8: The Almost Choice

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-His actions pierced straight towards my heart-

Nearly slipping on the wet rocks, I managed to reach another island and was just about to rush towards its thick forestry when a strong grip clasped on my elbow and twirled me around. 

"Are you out of your mind!" Demir yelled, clenching his jaw in extreme fury and anger. His muscles were taut with aggression and his gaze gleamed with scorching fiery. 

I pulled my arm away from him. 

"NO!" My emotions grew louder. I had enough of this. The hysteria...the heartbreak...they were so crushing, so heartbreaking that I was even willing to escape into the thick forestry of an unknown island.

"Maya, stop acting like a child! Let's go back..." He began trying to reach for my arm again, but I quickly stepped away from him. 

"No. Just go back to your Meeri...that homewrecker...I hope she is-"

"Maya, enough!" And with that, he raised his hand in a move to back-slap me. I flinched back in shock and fear, falling on the hot sand. Albeit, I had been extremely rude to call some girl a homewrecker, especially when she was the first one my husband loved, it had been the mad jealousy sprouting out of me.

And now, as I sat sprawled on the cold sand, listening to tears rush down my cheeks, my pain couldn't help but feel excruciating. Demir...he had almost slapped me for her. 

He had resonated to threatening to abuse me for his girl. In fact, his actions had been abusive.  I couldn't swallow back the broken and hurt tears. This was sheer torture. Demir couldn't have been more brutal and blunt. 

 Reality had never struck so hard. 

I was simply a poor peasant girl living a fool's dream while the real queen had already been chosen. The cracking noise was echoing through my nerves and drumming out in the form of fresh tears. 

I was feeling humiliated, broken and completely done with Demir. Quickly getting up, I wiped my tears while watching Demir curl his fists and seem completely out of words. Even though he was shocked by his actions, that didn't justify his actions. Even being threatened with abuse...that had really struck a chord. 

Feeling so embarrassed and pained to stay, I began rushing towards the thick forest situated near the bay of this island. My emotions...they no longer cared about safety and rationality. I wanted to get away. 

Rushing across the hot sand while ignoring the anxious cries of my husband, I managed to reach the thick canopy and ignored the harsh pricks of branches. My sanity...my tolerance...I could feel my tears dripping down my cheeks, their warm sensation cooling down the rosy humiliation colouring my cheeks. 

This threat...it had pierced its way straight through my sanity and patience. 

Bushes were shuffling as I rushed past them. The eerie forest was wet, dense and dark, but I was a scorned woman; avoiding danger was no longer a priority. Not even bothering to wipe the tears, I rushed until the pleasant sound of a waterfall echoed my emotions and pulled me towards it. I had to wash away my emotions, my tears and feel the thrashing sound of water waves to mimic the havoc inside my heart. 

Upon reaching a lake, that was welcoming the flow of water, I collapsed near its edge and cried my heart out, not caring as bushes shuffled around me and slight growls grew nearer. I just wanted the mighty drop of water to share my pain. I felt so alone, so hurt...the person who had got me so broken and miserable for his attention already had another girl...he liked someone else, was even willing to abuse me because of it, and Madam Geena didn't even bother to tell me about that. 

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