Chapter 5

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Katsuki's pov
( the next day in class)
All right everyone head to the locker rooms and get changed into your hero costumes and meet me outside of the school to load onto the bus, mr aizawa said.
we all jumped from our seats and we ran out of the room and we went to the locker room and we all quickly got changed into our costumes and we grabbed our bags and we all rushed out to the front of the school and we all loaded onto the bus and we drove to the USJ.
we got out and we meet up with pro hero 13 they gave us instuctions and we were just about to disperse to the different areas when a huge purple warped tunnel appeared and close to like 200 people walked out.
"wow this is so authenic they even look like real villains" kirishima said
thats because they are real villains kids you need to leave you arnt ready to fight real villains, i have no idea why they are here? mr aizawa said.
we all turned to run out but suddenly there was a man standing thee with a body made out of purple smoke no ones getting out, the man said.
i looked around and i saw kirishima looking at me and i nodded and we both charged at the man and i saw a metal box in the middle of him i tried to aim an explostion at him but he twist me away.
and soon everything around us was a purple black hole sucking us in.
i fell to the ground and i saw we were in the fire zone and i was with kirishima and tail dude but tail dude said that he would act as bait and make as many of them follow him as he can leaving what ever ones left to me and shitty hair.
it took us hours but we were finally able to defeat the chamilion dude we made our way and ran around i saw deku running twards someone screaming i got closer and i saw a guy with dusty blue hair reaching a hand towards frog chick with a psychotic smile on his face. he dove forward grabbing the man by the arm and flipping him to the ground before running to mr aizawa who i had just realized was in horrible condition i ran over and as soon as i was about to grab him a giant wall of concrete shot up telling me that cementose was here.
they grabbed the injured pro's and i looked around and i couldnt see deku anymore.
i ran to the front and i saw him talking to allmight who was laying on a stretcher, i sat down on the curb and a paramedic came over to me, are you injured? she asked me, i just nodded and she kneeled down in front of me, allight where are you injured at? she asked.
i got hit in the back of the head pretty hard and some lizard guy with a poison tongue got me a few times on the back and my legs and a fwe cuts on my arms, i said softly. she nodded and she started to work she checked the back of my head, okay we will need to put a couple stitches back here so we will need to take you to the hospital so we can get that stitched up and get you a treatment for the poison.
um no its okay i see recovery girl over there with my boyfriend she'll make her way over to me eventually i should go see if hes okay though, i said as i got up, okay just be careful, she said.
i walked over to the ambulance that my boyfriend was sitting on the back of and i sat next to him and i laid my head on his shoulder are you okay kacchan did you get hurt? he asked.
yeah im pretty bad i got hit with a poison tongue a few times i came over so she can fix me up and so i can be with you i said softly.
alright where are you hurt at dearie? recovery girl asked.
the back of my head, my back my legs and a little bit on my arms, i said. let me look at your head real quick, she said. i leaned my dead down and she moved through my hair and i heard her muttering to herself a bit.
and what caused this? she asked.
they guy i was fighting was a fucking lizard who could camoflage and he grabbed me and hair and slammed me back into a door frame i didnt even know he was above the door, i said.
she healed me up, you may be healed but your still very bruised and sore on the back of your head its going to act just like a baby's soft spot too much pressure on it can knock you out, she said. i nodded and i laid back down on deku and he wrapped his arms around me. we got off the ambulance and we went back over to the class where a news anchor was standing iida and momo were doing their best to tell them what happened, a few minutes later she walked away with her camera crew and mic and midnight came over to us.
hey so the bus is going to be dropping everyone off 1 at a time at their your houses to make sure everyone gets home safely. mic said.
we all agreed and we loaded up onto the bus and we each gave the driver our addresses and we took our seats.
i sat next to deku at the back of the bus and i laid my head on his shoulder. he rubbed the side of my head. you okay kat? he asked me in a whisper i shook my head. are you overwhelmed? he asked. i just nodded.
okay baby just try to stay big for a little while till we get home then ill get your space set up for you, he said to me softly. i nodded as i watched the scenory as we dropped off, tails, then dunceface, then earphones, then frog girl then we dropped off shitty hair then next was us.
i know i got a lot of weird looks when i got up with deku and we got off the bus together and i know they are going to question me about it tomorrow, but right now i dont care, we went up the stairs and he unlocked the door and we went inside and he shut the door behind us and auntie came running out of the kitchen and right over to us and she pulled us both into tight hugs.
are you guys okay? she asked as she looked us over. yes mom we are fine now we are just gonna go relax in our room for a bit he needs to decompress a bit, he told her. okay you two go on down to your room and ill bring him a snack and a drink in a bit, she said.
he grabbed my hand and he pulled me down the hall he opened the door to our room and he told me to sit on the bed.
i did as he said and i sat down and i watched him go around the room and pick out different things, as i started to feel my self starting to slip already.
i slipped my thumb into my mouth and grabbed my teddy and he came over.
okay little lion we need to get you al cleaned up do you want to take a shower with me so we can both get clean? he asked.
i giggled and i put my arms up. he laughed a bit and he picked me up and he sat me on his hip and i wrapped my legs around him.
baby how old are you? he asked i just giggled a bit and i tapped his nose and face just laughing, under 2 okay he said as he sat me on the floor so i wouldnt fall off the sink or the toilet. he turned on the shower and he got me undressed and he undressed himself and he picked me up and we climbed in the shower he very carefully washed my hair.
once we finished he turned off the water and he wrapped me in my towel and we went back to our room and he got me dressed and i sat down on to the floor in the littles corner he had set up for me i didnt want to play i just wanted to watch the stuffed animal toys swinging ( those baby mats with the hanging toys but adult size) i laid down and i reached up and i pushed them all and i watched them swing softly.
