Chapter two (2)

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Will's POV

"Seriously, dude?" I asked Chad again.

So we're at my place, with Chad and Theo.

"What?", Chad looks up from his phone, smiling.

"You have been on that thing ever since you got here", I retorted.

"It's not a thing. It's a phone, okay?", he argued.

"Chad, a phone is a thing.",Theo intervenes.

"Whatever", Chad says with an eyeroll

Before he gets the chance to go back to whatever he was doing on the phone, I snatch it from him.

"No, we're supposed to be hanging out. Not this", I say.

"Isn't that what we are doing?", asked Theo.

"No! You are busy watching that stupid girly show and this one is texting on his phone.", I answered.

"You are right, it's stupid. I always tell Rose that.", Theo said.

He says this while switching the television off.

"I'm done.", he adds.

"Okay. Can I just get my phone, wrap up the convo with madam, then I'm all yours, boys? Please?", Chad pleads.

I give him his phone back and he does whatever he's doing.

"He's hooked.", Theo says nodding in Chad's direction.

"So are you.", I say.

"No, I'm not.", Theo denies.

Chad scoffs while putting the phone in his jeans pockets.

"Rose loves this,Rose hates that.", Chad dramatically imitates Theo.

"Ughh, so what if I am?", Theo asks, rolling his eyes.

Chad and I laugh and do our handshake. And Theo gives us one of his hard glares.

"You know, Will, you too could have it.", Theo says.

"Have what?," confused Chad questions.

"What Rose and I have.", Theo answers.

"And who in their minds would consider dating him?", Chad asks, laughing.

"Samantha", Theo casually answers.

"Samantha? Why Samantha?", It's my turn to do the questioning.

"Because she's into you, duh!", Theo says, like it's the most obvious thing in the whole wide world.

"Now that you mention it.....", adds Chad.

"No she's not.", I manage to say.

"Samantha is Rose's best friend. And Rose is my girlfriend. So trust me, Will. I know what I'm talking about.", Theo says.

I need to change the topic, fast.

"Where is Andrew?", I ask.

"No. You are not doing that.", Theo says.

"What?", I ask.

"You are not talking about Andrew when we're talking about Samy.", Chad says.

"I just want to know where Andrew is. Is that wrong?", I ask.

"Jeez man. Why are you getting so insensitive? Andrew said something about his parents dragging him to Dubai for the weekend.", Theo says.

"Yeah hey? Rich kids' problems. Being 'dragged' to Dubai?", Chad comments.

"He's one lucky bastard. Now, Will, are you telling us whether you like Samy or what?", asks Theo.

We're back here again? *eyeroll*

"No, Theo. I don't like her.", I say.


We all turn our heads to the voice. And there is  Adam, descending the stairs.

"Who is it that you don't like, lil cuz?", he presses.

"No one", I lie.

"Okay. Don't tell me. I'm going to find out soon enough.", he says, giving me his famous smirk.

"Where is everyone, anyway?", he asks.

"Aunt has gone to church. Seth drove the girls to the mall.", I tell him.

"Alright. I'm going out.", he says, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and downing it.

"I'll be back before dinner.", he adds.

"Going on a date, are we?", Chad teasingly questions.

"I don't do dates, Chad.", replies Adam, still smirking.

"Okay. I'm out.", Adam says.

He gets out.

"Video games, guys??", I hopefully ask.


"You don't need to ask"

I don't know who said what. I didn't even get time to ask as I was already being pulled to the opposit couch. Video games, here I come.


Written by me and @lehxyh..
Hope you guys enjoyed it.

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