28: His Demands

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-I was a naive soul easily trapped by his wicked web-

The car was parked...emotions hit me, as I stared at the one place that had broken my heart most harshly. It was painful...terrifying to travel back to my past and face him again, but I had come a long way from being intimidated by my emotions. I had learned to brave up, and being in pain was no longer a weakness for me. 

I had built a solid shield. 

Heaving a deep sigh while tightening my grip around my handbag's strap, I stepped inside the daunting mansion and began heading towards the office room. The main staff had told me that Sir Demir was in there, busy dealing with some important calls. They offered to inform him about my arrival, but I didn't really want to waste any time in courtesies. My patience level...nerves...they just wanted me to be done with this. 

Walking past the mansion kitchen, memories struck of how Demir and I used to have our coffee sessions there. Living in our very own bubble...that is how I used to perceive those sessions, but not anymore. I was done hurting over memories that really meant nothing. Shaking my head to get rid of the depressing feeling and the heavy sensation, I fastened my pace towards the main office while frowning at the way my heart was beating. I just didn't know what to expect.

The mansion seemed so cold and foreign now. The warmth was simply gone...or maybe, it was the pain associated with it that had charmed away the heat. My soul felt heavy just thinking about how vulnerable I had been...disgusted by how easily I had lost my self-respect on these marble floors; the dragging of my feet, the pitiful loneliness...I knew that facing my past, again, would be painful. 

Upon reaching the main office room, I hesitated a bit and then knocked on the door. Muted echoes of Demir's voice could be heard from behind the closed door. Just listening to his voice struck a chord of reality...emotions brimmed again...and suddenly, I found myself growing breathless. My heart was desperately trying to steel itself, as the weight of both pain and warmth struck me hard, but I was no longer going to let these sensations fool my soul. This painful chapter of my life had to be closed. 

Pushing the door open, I stepped inside the office, this time with my face sporting a stern and determined look, and looked for Demir. He was standing in front of the glass wall, with his back fully turned towards me. His emotions seemed fumed, as he harshly spewed orders at someone he was talking to on the mobile. 

I waited for him to turn around and notice me.

Suddenly, there was a pause in his fuming. He seemed to have stilled, abruptly ending the call, as he stared at the window-my reflection to be exact. Hesitantly, nearing the reflection, he clenched his fists in frustration and then placed his head against the window. 

"I can't keep imagining you," he sighed in a broken manner, making me shift awkwardly and then cough. 


Quickly, he turned towards my direction in sheer shock and froze. His emotions clearly showed that he couldn't really believe that I was there. My heartbeat echoed erratically. There were huge dark circles beneath his eyes, weight drastically lost, and his entire aura seemed to be reflecting maniac insanity that was fumed by pain and misery. I flinched. Just seeing him like this made my soul ache. My powerful husband now looked like some miserable weak soul. 

 "Maya, you are here..." he soon rushed to grab my hands, desperation and relief echoing in his stance. However, I quickly backed away from him. 

"Stop," I raised one hand, signalling him to stay away. "I just came here to have you finally sign the papers, follow the legal procedure and free me from our bond," I announced, not meeting his eyes. He seemed stunned. 

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