Chapter 2

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katsuki's pov
i woke up feeling gross, i had the feeling that i was wet, i quickly got up and noticed that there was a wet spot on the bed, i must of had a really bad dream if i wet through my pull up, i didnt want him to wake up to this so i quickly and carefully got the sheets off and i ran them down to the laundry room and i quickly put them in the washer, i ran to the bathroom and i turned on the shower, i quickly got undressed, and i took off my dirty pull up and i threw it away and i climbed in i sat on the floor, i hate when i wet myself it always feels like i have less control of myself and i hate sleeping cause it takes away more of my control, so i feel completey powerless.
i felt my tears mixing with the water as i started crying again, i tried to rock to calm myself down but it wasnt working.
DADDY i screamed out as i started getting scared and i saw the bad things replaying in my head.
the door flew open and the water was turned off, he climbed in and he pulled me close to him.
hey baby boy its okay i got you he said as he held me tightly and he rocked us back and forth for a while as i just sobbed into his chest.
shhh baby shh, he said softly as he carefully stood up still holding me.
hold on tight baby. he said i clung to him tighter and he grabbed my towel and he drapped it over me and he carried me back to the room he went to sit me down but i clung to him tighter as i whined a bit.
dont let go, dont let me go daddy, please dont let me go, dont let go daddy please, i begged through my tears.
he nodded and he sat us on the edge of the bed and wrapped his arms around me tightly rocking us back and forth as he rubbed my back gently, as he softly shushed me.
i sowy daddy, i sowy i said through my tear.
what are you sorry for baby? he asked quietly. i messed da bed i sowy, i cried out as i sobbed harder.
baby its okay im not mad at you i understand accidents happen sometimes you dont mean to do it baby boy.
daddy i cant stop them make them stop i dont want to see them, i said as i closed my eyes and covered my ears as i buried myself farther into lap.
its okay baby open your eyes and look at me okay? i slowly opened my eyes the flashbacks still attacking me but i could see past them and see him there infront of me.
he held up one hand and i quickly grabbed it, okay now remember just focus on my touch okay baby im just touching your hand okay, he said.
i felt him tracing shaped into the back of my hand. my vision got clearer and i was finally able to see him properly. i laid my head on his shoulder and i put my hand on his heart feeling the slow soothing heart beat.
thats a good job baby boy your okay here take this and sooth yourself while i go get you some clothes, he said as he handed me my paci and my simba.
i hugged my simba and i sucked harshly on my paci he sat me down on the bed.
he went over to the closet and he pulled out a pair of lion footie pajamas and a clean pull up, he helped me get dressed and he took me over to the linen closet and he pulled out a clean sheet for the bed.
we got ready to bounce the sheet up when i decided to be silly, we bounced the sheet up so it would reach all the corners and before we dropped it down to tuck the corners i jumped under it. kat baby its still a little too early for this its only 2 am we need to go back to sleep we have school in the morning. i grumbled and i got out i helped him make the bed. but now i wasnt tired at all.
i sat down and i put my arms up for him and i pouted a bit.
he came over and he kneeled down in front of me.
kat sweetie remember what we talked about if your able to use your words you need to use your words, he said softly.
daddy hold me pwease, i whined out.
okay baby you seem a little cranky why dont we go get you a ba ba then we can try to go back to sleep okay? i nodded, he picked me up and i wrapped my self around him as he carried me quietly out to the kitchen.
he sat me on the counter and he went to the cabinet and he pulled out my favorite bottle that had wions and digers on it.
i watched him very carefully as he poured in the milk a dash of vanilla and a sprinkle of cinnamon. he put it in the microwave and he pushed a button, a few seconds later it beeped so he took it out and put the lid on it and he tested it on his wrist before coming back over and he picked me back up and carried me back to bed.
daddy you rock me till i seep pwease?
yeah little spark i got you, he said as he pulled me securly into his lap and he held my ba ba for me i drank all of it and soon after i was out like a light.
i woke up still feeling very vulnerable and cranky.
i hastily got dressed and i went to the kitchen i grabbed myself a bowl of cereal and i sat down at the table i quickly ate and i sat on the couch as i watched izuku and inko getting ready as well.
you ready to go boys? auntie asked.
we both nodded and we got up we left we got in the car and we drove to school. we were the first ones here so we just went to mr aizawa's room and i sat at my desk and i pulled my knees up and i laid my head on my legs and i hugged my legs to my chest and i tried to relax a bit.
the door opened and i saw mr aizawa walk in with his sleeping bag rolled up under his arm.
hey everything okay? he asked.
i just grumbled. okay ill ask him, he said as he moved over to izuku.
hey whats going on with him is he okay? he asked.
