Perry Johanson - Edited

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No Mist

Percy is disguised as Peter Johnson because the gods revealed themselves.

Perry's POV

Hi! I'm Perry Johnson! But, you already know me, of course! If you don't, you live under a rock. I've got icy blue eyes and slick brown hair. I'm the captain of the football, basketball, and soccer teams. I was the star of Goode High until Johnson Jerk came along. He stole all my pride. All the girls swoon around him. And he always declines them! He's not even grateful! I'm going to make him pay.

~~Before First Period~~

Perry's POV

I was down the hall scavenging for Johnson. Then, I saw him cheerfully walking down the hall. I slammed him against the locker door and he didn't even flinch!

"Listen up, Johnson! I, Peter Johanson, am Lord Perseus in disguise. You puny mortals shall bow down to me" I loudly lied, so everyone could hear me. 

Oh did I not mention I am the Lord Perseus in disguise? Yep, you heard me right. The Greek Gods have retired and given their place to the demigods called Heros of Olympus, and I'm one of them. They, I mean we created some sort of Olympus 2.0 called Iroas. Great name right? I was the one who named it! I'm an all-great and powerful son of Poseidon.

All the students in the hall started to bow, except for Johnson!

"Oi Johnson, why aren't ya b–"


~~In the Auditorium~~

There were 16 thrones and the one in the middle was empty. The lady sitting next to the empty chair stood up and said in the same voice as the intercom, "As you might have guessed, we are the Olympians. I am Queen of Iroas, Lady Annabeth. We are here to talk to you about our past. But first, can my dear husband come up here?"

Awwwwwww. She thought I was the King of Iroas!

I proudly strode up the stage and was going to kiss Annabeth, but she looked at me with disgust.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"Why I'm your husband, sweetheart!" I answered

"Yeah, I'll marry you when Ares kisses Athena!" she muttered.


Then she sent an invisible force that slammed me against the wall and said to a guy who sat on a throne made of darkness, "Asphodel" He nodded, and immediately I was on a field with other souls. Thinking over and over about my mistakes that day.

All of a sudden, a screen appeared in front of me in the Fields of Asphodel and I could see what was happening in the auditorium.

"Will the real King of the Iroas come up? Or no kissing for a month," said Lady Annabeth.

There was a bright flash of light, and next to Annabeth stood Peter Johnson! Everyone gasped in disbelief. The loner that ignores the girls and popularity, is the all-mighty Lord Perseus, King of Iroas!

"Full title please, Percy," said Lady Annabeth

Lord Perseus groaned and said, "I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, I have all the powers of the Universe, King of Olympus. In my demigod days, I defeated the Furies and Minotaur without training. Retrieved Zeus's Master Bolt and Hades's Helm, traveled to the Underworld many times. Fought Ares and won with a few days of training. I traveled the sea of monsters, former ginny pig, retriever of the Golden Fleece. Holder of the Sky, the only male Artemis approves of. Fought the Nemean Lion with space food. Wonderer of the Labyrinth and still sane (that's debatable!). A visitor of Ogygia, owner of the world's only tame hellhound. Cleaned Geryon's stable. Swan in the River Styx, a former holder of the curse of Achilles, fought Hades and his 200 skeletons and won. The kid in the First Great Prophecy. Fought Kronos and won, turned down godhood. I was kidnapped by Hera and got my memory wiped. Travel to Alaska, freed Thanatos, ex-praetor of New Rome, one of the Seven. Survivor of Tartarus, help defeat Gaia. Defeated a ton of monsters and Giants. Best sword fighter for 300 years, husband of Annabeth."

Wow! That was a lot! I gonna start being nice to all the loners and nerds at school. Maybe they're gods and I can get some credit? Nevermind, I'm in the Fields of Asphodel.

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