Chapter 15

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( magic juice is something my friend does for her son you take a juice box and the medicine and you pop the hole with the straw and use the syringe to push the medicine into juice so he doesnt know hes getting medicine but he still feels better)
bakugou's pov
i woke up but i still felt disgusting i wasnt small anymore but i still felt so sick i grabbed the bottle of white gatorade and i cracked it open and i took a few gulps but i guess my stomach wasnt wanting that today and i immediately felt it coming back up so i quickly got out of bed and i ran to the bathroom and i dropped my knees again as i dry heaved into the toilet nothing but stomach acid and the small amount of gatorade, it was getting hard to breath and i was starting to get dizzy so i laid down on the floor, waiting for the spell to hit me or for someone to find me.
after 4 more spells of vomiting up stomach acid i saw the door open and i saw hizashi coming in.
hey kat your still not feeling well huh? he asked as he sat down next to me, its um its gotten better but my stomach doesnt want gatorade thats what triggered this its been about an hour and ive just been vomiting stomach acid, i said.
okay well if you feel like your done i'll help you back to bed and i'll get you some medicine and some water maybe your stomach will settle better with water. he said.
i nodded as he helped me stand up but i was still feeling weak.
my legs buckled and he caught me as he wrapped his arm around my waist he helped me slowly to my room and he sat me on my bed and he helped me get back under the covers, when you get up again brush your teeth i didnt want to bother you with that when you could barely stand, he said in a whisper.
i heard izuku groan as he turned and faced me and his eyes opened.
hey are you okay? he asked before he looked up and saw hizashi standing beside me.
he sat up and he rubbed his face.
whats going on? he asked
i woke up to the sound of him in the bathroom throwing up again he was incredibly weak so i helped him back to bed im going to get him some water and medicine since the gatorade is what caused this spout of nausea, he said.
i guess your gonna be missing school again today huh? izuku asked.
wish i didnt have to but i might have to with how weak this made me this time i could barely stand let alone walk back to my room, i said as i rolled over to face him and i rested on his chest, as he rubbed my back and kissed my head, i grabbed my blankie and i pulled it close to me wanting to be small, i glanced up at izuku and he looked at me and he placed his hand on my face and ran his thumb gently over my cheek, i know you dont feel good little lion you can be small all you want, he said.
he grabbed my paci and he placed it in my mouth and he pulled me close to him as he slowly rocked me back and forth till i heard my door open again.
i saw ashi coming back in and so i turned to him and i saw he had the icky medicine from yeserday so i turned my head and i burried it into my daddies chest.
listen kat i know this is icky but its going to help you feel better, ashi said.
noooo too icky me no wan dat, i whined.
hey little lion i have an idea of what might make you feel better if you can sit with with him i will go get you a magic juice box i know you love those when you have a bad tummy, daddy said.
magic tuice box daddy? i questioned.
you know buddy the one that my mom gives you that makes you feel better when your icky. he said
i nodded as i moved off him and i moved over to zashi and i laid my head on his lap.
daddy got up and he left.
do you need anything little one? ashi asked
i is wan simba pw-pwease, i said.
he reached over and he grabbed him and he placed him in my arms and i grabbed his hand and i placed it on my head and he rubbed my head.
i saw the door open and i saw daddy walking back in with a juice box.
hey buddy look i got you the magic juice box, he said.
i sat up and he held it for me as i drank it. there wasnt as much juice it compared to a normal juice box but i didnt complain its a magic juice box it gonna make me all better.
here little one drink some water and lets get you laid back down and i'll go tell zawa that your gonna stay home today as well and i'll call izuku's mom to come over so you can see her, zasi said.
i nodded as i laid down and daddy tucked me back in before he left to get ready for school. is ou day wif me today or zawa day wif me again? i asked
when he comes up here i'll ask him did you like it when zawa stayed with you  yesterday? he asked.
yeah he gives good cuddles he made me feel safe, i said
thats good little one well if we decide that im going to stay here we could set up your little space room into a fort and have a movie marathon with jinx, he said as he rubbed my head.the door opened and i saw zawa coming in.
hey buddy i heard you still werent feeling well, whats going on? he asked as he rubbed my back.
my tummy dill hurt duper bad and i had da ickys gain dis morning weawry bad zashi had help me backs to da bed and daddy make me a magic tuice box to make my tummy not icky. i said.
i heard him up in the bathroom throwing up so i went to check on him and he was throwing up straight stomach acid with a little bit of gatorade and it was bad enough that it was making him weak and he couldnt stand let alone walk back here so i helped him back to bed, zashi said.
oh buddy im so sorry that must have been scary how about you have a day with zashi and he can help you feel better then maybe you can go back to school tomorrow, zawa said.
i sat up and i put my arms out feeling myself slip deeper and deeper into my little space.
do you want zawa hugs buddy? he asked.