hes fine mr aizawa he had some pretty bad problems last night there was an accident and some bad regression so we didnt go back to bed till about 2:30 am, he explained making me whimper a bit and cover my ears.
he came back over and he kneeled next to me.
i can tell your feeling vulnerable right now so just do your best today okay? he asked
i nodded into my knees and he patted my head.
izuku was behind me tracing small shapes into my back making me relax more and more i heard loud talking and heavy footstepts coming down the hall so i quickly changed my position i threw my legs up on to my desk and i leaned back with my hands behind my head as i looked over and i saw the rest of the class come in. they all went to their seats and class started i was now sitting normally in my seat and if i started to feel anxious all of a sudden or i needed reassurance i would use my left arm that was next to the wall and i would reach it back and he would grab my hand or he would trace his fingers on me a couple times, just to let me know he was still behind me.
three classes went by pretty easily we were just waiting for the bell to dismiss us for lunch.
hey bakugou!! kirishima said excited.
what do you want shitty hair? i asked trying to keep my cover of the big tough bad guy.
well we wanted to see if you wanted to come to lunch with us you didnt sit with us yesterday like you normally do.
no leave me alone. i said coldly.
come on why not? mina asked.
because i said no, leave me alone god damn im allowed to make plans with other people for lunch not just you idiots. i said as i got up and i grabbed my bag and i stormed off to mr aizawa's room.
i flew open the door and i yanked my phone out of my pocket sending izuku a text to bring me some food to mr aizawa's room.
i went to the back and i sat down on the floor, mr aizawa came over and he sat down next to me.
and he offered me a fruit pouch, and i gave him a weak smile and i took it.
whats going on today katsuki, i know you had some trouble last night but your behaviour is still concerning me, what triggered the episode last night? he asked
i had a nightmare about something that happened when i was younger, it was one of the worst times i ever had living with her, it was when i was 13 i still have a big scar on the back of my head and neck it hospitalized me for 2 months and there was no punsihment for what she did, i said softly as i hugged my knees.
the door opened and i saw izu walk in, he came over and he sat the food on the floor next to me. i put my arms up and he moved closer and he hugged me everythings okay kat he said as he held me on his lap i heard everything you said i know what incident your talking about, he said as he rubbed my head gently.
i dont like seeing it happen again, i said softly.
i know kat its okay eat yoour lunch then after school today we can stop at the toy store and we can maybe pick up a cupcake at your favorite bakery does that sound fun baby? he asked softly.
i smiled weakly.
can i get a new lion? i asked
of course you can baby now just eat your lunch and ill see if mom can pick us up later and take us, he said, as he moved me off his lap, i grabbed my fruit cup and he opened it for me, i ate my lunch and it was time to leave for our next class.
we worked through our last few classes and training went okay and it was now time to go home.
i was sitting on the steps out side of the school waiting for zuzu, i just wanted to go get my new lion then go home and cuddle with him. a few minutes later he came out and he sat next to me, you ready to go get your lion and cupcake? he asked.
i nodded as i saw aunties car pulling up. we climbed up into the car and he asked if we could go to the toy store for me.
of course we can sweetie, she said
i laid my head into his shoulder and he drapped his arm over me and softly played with my hair.
when we gets home nap time i tire. i said softly.
only if you want baby then yes you can take a nap, and when you wake up we can work on homework together. he said.
i gave him a nodd and we pullled into the toy store.
okay sweetie you can pick 3 toys, auntie said.
its okay mom i can pay for him.
kat you can pick out 2 stuffies and 3 toys then we can go get your cupcake. he said to me.
i grabbed his hand not feeling big enough to walk around alone. i took him over to the stuffy section, and i looked around and i found a lion stuffie it was pretty big it was tall enough to touch my knees.
daddy can i get dis one pweasssee, wook at him he dooooooeee cuuteee, i said excitedly he picked up the tag and he looked at it, yeah baby you can get this one go pick out 1 more stuffie. he said.
i looked around and i saw a grey shark, daddy can you get that one for me? i asked.
he looked up and he reached up and he grabbed the shark for me, he handed it down to me and i hugged it.
i went around and i picked out a wion ting toy, a paw patrol toy and a winnie da poh toy.
we went to the front and daddy paid for me and we left for the bakery a few doors down.
daddy took me inside and made me hold my bag and his hand so i wouldnt touch the glass.
what can i get for you young man? the worker asked.
um can i have the chocolate cupcake with the strawberry frosting wif spwinkles too pwease, i asked softly,
and ill take the carrot cake, and a carmel one to go please, daddy said
she nodded with a smile and she boxed up our order and handed it to us he paid her and we left we got back in the car and we headed home.
they helped me carry the bags inside, and i tried to reach for the cupcakes.
