Matching Pyjamas

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"Daddy! Wake up!" Mary shouted, jumping on the couch and hitting Dean in the family jewels. He woke up in a huff and curled in on himself. "It's Christmas morning! Y/N, wake up!" The little girl attacked you next when Dean rolled off of the couch to catch his breath.

You and Dean had snuggled up, aimlessly watching a Christmas baking show on Netflix in the early hours of the morning, when sleep wouldn't come to either of you. You didn't even remember falling asleep to be honest. It was starting to become a habit that you didn't mind. Waking up warm, safe and secure in Dean's arms, no matter the circumstances, was something you've only ever dreamt of.

"Wake up," Mary whined, tugging you to sit up on the couch.

"I'm up, I'm up." You groaned, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and stretching out your stiff neck.

"Y/N, why is Daddy crying?" She asked, tucking herself under your arm. You looked at Dean, watching him wipe a couple tears from his eyes.

"Uh... Daddy's just kidding around. Right, De?" You nudged his shoulder, you didn't want to get into what he was really doing on the floor. Mary was still a little young to understand that it hurt when a guy got hit in that area, you thought you'd leave that to Dean to explain when the time came.

"Yeah, right." He rolled his eyes and let out a deep breath, finally finding the strength to push himself up off of the hardwood and sat next to daughter on the couch. "What are you doing up so early, kiddo?" Dean asked, checking his watch and seeing that it was near five-thirty in the morning.

"It's Christmas!" She started bouncing again between you. You laughed when Dean flinched away from his daughter, not in a mood for a repeat of the situation.

"You know, Mary. I think I heard some reindeer on the roof earlier, you wanna go check?" You questioned, "your daddy and I left out some carrots for Rudolph, maybe we'll find some hoof prints in the snow or something."

"Ru-doul-ph isn't real, Y/N." Mary said, giving you a look as if she was calling your bluff.

"Well, reindeers are real and I'm sure somewhere, there must've been one named Rudolph." You shrugged, Mary scrunching up her tiny forehead dubiously. "Doesn't hurt to check, does it?"

Dean smiled at you as you stood up and led the way to the front door, helping Mary with her jacket and boots before heading outside. Dean following right behind you. You aimlessly led Mary to where you and Dean had scattered the carrot shavings a couple of hours ago. Not much snow had fallen so they were still easily discoverable.

"Daddy, look! Rud-y was here," Mary gasped, picking up a couple of shavings to show her father. You thought it was cute how she struggled to pronounce Rudolph, shortening it to Rudy instead. "Do you think Santa was here too?" She looked up at the roof with wide eyes.

"Anything's possible, sweetie." Dean beamed, scooping her up in his arms and twirling her around. Mary giggled, clinging to her father when the spinning threw him off balance a little. He eventually set her down, mouthing a 'thank you' to you.

Dean was elated, he had tried everything to get Mary to believe in Santa again; she was still so young, there was no reason not to. And all it took was for you to come along. He'd definitely seen a boost in everyone's Christmas spirit since then and he wanted nothing more than for you to stick around. Both for their sake and yours.

You weren't the same girl he'd met on his first day at Santa's Village. You were happy and content when you were with them. Sure, you still had some stuff to work through and you weren't the only one, but it was something that you could do together. It was something he wanted to do with you, only you.

Christmas Alone With You (AU!Dean Winchester x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now