Christmas Movie Marathon

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Three days passed by and things were good between you and Dean again. You cleared the air from the other day, though neither of you went into detail or opened up more than you had to, so there was still a little distance between you two.

For the most part, you tried to keep your head down, tried to keep the status quo for Dean and Mary's sake. And everyday, Dean would try to involve you in his family's activities. Dinners, conversations, inside jokes; he wanted you to feel at home with them and it was working. You were slowly melting and tearing down your walls. It was like the harder Dean tried with you and the nicer he was to you, the shittier you felt for keeping him at arm's length.

You started spending more and more time with him and Mary and even Jess. The two of you became so close that you even opened up to her about your past a little, which was something that you didn't typically do and she promised to keep it to herself. You didn't want to be anyone's charity case.

Jess shared some stories about the old traditions Dean and Sam used to do as children. Some of them actually sounded kind of fun, like building a gingerbread house. You thought it might be a nice surprise to bring it back into the mix with Mary and you wanted to show that you could make an effort back.

The only trouble was, the ingredients weren't in the cupboard and you were busy watching Mary for a couple of hours while Dean brought Jess to her doctor's appointment for a check up. He offered since you guys had been on the morning shift at Santa's Village and Sam had to run into work for a bit. He didn't want Jess going alone since she wasn't really up for driving right now with how swollen her feet and ankles were. So, you were stuck babysitting for the time being.

That's when you remembered you still had the extra car seat that Dean had installed in your car when you went to get beavertails one day after work. You could just take Mary with you.

To be sure, you decided to call Dean and ask if it would be alright to take Mary with you on a run to the grocery store. You would probably be back before they were anyways and you were a safe driver, though you still wanted to check with him. But there was no answer when you called.

When you couldn't get a hold of him, you decided he would be fine with it when he saw what you'd gotten. They were probably in with the doctor already and couldn't answer the phone; but just in case, you called him up again and left a message, then scribbled a note and left it on the fridge.

The trip to the store took a little longer than you had expected. The lineups alone, so close to Christmas were a nightmare, but all in all it was a success and you were excited to share a tradition with Dean and his family.


"I'm sorry. I'm sorry! Please, stop yelling at me! I-I t-tried to call, b-but it went straight to voicemail and-" you stuttered, Dean cutting you off for the umpteenth time. You had only gotten in about five minutes after him and Jess.

"I don't give a shit, Y/N! I got home and you weren't here, I had no idea where you or my kid were. You can't do that, especially when you're not family and especially when you're just the roommate!" He growled, his jaw was clenched and his muscles taut. You would've been scared if you didn't know him; hell, you did and you still were.

His comment hurt, physically hurt. You knew you weren't family, but you at least had felt like you were becoming friends over the past couple of days. He even treated you like you were more than that. How did things go so bad so fast? You were trying to do something nice and now you felt like the bad guy. And the worst part was that he wasn't entirely wrong.

Maybe you were the only one feeling those heated touches and noticing those lingering glances after all. Yup, you were the one who was about to get hurt. Again. How did you not run away when you had the chance, you always knew where this would lead and how it would end. Alone on Christmas eve, probably at a bar, possibly in an equally as lonely stranger's bed, sneaking out in the early morning while they pretended to sleep.

Christmas Alone With You (AU!Dean Winchester x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now