not right now baby boy you said you needed a nap first, so nap first then dinner then you can have a cupcake okay, he said.
i grumbled as i nodded.
he picked up my bag from the toy store and he took me to our room. get changed and ill get the bed ready for you and make you a bottle, he said.
i nodded and i went to the closet and i pulled out my favorite ounsie, it was a brown ounsie that looked like a lion it has the mane around the hood of it and the tummy of it was really soft like fur.
i grabbed myself a pull up and i got dressed i grabbed my paci, and i pulled out my new lion and i hugged him as i sat on the side of the bed. daddy came back in and he looked at me, ohh how cute my little lion he said as he came over to me.
rawwwr i roared.
ohhh such a scary baby he said as he laid me down making me giggle a little, here baby take your baba and take a nap im going to go and help mom make dinner. he said as he kissed my head and he turned on my night light and he came back over and he laid the blankets over me and he turned off the bedroom light and he closed the door, i slowly drank my baba as i felt even more sleepy.
i soon feel asleep.
i woke up i looked at the time, 4:45 pm.
i got up and i checked my pull up i was still dry, i grabbed my blankie and i went to the living room i, saw them both in the kitchen so i went over i saw an empty counter so i hopped up and i sat there as i watched them both auntie cooking and zuzu cutting veggies and potatos on the opposite counter.
well hey baby good to see your finally awake how was your nap? he asked as he opened the fridge and he pulled out a sippy cup for me.
he handed it to me and he rubbed my head it was good i still dry so no bad bads, i said as i drank my water.
thats good baby were making your favorite beef stew and dumplings do you want to help me twist the dumlings baby? he asked me.
nuh huh just watch pwease. i said.
thats okay baby do you want a drink while you watch? he asked, i nodded my head fastly as he smiled and he went to the fridge and he pulled out some apple juice, and hetok my sippy cup and dumped out the little bit of water that was left and he poured the juice in and he screwed the lid on and he came over and he kissed my head and he handed me my cup, i drank some juice as i watched them both work.
katsuki can you be a helper and set the table please? auntie asked as she came over and ruffled my hair a bit i nodded happily and she helped me off the counter, she went to the cabinet with me and helped me pull down the 2 bowls and 2 small plates as well as my plastic ones. she handed them to me an walked with me to the table i carefully sat one plate and one bowl at each spot we went back to the kitchen and she grabbed 2 cups and took them to the table and handed them to me i sat one at her spot and one at daddy's spot. dinner should be done in about 15 minutes do you want to go watch some tv with izu? she asked me as she handed me my sippy.
i nodded and i ran over to the living room and i saw daddy sitting on the floor watching tv i quickly run over and i climb into his lap i wiggle around till im comfy laying on his lap with my head on his leg.
he looked down at me and he laughed a bit.
you are so cute kat? he said as he gently ran his fingers through my hair.
he changed the show to scooby doo i turned over so i could see the tv and i watched the cartoons happily, as i chewed on the tip of my sippy.
not long after she called us for dinner.
we both got up and we went to the table and sat down.
he helped me pour some stew into my bowl and he placed 3 small dumplings on my plate.
we ate and we all talked well more like they talked and i tried to listen but i didnt know what a lot of the big kid words they were using meant so i just quietly babbled to myself.
kat after dinner can you help with the dishes while i go get everything ready for bedtime later then when i come back down you can have your cupcake? daddy asked.
i nodded firmly as i finished my stew, i scooped up the last of the soup with my dumplings as i finished eating.
i got up from my seat and i carefully picked up my dishes and i went to the kitchen and i sat them in the sink.
i went back out and i went to the couch and i found one of my paci's i put it in my mouth and i went back to the table and i  sat back down as i patiently waited for them to finish eating.
once they both finished auntie helped me collect the dishes and take them to the sink.
she filled the sink with soapy water, bubbles was on of my favorite things i love bubbles, i giggled a bit as i poked the bubbles.
can you wash the plates and bowls and ill do the cups and silverware? auntie asked.
i nodded as i reached my hands into the water to find the sponge but the water was too hot it hurt.
i quickly pulled my hands from the water as i felt tears welling up in my eyes as i started crying as i held my hands.
oh sweetie whats the matter? what happened? she asked as she grabbed my hands.
hot too hot owie, i said i hugged her tightly im sorry little one come here why dont we make them feel better? she asked as she turned on the cold water. he took my hands and she placed them in the stream of cold water as i softly whined a bit as i kept my head on her chest enjoying the comfort of being held.
is that better sweetie? she asked softly. i just nodded feeling smaller now and i just wanted to be held.
i ran down the hall to the bedroom i opened the door and i saw daddy laying out my jammies, i went over to him and i hugged him with both my hands curled into my chest as i laid my head on his chest, he wrapped his arms around me and he hugged me back what happened baby boy are you okay? he asked.
