𝗍ᥕ᥆ - 𝖿ᥲᥡᥱ

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Faye's POV

It's all about image. I need my image. Whatever it takes.

I need to sleep. I need to work out. I need to shower.

I walked downstairs and saw my mom sitting on the couch.

"Hey, baby. Where are you going?"

"To workout," I said blandly.

She clapped her hands and jumped up from the couch. "Great! I'll come with you."

"That's really not nece-"

"Nonsense, let's go."

I sighed and followed her to the basement. We had way too much-unused equipment, but my mom needed an 'amazing picture for Instagram', so we kept it all up.

"So today we're doing," she started, pulling out her phone to look at the list. "Legs, arms, and cardio," she told me cheerfully. How could someone be so cheerful about that?

"I did legs yesterday and arms the day before."

"Oh whatever," she waved me off, "let's start with arms."

And with that, my mother put my body through strain and pain.

After about an hour and a half, I heard the slam of a door.

"I'm home," I heard Mateo yell from upstairs. I ignored him and went back to focusing on the workout.

"Alright, we're done!" My mother smiled. "Let's go get something to eat."

Finally. Real food. I tried to walk up the stairs but trembled at every step. My body ached and yearned for sleep, but I needed to get work done.

My mother walked up the stairs like it was nothing, probably because she did nothing.

I saw Mateo and Ethan, peacefully staring at me and mom come up the stairs. Mom walked over to the kitchen and I stumbled over to the couch.

I grabbed one of Mateo's blankets and wiped the sweat from my forehead, but it was still flooding from the rest of my body.

"You good?" He asked, glancing at me. I wasn't, but I nodded and sat up from the couch,

"Baby, do you want a smoothie or a salad?"

"Can I have both?" I joked, standing up. Mateo grabbed my shoulder to help me up, but it pained under his touch

"No," she said. "Salad or smoothie."


"Good choice."

I sighed and walked over to the kitchen and sat on the stool.

My mother began chopping up lettuce and glancing at my limp body.

My mom finished preparing the lettuce and turned back to the fridge. What was she getting? Usually, it was just lettuce.

She grabbed a bowl of cherry tomatoes and ran them under the sink. She grabbed a handful and threw them in the bowl before handing it to me. How kind of her.

Matteo walked in as my mom was walking out. I eyed the salad as he stared in the fridge. I don't know why, but it didn't seem as appealing anymore. Would I even lose the weight if I ate right after? Probably not. I didn't need to eat. I needed to have my image. My image.

"Why aren't you eating?" He asked, turning around.

"I'm not hungry."

"You need to eat something."

"I said I'm not hungry."

"Please eat Faye." He said, staring at me in pity.  I rolled my eyes and stuck the fork in the lettuce.

He stared at me until I finished and when I finally did, he smiled as if he won some marathon and walked back to Ethan.

I put the bowl into the sink and ran up the stairs.  I walked into my bedroom and glanced at my closet.  I grabbed an old shirt and some sweatpants before walking into the bathroom.

I turned the knob on the shower so I had cold water to cool me down. I was still sweating and needed to relax or I would get stress acne and my mother would not be happy with that.

I stepped into the water and felt the cold water hit my back and instantly calming me. I washed my hair and shaved my legs before washing my body.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me. I stood in front of my mirror and started doing my skincare. I switched between my different oils and creams before realizing I forgot about my salad. I needed to get rid of it. How do I get rid of it? Mom taught me how to but I couldn't. Well, I could. Screw it.

I pulled my hair up into a bun and hovered over the toilet. I waited until I had the courage to throw up the remainder of my dinner. Barely anything came up, but I continued until there was nothing left to give.

I flushed the toilet and put my clothes on before brushing my teeth to get the taste of bile out of my mouth.

I walked back into my room and sat on my bed until I grew too tired to be awake. I shut my eyes and fell into a better world.

QOTD: What's your favorite color?

Word Count: 833

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