Chapter 6 - Envy

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After yesterday's event, y/n thought that going out would be a great idea, so she went to a cafe to get something to eat, in hopes her mood would brighten up. She dragged the long-haired man along with her to the cafe.

 Even if she wasn't feeling her best, a particular moment that made her feel butterflies all over her stomach was stuck in their mind: how close she had been to the raven-haired man yesterday. She recalled his scent, his hot breath on her and his dangerously close lips. She wished, she could have locked her lips with his, touched him or feel his touch upon her, but it was Madara. She had to be audacious to do such things to such a man. She was already beyond happy by his mere presence. A simple look at him was enough for her, but deep down she wanted much more. But what can she do about it? How can she tell him that she liked him? What would be his reaction? All of those questions made her put her feelings aside.

* * *  

"Madara, I'm going to the bathroom.  Could you order for both of us, please? I'll be back!" While waiting for the young woman to come back, he glanced at the menu.

"Hi, sir! Are you ready to order?", said the waitress.

"Hm, not quite yet. Though, I'd like to request your help", responded the male seeming puzzled by the choices he had in front of him as he was unfamiliar with most of them.

"Oh sure, anything for you sir~", she said in a honeyed tone, trying to sound seductive. Ignoring her advances he asked: "Well, what pastries would you recommend to me?"

"We have several choices. The éclair and the fraisier are quite popular. Though the millefeuille is my personal favourite. I'd suggest you that one~", she said lowering her voice and placing her hand on his shoulder. Glaring at her, he urged to end the conversation: "Alright then, I'll have one of each and two coffees."

"Two coffees?" and to that, he inquired: "Hm?" 

"Are you here by yourself?" questioned the waitress.

"No," he said emphatically. "Is your girlfriend with you?" she added making him become increasingly impatient. " Is there anything you'd like me to help you with, miss?" he asked curling an eyebrow up. Sitting across from him, she smiled and said, "Oh yes dear, I'd like to have your number." 

"My number?" he repeated maintaining his stern demeanour. "Mhm," she said as she caressed his hands. Watching the whole scene from afar, y/n stared at the waitress with envy filled in her eyes. She walked towards them slowly, with her fists closed and her jaw clenched. "Oh, who is she?" said the waitress still sitting. "That's..."Madara didn't know who y/n was to him. Was she a friend? Was the just a companion or mere girl whom he met and considering the situation he was obliged to live with? "Hm?", asked the waitress impatiently.

"What is going on?" y/n asked.

"Oh you definitely deserve better than that, handsome~," said the waitress still caressing his hand.

"What is she talking about?", y/n looked at Madara confused. She hated it. She didn't hate the waitress, no, but rather hated herself for not being daring like the woman in front of her. She couldn't be as bold as her to call Madara endearing names nor could she caress his hand as she did.  

"I was telling this handsome man that he deserved better. I mean look at him and look at you... all this beauty would go to waste if he spends time with a woman like you." she explained with a smirk on her face. Withdrawing his hand Madara stared at the waitress and tsked. 

"Like me?" y/n repeated in disbelief. It was like a slap across the face. "Like me?", she thought again. Was she enough for the man? What happens if Madara falls for someone? Someone who wasn't her. Could she provide him with the love he needs? Looking back at the woman she scanned her and observed every detail. Her long silky hair, her painted nails, her perfect body, her plump lisp and her charming eyes, she had everything y/n wanted.

"Yes, like you", confirmed the waitress before giggling.

"Well, I'll leave you my number then and you can come to see me after my shift. We can go on a date and have a good time" she winked at Madara.

Without a second thought, like it was second nature, Y/n grabbed the glass of water on the table and accidentally dropped some water on her. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Y/n urged trying to sound as genuine as she could. "Look what you did to me!" yelled the waitress. "I'm terribly sorry!" repeated y/n while grabbing napkins and trying to help her dry her clothes. Another waiter came and took care of everything not waiting to cause a scene in the cafe.  Y/n decided that they'll have their order to go to avoid seeing the waitress again and instead went to a park nearby.

* * * 

"Mmm, this is good!" Exclaimed y/n while eating the millefeuille smiling she said "Here have some Madara."Taking a bite y/n looked at him waiting to see his reaction."Indeed it is," he paused then side-eyed her:  "the waitress recommended it to me" watching her reactions very closely. "Whatever", she rolled her eyes. "You did it on purpose, didn't you?", he asked plainly. "What!?" 

"You threw water on the waitress on purpose, didn't you?" He repeated himself.

"N-no! Why would I do that?" She lied.

"Y/n... I saw you", he said grinning. "Saw what?" her eyes widened. Placing his index under her chin he made her look at him: "how you looked at her. I haven't seen such a look on your face before y/n. I wonder what happened?" he said voice deepening. "Well, she was all over the place sh-she seemed like she was boiling, so I thought some water could help her cool down", y/n said embarrassed.

"I didn't know you had this side within you y/n, a cunning side.", he whispered without losing his monotonous tone. Looking into his eyes she blushed hard. He chuckled making the girl's pupil widen further, it was the first time she had heard him laugh. 

"Cunning?" she whispered back. "Well, you seem too pure-hearted to do things like that" pausing he leaned and whispered in her ears "I like that, it was bold"  he added.

"Ha? Bold", she froze

"Yes bold, it's almost as if there was this thing within you, one you're constantly fighting hoping it will calm down," he stated.

"Not at all," she blushed.

"Do you forget, who I am?" He raised an eyebrow.

She looked him in the eyes. "Tell me y/n, what was the reason why you threw water not so innocently?"

Her heart skipped a beat.

"Come on say it," he said, but the girl couldn't speak. Her throat was dry and her body felt like it was on fire. Placing a hand on her waist he pulled her closer.

"Madara" she whispered.

"Hm?" He responded with a smirk on his face.

"Perhaps, you're right," she placed her hands on his chest and pulled him slightly towards her. Now only away from her face, she whispered softly: "Perhaps I've lost my mind as I've been tormented by emotions I haven't felt before. Yes, there's this thing inside of me waiting to be freed, aching to see the light of the day. Do you understand what I am saying?"

Humming he responded: "Then why don't you release this thing trapped within you? Don't shy away from it, embrace it."

She stood on her toes and pulled Madara by his shirt and placed her lips upon his. Pulling her until no space remained between them, he ran his hand on her body before tugging on her hair to deepen the kiss. He kissed her passionately, shaking her very core.
Pulling away she kept her eyes closed for a few seconds, savouring the moment she had long waited for.

"For heaven's sakes, where have you been hiding y/n," he said. " I knew you weren't as innocent as you pretended to be," he said an octave lower.

 "My, my, this is going to be fun." said the deep baritone voice.

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