Chapter Eight: The REAL Debate Club

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The conversation continued on for a little while longer before Ayaka decided it was getting late. She followed Lumine back inside, exited for the day to come. Especially the fact that she was planning to take everyone back to Uyuu restaurant once more.
Xiao 'awoke' after a while, releasing him from his meditative state. Eventually, he got up and walked outside where Paimon greeted him along with Ayaka. "Morning Xiao!"
"Good morning, Mister Adeptus."
"Where's the traveler?" Asked Xiao, trying to not look that concerned.
"Ah, Lumine is down by the beach. She's taking a little run before she returns- Lumine also volunteered to not take commissions for the day. So more time for us to all hang out!" Ayaka smiled. Xiao was silent as he sat at the table on the estate's patio - the long black table that was decorated with teapots and writing supplies. He wasn't interested in any of that though. All Xiao wanted to do at this moment was to just return to Liyue. He missed his almond tofu, and even missed Morax. Though he had to stay just for a little while longer. Maybe all he had to do to "grow his relationship" was make sure the traveler knew the meaning of proper rest. He kept thinking until Lumine returned, her familiar and warm voice bringing joy to his heart. "Oh! Xiao! Good morning!" she waved before sitting down.
"Hmph...Good morning."
"Is there something on your mind?" A look of concern immediately washed over Lumine's face, though she hid it after seeing Paimon and Ayaka's playful smirks. Meanwhile, Xiao's mind was racing. Would he just say what was actually on his mind? She didn't actually care - or did she? He ended up changing the subject entirely with, "Nothing. How have your travels been?"
"Quite nice - don't worry, I've been getting plenty of rest!"
"What!? No you haven't!" Paimon angrily yelled. Xiao raised a brow before turning to Lumine. She was glaring at the floating pixie with a look that said 'I'll kill you.' "Is this true?" He asked, suspiciously.
"Well...I did get good rest last night and the night before- no nightmares! Also since the Inazuma situation wrapped up, the Chasm has been quite interesting! The first time was quite relaxing!"
"You've...been there for a 'first' time? If I remember correctly, it was anything but relaxing."
Ayaka winked at Paimon, giving her a look of approval. "Oh, that was the second time! The first time was so weird! We fought a bunch of scary abyss people, and-"
"Paimon, heh, I think we get it," Lumine did her best to stop Paimon from rambling, but Xiao was clearly concerned.
"You...went to the chasm before?"
"Well...yes...but I'm completely fine! Granted I did almost die, but I'm completely fine now!"
Xiao grumbled, and glared at Paimon before continuing. "You must learn to not throw yourself into life-threatening decisions every time you step foot outside," He instructed, sounding quite like a mentor. Though Lumine wasn't having it. Was he seriously bringing this up?! "Oh, and you're one to talk - sacrificing yourself, putting the physical and mental pressure for only you to handle, and continuing to repeatedly volunteer to sacrifice yourself! I know I said that twice, but do you realize how insane you sound!?" She nearly threw her hands in the air with much frustration, only for Xiao to yell in return. "I only did what had to be done. We did exit the chasm, correct?"
"That's only because Zhongli saved you! If he wasn't around, you would be dead!"
"Did you forget something?"
"What? Did I forget how you only like almond tofu, or how you kill demons every night, or even you are such an asshole and you blame your karma for it?"
"...Nevermind. Good day to you both," said Xiao as he stood up and nearly stomped off to his room like a child that had thrown a temper tantrum. Ayaka, who had been watching all of this unfold, was now giggling with her fan to her face. "What's so funny?" Lumine asked, hoping she wasn't being laughed at. "Oh! I just find it so sweet how you both care about each other in your own ways...I guess you do have someone to spend the spring with after all!" The young woman smiled, her fan gently blowing her silver-blue hair.
"What? What do you mean? If you're trying to say that I love Xiao, he's a dear friend! He just has to stop sacrificing himself evert chance he gets!"
"And why does he sacrifice himself?"
"To keep people safe, obviously."
"Close, but not quite! He wants to keep you safe!"
Lumine immediately looked as red as the fresh tomatoes sold across Teyvat. She was tremendously flustered yet did not say a word. What could you say in that situation? Lumine sighed, and looked down. If Xiao really did care about her that much, why would he yell at her? Then again...if she cared about him, why would Lumine yell as well?
"I apologize if I've made you comfortable. May I treat you to some tea to make up for it?" Ayaka asked, setting down her fan. She smiled as she so often did, showing she wanted to be a good friend. "Oh, that's not needed. How about we just talk? Maybe...change the subject?"
"Paimon thinks we shouldn't change the-"
"So, Lumine, how have your travels been recently?"

The friends talked for hours. They did end up having some tea after all. As the time passed, the sun began it's decent below the clouds. Ayaka suggested they all went to Uyuu Restaurant once more. Just for the joy and fun of it. Lumine was cautious, not wanting to make Xiao any more upset. Nevertheless, Ayaka insisted it would be alright. The three - plus Paimon - made their way to the dining area. Ayaka kept shoving Xiao into making him walk beside Lumine, though he would just ignore everything surrounding him. Lumine on the other hand secretly hoped he would acknowledge her existence with even a glare. Xiao wanted to look at her to see if she was even close to smiling. Ayaka smirked to herself as she held the door open for her friends to enter.

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