i shook my head softly as i whimpered a bit, its okay baby i got you he said as he ran his fingers through my hair as he kissed my head gently.
mom what happened? he asked. i lifted my head and i saw auntie standing there she came over and she softly rubbed my back a few times.
i forgot to check the water before he started to was the dishes and it was too hot i forgot about when his mom did that i tried to help him i got his hands under cold water and i hugged him for a bit but i think he got scared or upset and he ran to you, she said.
the mention of what my mom does to me made me whine loudly and bury my face into his chest.
okay ill take care of this we will be back out in a minute, he told her, she left and he pulled us so he was sitting on the bed and he pulled me into his lap and he slowly rocked us back and forth, as he softly hummed to me. i know hes trying to help but i feel so over whelmed i started crying ayain.
i got you baby boy your safe. he said to me softly as i started sobbing into his chest, he grabbed my blankie and my simba, he tucked simba into my arms and he laid my blankie over me, i sowwy daddy, i sowwy, i said between my sobs.
baby why are you sorry you did nothing wrong? he asked.
i dont know how to stop the crys i know you no wike me cry. i said as i burried my face deeper into him.
i felt his arms tighten around me. baby you have too many emotions to hold in all by yourself the only reason i dont like seeing you cry is cause i want my baby to be happy i don like seeing my baby boy sad or hurting cause it makes me sad sweet boy im never mad at you when you do this it just means that you need a little more help than normal you have a lot of trouble expressing your emotions thats why im here to help you, now how about that cupcake theres a really yummy one in there that has your name written all over it but why dont you get in your jammies first baby.
not yet daddy jus hold me for a widdle bit pwease. i said.
okay baby ill just hold you till your ready. he said as he held me close to him as i rested my head on my chest as he offered me my paci i opened my mouth and he slid it in i sucked on it softly as he just softly hummed to me as he rocked me.
we stayed like this for a while till i felt better. jammies later first cutcake then tubbie time then jammies, i said as i got off his lap.
he nodded and he got up we went back to the living room and he sat me on the couch and he went to the kitchen and pulled out both of our cupcakes i watched as he took the wrapper off mine and he cut it in half for me so it was easier to eat.
he brought them over and he sat down next to me, he grabbed the remote and he turned on the tv to thomas the tank engine i took a bite of my cupcake and i laid my head on his shoulder as we both slowly ate our cupcakes, i got about half way through my first cupcake when there was a loud knocking on the door. i looked over and i saw auntie going to the door.
i laid my head back down when i heard her say something.
"why are you here?" auntie asked
daddy looked over the back of the couch towards the door and he quickly reacted, he looked at me and he held one finger to his lips telling me i had to be quiet.
i nodded as he slowly took my plate and he gently pushed me back on the couch and he laid a big blanket over me covering my face and everything, i didnt like my face covered why would he do this to me. i rolled onto my side as i covered my ears as i tried to block out the noises of the yelling that was happening i felt tears falling down my face again as i was starting to panic.
i suddenly heard the door slam shut and i was roughly picked up i kicked my way out of their arms not knowing who it was.
i ran to the corner between the tv stand and the wall and i crawled in and i sat there shaking and crying as i kept my ears covered and my head tucked into my lap.
i felt something really soft and comforting rubbing on my hand so i snatched it and i saw simba I  held him as i lifted my eyes to see my daddy kneeling in front of me baby i know you dont like your face covered but i had to do it i didnt have time to send you to our room with out her seeing you and we couldnt let her see you, she would have tried to take you away from me, i couldnt let that happen, he said sweetly.
daddy, who was it why auntie mad was? i asked.
it was your mom baby she came looking for you, we told her you werent here but we knew where you were and that you were safe from her abusive parenting. he said.
daddy you no mad? daddy dill wove me? i asked as i started feeling smaller.
OH BABY NO he said loudly as he pulled me from the corner and picked me up i could never be mad you my little spark you are my sweet little boy and i wouldnt trade you for the world and of course i still love you who else could put up with a silly daddy like me huh? he asked with a smile as he laughed a bit and he booped my nose.
can we skip tubbie time i just want to go to bed now? i asked.
of course baby you can take one tomorrow lets go get you changed and in bed. he said as he carried me down the hall he took me into our room and he sat me on the bed, he got me into a clean pull up taking off the one that was now dirty that i didnt realize was dirty. i must have had an accident when i was under the blanket.
he got me changed into my footies and he left the room a little bit later he came back with my baba, he sat on the bed as i crawled into his lap as he held the bottle up for me i hugged my simba and my blankie as i suckled the baba till i feel asleep with my head on daddies chest

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