Mount Natagumo

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As I made my way toward the mountain I ran into Zenitsu and Boar head again

"Ah! Tanjiro thank goodness you're here!" Zenitsu called out

"Ah yes, Monjiro you will fight me right now!" the boar-head man said

"Wait I don't even know your name, can you at least tell me that?" I asked with a fake smile

"WAHAHA! My name is Inosuke! Don't forget it!" Inosuke yelled back

'Another idiot to deal with,' I thought

"Well, let's keep going to mount Natagumo. I heard that there is a super-strong demon there," I said as we walked to the mountain

It took us around 5 hours to finally arrive and when we did the whole mountain reeked of blood.

"..." None of us said a word as we looked at the mountain. I had a neutral expression, Zenitsu looked scared and Inosuke seemed like he had a serious face but I couldn't tell cause of the boar head.

"Well... let's get going," I said as we finally went up the mountain. As we walked the smell of blood got worse and we saw someone running towards us 

"H-hey! what rank are you guys?" he asked desperately

"We are all  Mizunoto," I replied back

"W-what! why didn't they send us a Hashira?!" the boy yelled back

There were a total of 10 ranks with the Hashira being a rank that surpasses the rest.

10. Mizunoto
9. Mizunoe
8. Kanoto
7. Kanoe
6. Tsuchinoto
5. Tsuchinoe
4. Hinoto
3. Hinoe
2. Kinoto
1. Kinoe

We were currently the lowest of ranks, a mizunoto.

"No matter what the demon is I'll slaughter it!" Inosuke yelled as he ran into the mountain

"Well, we still have a mission to kill a demon here so we'll be going," I said as I made my way up the mountain with Zenitsu behind me.

"Zenitsu, you go that way," I said pointing to the right


"Trust me, would I ever do something to betray you?" I asked with fake puppy eyes

"I-I guess not," he said as he started walking towards where I pointed

five minutes later I found the reason why the mountain reeked of blood. Demons slayers, hundreds of the were lying there either dead or horribly injured

I decided to keep walking forward when a whole bunch of the got up and charged at me. As they were running at me though I noticed threads attached to their limbs.

'So there being controlled,' I thought as I quickly outran them and went to where all the threads led.

I then saw a demon who had a super worried look on her face when she saw me

"N-no! I-I'm gonna die!" she then started crying

"Of course," I responded

"W-wait before I do. Please kill my younger brother, he was going to kill me after this anyway," she said with tears streaming out

"Is he the strongest one?" I asked with a cold glare

"Y-yes. He is lower moon 5 Rui,"

"...I see, you will have a painless death for helping," I said as I cut off her head


I then ran up the mountain for a good five minutes when I encountered more dead demon slayers and two more demons that looked like the one I just killed

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