i made grabby hands and he nodded he sat down on my bed and i turned to face him and i hugged him.
i rested my head on his shoulder and he rubbed my back he pulled me off him and he laid me back down.
now little one i have to go to work okay izuku will talk to kirishima today explain what happened and the two of them can help you study and catch up on whatever you missed you just focus on getting better, im going to go see if izuku can show me how to make the magic juice so that we can make it for you, zawa said.
he got up and he walked out as i laid back down on the bed and i hugged my simba and my blankie tightly as i curled up, i hungy but me no wan sickys gain, i whined.
here little one try a cracker that might sit okay with you, ashi say as he hand me cracker from nisand ( nightstand)
i bite te corner of it and i slowly ate the whole cracker.
zawa came back in and he kneeled down next to me, hey little one izuku and i have to leave zashi is going to stay with you today and i can come back and check on you later if you want me too but right now you need to get some more rest now heres your paci, your simba, your blankie and look here comes jinx, he said, i looked over and i saw the kitty walking in, and he jumped onto the bed with me and he nuzzled close to me.
bye bye zawa has good days, i said.
daddy came in and he sat on the edge of the bed and he leaned over me, i have to go to school little lion okay i taught zawa how to make your make your magic juice and he will give the directions to zashi before we go, he said as he leaned over and he kissed my head and he hugged me, i hugged him back before he kissed my head again.
i wove ou daddy,i said softly.
i love you too baby boy okay now you have jinx and all your favorite things the magic juice should be kicking in any minute now, daddy said.
i nodded as i rolled onto my side.
zashi and zawa got up and dey follow daddy over to the door.
if he gets hungry try and see if he'll keep down mashed potatos but cookit with chicken broth so he can still get the protein, daddy said to zashi before he left.
i rubbed my eyes and i grabbed my paci but i didnt want to be left alone.
ashi ou come back pwease, i whined out.
he came back over and he sat next to me, whats wrong little one? he asked.
me no wan be wef wone ou day n keep da bad dweams away? i asked.
of course buddy ill sit right here the whole time and watch over you its okay buddy your safe just cuddle simba and get some rest.
i rolled over to face ashi as i hugged simba as jinx laid between me and ashi. i reached my arm over jinx and i grabbed ashi's hand to make sure he no leave me.
i closed my eyes and i snuggled down with simba and i didnt realize how drowsy i was till my eyes were closes and i was instantly asleep.
i woke up and i saw ashi was still sitting on the bed petting jinx.
ashi i feel icky gain, i whined as i rubbed my eyes.
he looked at me and he scooted closer.
whats wrong buddy is it your belly ache or do you feel like you need to throw up againn? he asked
my bewwy hurt i dink hungy and i dirsty too i wan tuice, i said.
well little one lets get you to the kitchen and get you something to eat, he said.
i nodded as he helped me out of bed and he made sure i could balance before we walked out of the room and he helped me down the stairs and i got to sit on the kitchen counter while i watched him make me instant potatos.
ashi cans we go make da dort and watch da ovies now? i questioned.
yeah bubby lets make you a juice and then i'll help you upstairs and get a movie started for you while i gather everything we will need, he said
i nodded as he handed me my favorite sippy and i grabbed his hand and we walked up the stairs to my little room and he opened the door and he put me up on the bed and he turned on the tv to lion king for me and he rubbed my head, now  i used to make the coolest fort for hitoshi when he was younger so im gonna build you one even better you will love it, he said.
he walked out of the room and for the next 45 minutes he was coming and going bringing in arm loads of pillows, blankets, couch cushions and even the dining room table chairs, i watched in awe as he started moving everything around and soon it was like a big cave my whole bed was covered by a sheet and it went all the way to the tv with the chairs and the blankets acting as support so the sheets didnt role, and he had the bed covered in pillows and stuffies and blankies and he climbed out and he laid more blankies over the sheet tunnel to block out the light cause the sheets thin nough stretch out that light show through.
he climbed in and he switched the tv over to shrek and he sat beside me as he pulled a blankie around me and cuddled up into his side as i very slowly ate my potatos and drank my juice.
we watch so many movies i no even no what dime it is.
i was startled my the sound of the door opening and closing below us. hey its okay its time for zawa to be coming home now thats just him i already texted him to come up here and join us. ashi said.
i nodded as i laid my head on his shoulder as i listen to the footsteps coming up the stairs and i heard my door open and close and i saw the sheet lifting up slightly and i saw zawa climbing in.
wow buddy this is a really cool fort you have did zashi help you build this? he ask.
hehe nooo silly zawa me too widdle do dis ashi did all dis then we watch ovies alll day wong and he made me mash dados and dey yummy AND I NO HAS NO MORE ICKIES i said the last part loudly.
thats good little one so the magic juice this morning worked huh? he said.
