Gingerbread House

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"Shhh," Dean shushed, meeting Sam and Jess at the front door early Christmas eve morning. You were still asleep on the couch and he had gone through great lengths to ensure you didn't wake up when he slid out from under you to meet them at the door.

"Here's your package," Sam said, handing Dean a large cardboard box that had been delivered to their house. Dean beamed with a smile that made Sam curious, "So... what's in the box?!" He whisper shouted, chuckling at the glare he got from Dean. "What? You're the only one who can make pop-culture references?" He shrugged, him and Jess following Dean into the kitchen. "Last minute Christmas present for Mary?"

"Actually, it's a surprise for Y/N. It's just a little something to make her feel like more of a part of the family. I ordered it a few days ago to your place 'cuz I didn't want her asking questions and ruining the surprise. Besides, I didn't want her feeling obligated to go out and spend her savings on Christmas presents." Dean explained, cutting open the box and running the contents upstairs to stow in his room for the time being.


You were feeling better when you woke up, both physically and emotionally rested. Having taken the time to recuperate after nearly turning into an icicle the night before last and clearing the air with Dean. You felt reassured that your presence was wanted within the family; though, whether it be long term or not, you weren't sure. You were still confused on that front and cuddling with Dean on the couch only intensified the feeling.

You'd been so caught up in your own world crumbling, you didn't stop to think that you might not have been the only one struggling through the holidays. The way Dean broke down last night broke your heart and you realized that he was scared too. He was terrified of people leaving him and rightfully so after everything he told you about Mary's mother.

But there was something more in the way he looked at you and the feeling he hid within those gentle touches and kisses that heated your skin, it spoke wonders and you couldn't ignore the way those intimate moments made you feel anymore. Of course, you still had your doubts; maybe, he was feeling guilty or maybe, he just didn't want to upset his daughter the day before Christmas.

You made up your mind though, you'd give them one last chance and if you got hurt because of it, at least you could say you tried. They were worth it, Dean was worth it. Your parents' would've wanted that and they'd be proud of you for finally opening yourself up to someone after so long. After the holidays, you would still need to find a place of your own, but that didn't mean they couldn't stay in your life; that was all you wanted, even if things didn't work out romantically with Dean.

You and Dean needed to go to work for a few hours before you could settle in for Christmas celebrations. Sam and Jess were watching over Mary and the mall was closing early so you were thankful you wouldn't get stuck there all day.

The house smelt of fresh gingerbread when you and Dean got home. You were surprised to see Sam in the kitchen baking with Mary while Jess instructed them from the kitchen table, where she sat and rested her swollen feet.

"I hope you don't mind, Y/N. Mary's been talking our ears off about building a gingerbread house and I thought I'd whip up some cookies for us to make a couple when you guys got home." Sam beamed, placing the cookies onto a cooling tray.

"By all means, knock yourself out, Sammy. Everybody knows that decorating the gingerbread house is where it's at." You chuckled, "just give us a chance to change out of our costumes first?" And for the last time thankfully, you were tired of panty hose and plastic elf ears.

"Y/N?" Dean knocked on your bedroom door a minute or two later, pursing his lips together when you opened the door.

"What's up?" You tugged down the hem of your maroon sweater.

Christmas Alone With You (AU!Dean Winchester x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now