Chapter 5 - Truth

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Y/n and Madara had begun to adjust to their new lifestyle and had somewhat established a routine. They would wake up almost simultaneously and eat breakfast together. On weekdays, y/n would go to school and return home only to find the male lurking around the house. When it was the weekend, she'd always try to drag him along for a walk, or they'd stay in and watch movies and enjoy a lazy day, especially on Sundays. Every moment she spent with him felt like a dream. A dream she didn't want to wake up from.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts; she opened the door to find her parents, who both said, "Y/n!"

"Mom and Dad! Hi!" She uncomfortably realized that she had never considered her parents finding out about Madara and that she only had a few seconds before they met him. "How are you?" her mother inquired. "I'm doing fine."

As they approached the living room, they noticed a raven-haired man with his arms crossed. They stared at him, and he stared back, making the tension in the air rise quickly. Trying to act normal and she said with a fake smile plastered on her face: "Mom, dad, this is Madara. H-he's one of my friends. Madara this is my parents."

"Y/n we need to talk to you", said her mother eyes still on the man. She gulped: "What's wrong?"

"There's a lot of things wrong here.", retorted her father plainly while looking around the house.

Her father looked around the house only to find leading evidence to what he was thinking. A blanket on the couch, the long-haired man in casual clothes he probably slept with. Males' clothes in the closet.  "Why didn't you tell us?", her mother sounded disappointed.

"About what?" y/n responded confused.

"That you have a roommate."

Her father walked over to where Madara was and stood before him: "That's not her roommate m/n." Her father then grabbed Madara's collar making the male stand up.

"Dad, stop!", yelled the young woman desperately. "He clearly sleeps here!" said her dad throughout his teeth. "Yes, on the very same couch I was sitting on, sir," responded Madara in his monotonous deep voice and looking straight in the eyes of y/n father. Y/n eyes widened, cursing herself that she hadn't thought about this earlier and gritting her teeth at the honest answer of the male.

"You think I'm an idiot, don't you!?" added her father.

"Dad! Stop!", she repeated thought this time she tried to hold her father's arm so he'd let go of Madara. Turning to her with raging eyes: "Oh, I see now. You've been sleeping with him huh?"


Letting go of the male, he pushed her on the wall and blurted: "Don't lie to me y/n! You've been sleeping with this fool!" 

"F/n, let go of her please", said her mother concerned and holding her husband's arm in an attempt to calm him down, but instead he shouted at her:  "Woman, you stay out of this!"  and turned back to y/n who was imprisoned between him and the wall: "Have you got no shame? We trusted you, let you have "freedom" and that's how you show your gratitude?", grabbing her wrists in a bruising grip he pushed her once more "You're nothing, but a whore" he whispered. 

"Honey, please stop it. Y/n wouldn't do that." Pushing his wife, he turns to y/n and hits her across the face making her fall to the ground. Tears threatening to fall she says in a teary voice "Well, it was nice having you over, dear parents."

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" yelled the enraged man, raising his hand again, but before he could strike again, he was stopped by the hoarse voice that said, "That's enough." While looking at y/n father, his eyes darkened. M/n grabbed her husband and dragged him outside before the situation could worsen. "It's not over, y/n!" her father yelled before storming out. 

* * * 

Sitting on the couch Madara helped y/n to patch her injuries and hissed occasionally when he delicately applied some rubbing alcohol. "Your father certainly has one hell of a temper." The male spoke: "Worser than mine" he added making the girl chuckle. "Madara?", she said trying to grab his attention, "I'm sorry you were involved in all of this," sadness in her tone. "Hn" he shrugged.

"And thank you...for helping me"

Blandly he answered: "You're welcome."

"My father has always been this way since I can remember. "Neither my siblings nor my mother were safe from his abuse," she scoffs, adding, "I never understood why he was like that." I was relieved when I moved out because I thought I'd finally be able to put my problems behind me, but it appears that the past is still haunting me ", she said, her voice cracking, adding to her embarrassment.

"My father wasn't really any different,", said the male.

"Mr. Tajima?" she inquired curiously and to that, he nodded.

"How come?"

"When my brothers and I were mere children, he used to train us," pausing before explaining further: "He thought it was necessary to use those manners to educate us. He wanted us to become true shinobi, though sometimes he'd take too much of advantage of it. After my mother's and brothers' death he'd gone wild, hitting us and for no logical reason."

"Madara, do you remember how your mother was?" she asked curiously. Madara looked at her, almost staring at her soul. "Forgive me, I was too curio-" 

"She was indescribable," he cut her off. " She had soft features, a warm smile plastered on her face even though she wasn't the happiest. She hadn't lived long, but she lived each day to its fullest. An exemplary mother, wife, and woman, she was perfect in every way." He said nostalgia dripping from his tone. "After giving birth to my youngest brother she passed away. Taking her warmth with her. If my father had cared for her properly, she might've lived."

"I'm so sorry to hear that." y/n said rubbing his shoulder. "Don't apologize." Biting her bottom lips she looked down drowned in her thought.

 "Your mother is different from your father," he stated.

"Oh, yes, definitely she's caring, patient and kind. I don't think words are enough to describe her. I am grateful for having such a mother"

"You resemble her," he remarked.

A rosy tint appeared on her cheeks and she froze looking at him. "W-what?". They held eye contact for what seemed hours. The young woman felt as if she could faint, it was too much for her, these words even though simple, held immense meaning to y/n, especially coming from him. He then took her hands in his and looked at her bruised wrist then lightly ran his thumbs over them making the girl hissed in pain, "Hn. You're wrists are all bruised up."

"Yeah..." she said looking up into his dark eyes blushing even harder when she realized that her face was only inches away from his. "They should be fine in a couple of days" she whispered slowly removing her hands from his. His hot breath hit her skin. "Mhm," he hummed. She lowered her gaze to his lips, his tempting lips. Her heart was racing so fast, that it could've gotten out of her chest. Breathing slowly she looked back at his eyes that were watching her closely.

"Y/n", he murmured, "you should rest." 

She nodded.

"Dammit y/n!", he thought to himself.

"Why are you doing this to me?" He gritted his teeth.

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