UH HUH i said happily as i put my arms up and he sat on the bed with us and i crawled over and i hugged him.
i misses ou doday zawa, i said softly as i rested my head on his chest.
well i missed you too little buddy, he said as he rubbed my back and i felt him place a soft kiss to the top of my head.
i hugged him tighter loving the feeling of having a parent holding me.
i know what your feeling little one you can hug me as long as you need, he said
i felt happy tears welling up in my eyes as i gripped his shirt.
hey bub why are you crying? he asked softly.
ou ma-make me happy i no never no dad wove wike dis before i come here i feels lot of dad love when ou huggies me wike dis and i no wan wet go cause it feel good and it feel love, i said as i sniffled.
he placed his hand on the back of my head and hugged me as tight as he could with out hurting me.
i will always be your dad now little one no matter what happens you will always come home to us we are your parents now and nothing will ever change that, he said.
so if he gives good dad hugs what do i give? i heard ashi say with a small laugh.
i giggled lightly as i looked at him and i opened my arms and he moved closer and he hugged the btoh of us,
you give da best papa hugs, i said with a sniffle.
they both hugged me as i cried the feeling over overwhelming love made me feel a lot smaller and i couldnt stop myself from slipping smaller and now i feel like i cant talk at all.
they let me go and i grabbed my paci and i laid down with my head od zawa lap as i played with simba.
he tried to ask me something but i couldnt figure out what he wanted to ask so i just looked at him giggled and nodded before going back to playing.
he looked at ashi and said something before ashi walked out.
zawa grab remote and he switch eda tv and i soon saw my favorite da dancing fruit.
i climbed off his lap and climbed off the bed and i sat on the floor as i giggled and bounced at all the bright colors and pretty music.
i heard a chime noise so i turn and i see him hold his phone pointed at me, hey bud im taking a video to send to izuku you want to say hi? he said.
u sen daddy? i asked
yeah buddy i am, he said.
i turned and i smiled widely and i waved as fast as i could show him i feel all better, i turned back to the tv and i got lost in the colors again.
i got mad when i saw the tv turn off so i grumpily turned to zawa and he was holding the remote.
hey buddy i just got a message from zashi downstairs saying he needs your help to set the table can you do that? he said.
i quickly crawled out of the fort and i ran out of my room as i waited impatiently for him to follow me to help me down the stairs.
soon i saw him next to me i grabbed his arm and he walked me down the stairs slowly till we got to the bottom i ran to the kitchen and i saw ashi pulling a pan out of the oven scaring me so i quickly ran to the counter and i stood as close to it as i could to make sure i was far away from the hot heat.
oh buddy im sorry i didnt see you there i didnt mean to scare you, are you okay? he asked me.
dat dangis ( dangerous) daddy say i no woud near or i could get owies from it so i stay far way from it, i say.
how small are you buddy? he asked me.
i help up my hand and i help up 2 fingers.
well buddy thats very small but still big enough to be my helper now you know where the dishes are just be careful okay, he said,
i nodded and i got to work i grabbed 3 big kid plate and my special plate.
okay so i made some more mashed potatos, some dino chicken nuggets and some brown gravy, he say.
ohhhh dat dound nummym i say with a smile as i sat all the plates in the correct places.
i go back and i do the same things with the cups and the silverware.
i go to the table and i sit down in my sport when i see the door open and i see brother walk in.
i quickly get out of my seat and i run to greet him.
hey little kat how are you feeling? he asked me.
i all bedder now i dink dat da picy ausage from da pizza make me icky sicky but i all bedder now but ashi made ticken nuggies for dinner, i said happily.
i heard a soft crying noise and thats when i notice ki ki behind toshi.
duki is ou otay i hear you cry? i asked.
no respose so i ran back to the table.
zawa toshi brinh duki home and he cry and he no tell me wat wrong go see him otays, i demanded.
he nodded and he stood up and he ruffled my hair and he walked over with me right behind him.
he kneeled down infront of brother and he looked at me and pointed down to so i quicky sat down onto the floor with him.
hey denki buddy can you come out out from hitoshi and let me see you and i can help you? zawa said super softly.
i saw duki peak his head around and look at us before he got scared and quicky hid behind brother again.
brother turn round and he hugged ki ki and rub his head.
before he turn round and he held duki close to him and he lifted duki face to look at us.
i had let him borrow my jacket on the walk home earlier and i was almost home when i realized that i had left it with him when i dropped him off so i turned back to get it and when i got there i saw his dad was drunk and you can see the result of that, brother said as he tried to sooth a a crying duki.
ki ki ou wan  go pway in my fort dats min my pway woom den come eat dinner wif us when you feel bedder all my duffies in dere you can pick a fwend to cuddle if ous wan but my simba is of wimits? i offered.
thats very nice you kat i think that will help him a lot, zawa said.
