2# Samiya Begum (Demir's Mother)

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-You have to let some people go-

"I want a divorce." 

Don't beg, don't plead, don't allow anyone to be your weakness. 

Flipping a page of her magazine, Samiya simply looked up at her husband while raising one eyebrow in a condescending manner. Mr Sameer was standing before her desk, looking like a fool in love. The voice of his new wife was echoing out of the Bluetooth device attached to his ear.

"I have a meeting in a few minutes. Let's-"

"NO!" Hands were slammed harshly against the desk and locks of hair moved harshly with the flow. Sameer's gaze was vicious as he stared at his first wife in contempt. "I can't do this anymore. We need to settle this now!" he yelled, the voice of his new wife egging him to go for more.

He wanted an immediate out! 

Samiya simply hid a frown and leaned back against her office desk, momentarily biting on a tip of a Parker pen that she had been using to write some notes on her favourite magazine. 

Her gaze swayed across her husband's red face in a calculative manner. He looked so wild, so heated up.  

"She wants to hear you give me a divorce?" She guessed the obvious, her expression giving nothing away.

She didn't beg. 

She didn't plead....especially when the choice had already been made. Sameer was consumed by his emotions.  

Immediately, her husband's heightened temper and frustration cooled back to the refined businessman version of himself. 

"Yes..." He sounded soft, almost remorseful, as he tiredly stood up straight, heaved a sigh and began fixing his collar...eyes reluctantly peering into hers. The voice of their nanny was scolding him for being lenient. 

"Are you seriously leaving our marriage for help?" Cool as a cucumber, she struck the nerve she knew would throb. 

"What is she saying?" An urgent voice echoed out from the speaker of the phone. 

Sighing, her husband switched off the Bluetooth device and gave his wife an exhausted look.

"Samiya, let's sort this out in a civilized manner. I-I love her..." He gulped, momentarily looking down to hide his shame. But then, his scorching gaze met hers again. 

The melting emotions in his gaze, the pure heartfelt confession did something to her, and she almost found herself losing her composure for a minute. Her heartbeat had turned loud and powerful for a second. 

She was honestly taken aback.

Averting her gaze to her paperwork, she breathed and then looked back at him with an almost bored and serious expression. 

"Your children will be humiliated. They will be mocked for having their father fall for their nanny. Utterly disgusting." The fire was shot.

Sameer's nostrils flared in anger. 

She tried her best to hide the feeling of fear as she watched him grab her desk with both hands and lean forward, staring straight into her eyes. 

"You are disgusting. This attitude of yours is disgusting." He bit, knuckles turning white in hot temper but his gaze did not move away from her. "You are the coldest woman I have met, and even if there was no nanny, I would still get a divorce from you. You have a terrible wife, a terrible woman, and after what you just said, you are also a terrible mother."

The sudden shot of hurt, which burst in her heart, was hard to ignore. 

Her husband's expression immediately looked guilty, but she quickly steeled her gaze to show her strength. 

No one could hurt her. 

She didn't know how to word it out loud that she didn't want this divorce, that she wanted him to stay, that she cared, but there was just no other way to reason with a man who claimed that he was in love.

She was in a block. 

"At least, I was loyal. Unlike you." She squeezed in the taunt, simply shrugging in an indignant manner and folding her arms. 

He had backed away by now, rubbing his fingers through his set-gelled hair. "You don't understand. Perhaps, if you ever experience it yourself, you will, but I am in love. With her." His voice was soft now, retracting back because of the words he had just blurted out. 

"Is that how cheaters console their conscience?" She raised an eyebrow, relaxing back on her armchair. 

"I didn't cheat." He immediately threw back. "I have feelings for her, so I am being a pure gentleman and asking for divorce instead of going behind your back. 

"How noble of you." She rolled her eyes.

"I am not noble." He huffed, looking stressed. "In fact, I am sorry for what I said earlier. That was uncalled for, but I have fallen in love. I love Moira. I love her so much." His molten gaze was desperate and pleading again. 

A sense of battle ignited inside of her. 

She wasn't ready to give up.

"You don't know what love is. Stop boring me with this discussion. I need to attend a meeting-"


Immediately, her eyes narrowed in a cold manner.

She folded her arms and leaned back in her chair. 

"You don't love her." She stared at him in a matter-of-factly way. 

It was a statement. 

"Samiya..." He began tiredly running a hand down his face. "Listen, I know it is hard-"

"Don't flatter yourself. I am simply pointing out an obvious fact." She simply shrugged, her emotions kept on a reign again. 

Undermining his emotions would give her control. 

"I pray you to experience it before making such remarks," he let out a pitiful chuckle, eyes meeting hers in a show of sympathy. 

His words fumed her temper. 

"She is playing you like a fool." She bit back, scowling slightly at his audacity. 

"I don't mind." A sincere smile on his face, and she hunched back in slight surprise...caught off guard by his words. 

"Never saying it out loud doesn't mean I don't care." She awkwardly looked away, trying a mellow route this time, forcing herself to blurt out something...but she was just never good at using words.

"And that is not enough for me." The sombre seriousness in his tone immediately iced her tenderness. 

She was beginning to sound lousy, and clearly, her soon-to-be ex didn't deserve such a reaction.

"You may leave now..." She began looking down at the files placed on her desk. 


"I won't make this easy for you. If you want to make a joke out of yourself, be my guest. But I will make sure my children and I are not dragged along because you are in the mood to hash out some teenage drama. Seriously, grow up..."

"You terrible woman-"

"Leave...and do book an appointment before coming here, next time. You might have ample time to waste on plotting love stories, but I have meetings to attend."

His temper was vibrant now. 

She didn't look up, and he simply left without a word. 

She was scorned, and she would make sure she didn't feel such lousy emotions again.

No one could break her. 

She won't allow it.

No low-class woman would ever be able to con her...again.

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