as they had to pass through it to get home.

"you found what?" yoongi questioned.

"a book in the library. it was about the origins of angels and demons." jimin repeated.

"what did it say?" hoseok piped up, his interest piqued.

"well, i didn't actually read it. taehyung could tell you word for word, not me." jimin gestured towards taehyung who looked up like a deer caught in headlights.

jeongguk, who had his arm slung around taehyung, looked at the boy in question and asked "so? what was it?"

taehyung gulped slightly before he spoke, "according to the book, angels and demons are... the same."

"wait, what? elaborate?" hoseok urged, eyebrows raised.

taehyung went on, "the book says that angels and demons are evolved from the same species. or, better yet, angels were the original species. demons are angels that evolved differently due to their change of environment, among other things."

hoseok wears a shocked expression whilst jeongguk's face is unreadable.

"you're bullshitting." yoongi speaks up.

"i'm not, i swear. it's what the book said." taehyung insisted.

"he's not lying. it was in the book." jimin confirmed.

"and where is this book? you said you didn't even read it. how do you know taehyung's telling the truth?" hoseok questioned.

jimin looked to taehyung for some sort of way to prove that they weren't lying.

taehyung looked around the room before spotting a mirror hanging on the wall.

shrugging jeongguk's arm off him, he strode up to the mirror, touching it with his palm when his eyes suddenly glowed white.

taehyung didn't like to use his powers for much. they only reminded him of how different he was to other angels, considering how different his powers were. however, in certain circumstances, he was glad he had them. like right now.

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