hitoshi take denki up to the play room and let him hang out in the fort that hizashi made for katsuki then when hes calm he can come down and eat, zawa said.
hitoshi nodded and he started to walk away with duki glued to his side so i follow dem and toshi looked at me.
what are you doing kat you need to go eat dinner, he said.
i wan see him otay so i go wif you see if he wans a pway wif me make him fweel bedder, i said.
thats very sweet of you little one he grabbed both our hands and he helped us up the stairs.
i ran ahead and i opened the door to the play room and he walked inside and he dropped ot his knees and he crawled over to the fort and he climbed under and he grabbed 2 of my blankies and he curled up in a ball on the floor.
i grabbed my blankie my simba and i grabbed a big panda stuffie and i handed it to him and he hugged it. i looked around and i saw bubba on the bed.
bubba you has paci for him it make him feel bedder i has extra he can use if uou has no one for him, i said.
i dont buddy i want able to grab his stuff before we left so you might have to share lots of stuff with him for a little bit, he said.
i crawled around my room and i grabbed stuff, i grabbed a paci, a teeter, a rattle toy, a silky edged blankie and i went back and i dropped the arm full of stuff on the floor for him to pick from.
he looked at me and he was scared.
i picked up da paci and i hand it over to him he looked at me again so i just nodded.
he put it in his mouth and he curled up close to toshi.
ou pway wif all my doys if u wan but no simba or wions, i say.
he nodded as toshi kiss him head.
i crawl out and i sit on my butt and i scoot my way down the stairs, back to the dining room.
ki ki in my ten i gave my panda him cuddle and my spare paci he with broder and dey cuddle, i told zawa and ashi.
that was very sweet of you little one it was nice of you to help your friend, ashi say.
i sat down and zawa fixed me plate and he sat it in front of me and it was so cool he put a big mountain of tatos and he made the dino nuggies stand up and he put the broccoli stand up wike trees and he pour da gravy on top make it wook duper fun.
ou- ou m-make ki ki one des for din din it makes him happy he woveses da dinos, i say as i pick up a nuggie and dip it in the gravy. i ate my dinner as i told zawa all bout da movies dat i watch with ashi.
a long time passed when i heard sniffled coming from behind me so i turned round and i saw toshi coming down holding ki ki.
i got up and i went over to them.
duki you feel bedder now is ou wan din din? i asked.
he looked over me at the table and i saw a small smile and he nodded is dose dino nuggies? he asked as he wiped his eyes.
uh huh zawa make you pwate make it wook wike da dinos on mountain of tatos, i say.
brother brought him over to the table and he sat him down next to me and i saw zawa get up and he came back and he sat a plate in front of ki ki and i saw him smile widely as he quicky grabbed a nuggie and shoved it in his mouth.
i went over to the wiving room and i sat on the floor with a coloring book while i waited for duki to finish eating.
once he finish he come over to me and he sit with me.
wat doin? he asked.
i cowor piture to give daddy when he come over morrow do ou wan cowor wif me i have wots of cowor books in da pway woom, i said.
he shook his head, no i just go put on jammies and go ni ni wif my daddy i seepy, he said.
i nodded as i watched him and hitoshi go up the stairs and i could hear the water running for the tubbie.
a few minutes later i saw brother coming back down stairs and he came over to me.
hey kat would you be okay if denki borrowed a pair of your footies ?he couldnt bring any of his and when hes small like this he has to wear footies or else he wont sleep.
no haunter and no wion, i said.
okay little one thank you, he said as he rubbed my head.
he went back upstairs and zawa came over to me and he sat down with me and he sat a small plate on the floor next to me and it was angel food cake with strawberrys and whipped cream.
ohhhh wooks yummy i say as i take a bite.
after i fiinished my cake i was starting to get sweepy, zawa it tubbie time im get sweepy, i said as i yawned.
he nodded and he helped me up and up the stairs to the bathroom.
okay little one look at the handle izuku marked it for us so we know how far to turn it so it wont be too hot for you okay, i looked at the handle and i saw the black marker line on it he turned it on and he let it warm up before he grabbed my hand he slowly reached my hand to touch the water it was good.
okay buddy i'll fill the tub for you then i'll leave you to get in while i go set out some jammies for you. he said
i nodded as i watched the tub fill up with water and he turned it off before he walked out.
i took off all my clothes and i climbed into it and i sank down as i just rested in the water to tired to play with my toys.
i lazily washed my hair and i reached down and i pulled the drain and i got out and i wrapped my lion towel around me and i brushed my teeth before going to my room to see my footies laying on the bed with my pull up on top.
zawa walked out of the room and i got dressed and i climbed into my bed, when i heard jinx running up the stairs so i opened the door and i let him into my room and he jumped onto my bed and i laid back down and i cuddled up with him before i fell asleep instantly

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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