he came over and he sat down he pulled me close to him and i rested my head on his lap and he softly pushed the toys and he placed my paci in my mouth and he laid my blankie over me. here you go baby, he said softy as i relaxed into his touch as i poked at the different swinging toy animals, and i pulled on a few of the ones that made music. i heard the door open scaring me a bit so i looked up at daddy and he stroked his hand over my face. i saw auntie and she kneeled down next to us, she talked to daddy and kissed my head and booped my nose making me smile around my paci.
daddy grabbed my babas and he took my paci out of my mouth and he put my babas in i smiled and i slowly drank the warm milk as i watched the toys moving and the feeling of daddys hand on my face i felt sleepy. my eyes started to feel heavy so i let them close and i feel asleep.
i woke up still on my play mat with a pillow under my head and teddy in my arms and my paci in my mouth, i sat up and i looked around and i saw daddy on the bed.
i got up angiry and i grabbed teddy and my blankie and i stormed over to the bed and i climbed up i laid next to him i pushed his arm away and i laid my head on his chest and he smiled down at me and put his hand on my head.
whats wrong baby? he asked.
you never weave me wone when i seepin ous aways cuddle mes i said.
he kissed my head. im sorry baby i didnt know it bothered you that much i thought i would be okay to go lay on the bed as long as i didnt leave the room, he said.
but your okay baby how about we go to the living room and we can see what we have for lunch and we can watch tv together. okay come on lets get up.
no i want to pway daddy.
okay baby okay go pick out 3 toys you want to play with then we can go take them to the living room with us, he said.
i got off the bed and i went to my toy box i pulled out my mega legos my dino's and my trains and i grabbed teddy. he helped me carry everything out and we sat it down on the living room floor.
hey kat i bought mac and cheese today so i made you your favorite lunch, auntie said as she brought a plate over with my sippy.
she sat it down next to me and kissed my head, dank you antie, i said as i took a sip of my juice.
i dumped out my legos and i started building while i ate my nuggets. daddy sat down next to me and and he grabbed my dino's and he started so play with me. i laughed and giggled while we played and blues clues was playing in the back ground.
daddy? i asked.
yeah baby boys? he asked back.
can we go to pwayground i want to pway on da dwings? i asked.
of course little one why dont we go get you dressed into something more appropriate then we can go okay firsst pick up all your toys ill be in the bedroom getting you an outfit picked out and getting your little bag ready to go okay? he said.
i nodded and i started to take apart all my lego builds and i put them back into the bag and i picked up all my toys and i carefully made my way back to our room and i saw daddy putting things into my lion bag and i saw the outfit he had picked out for me.
i went in and i sat my toys back in the toy bin, and i climbed up onto the bed and he helped me get undressed and he pulled on a clean pull up and got me dressed into a ounsie that had dino's on it and a pair of shorts to go over it.
he got me dressed and he picked up my bag and we went back to the living room and he got my shoes on and he got his on as well.
mom were going to the park, he called. okay you boys be safe call if you need anything, she called back
when we are walking there do not let go of my hand okay i dont want you walking into traffic and getting hurt okay baby? he asked
i nodded and i grabbed his hand and he opeend the door and we walked out and we made our way to the big kid playground.
we got there and i looked around and i noticed teenagers from our school playing on the swings, and i didnt want to be seen.
daddy go home. i said softly
no baby its okay here but my hoodie on so it covers your ounsie and then go play okay? he said as he passed me his hoodie, i nodded and i pulled it on and i went over and i sat on the swings and i looked around and i saw spikey red hair sitting on one of the platforms. and the yellow horns and pink hair next to him.
after about 2 hours everyone was starting to clear out of the park and mina left too. i could finally play.
oh hey bakubro what are you doing here, he asked as he came over to me.
i got scared so i quickly jumped up and i ran back over to daddy and i climbed into his lap.
hey baby whats wrong? he asked me, i just stuck out my arm and pointed at him.
oh baby its okay hes a friend remember he knows and he hasnt told anyone yet why dont you go talk to him he might be willing to play a game with you if you asked. he said.
i- i try, i said as i got off his lap and i took off his hoodie and i pointed to my bag and daddy knew what i was asking for, he dug through and he pulled out my paci and teddy. i walked over to can ous pus me on da wing pwease? i asked slowly and quietly.
of course i can come on just let me know if i get you too high okay he said as we walked over and i sat down as i put my paci in my mouth and i held teddy on my lap as he started to push me.
i started giggling and laughing when i saw him running under the swing the higher i went.
he got me so high that the swing set started to shake and i got scared.
TOO HIGH TOO HIGH I screamed. he grabbed the swing and pulled me to a stop you okay bud? he aske.d
i oday wens too high got scary, i said.
do you want to keep swinging or do you want to play something else? he asked.
mhmm cans we pway monsters? i asked.
whats monsters? he asked its essentially just tag but you have to pretend to be a monster when your chasing him its so adorable watching him squeal and laugh when hes caught, daddy said.
he looked at me and he got smirked and i saw his pointy teeth. his teeth scared me a bit so i stepped back a bit but he stepped towards me and i hugged teddy and i whined a bit and daddy heard me he got up and he came over to he. hey baby whats wrong.
his teefes scary i no pway monster no more, i said as i pu tmy head into his shoulder.
hey bud im sorry if my teeth scared you do you want get a closer look so you can see that they wont hurt you ill even let you touch them if that will make you feel better, he said.
i turned my head and he was standing right next to us. i reached out and i poked him in the cheek, and he slowly smiled and i reached over and i poked his fangs and i giggled and loudly and i hid my face in my daddys chest. how about we all play monsters together huh we can both chase you? daddy asked

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