Allan Pano

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My sis loves to watch The Short Game on Netflix so she came up with the name. 

Allan Kournikova + Alexa Pano

Shout out to wutansi because she wanted one. She's my friend and all that stuff.

Alan's POV

"...... So we took it to the truck and brought it to Room S5," I said, "then we– Mr. Jackson, are you even listening to my report?"

"Huh?" he asked, totally oblivious to the fact that I just saved a Lacs des Loups Marin's harbor seal baby, one of the most endangered seals in the world, and should get a raise!

Mr. Jackson, otherwise known as Percy Jackson, the famous Olympic swimmer, and CEO of the most successful marine biology company in the world, Olympus Marine Hospital, is currently staring at the CEO of Olympus Architecture, Annabeth Jackson. She has blonde locks with princess curls and intimidating grey eyes that calculate your every move. I once had a crush on her but got over it when I found out she was married. I heard she's tough and judo-flips everyone who asks her out. I'd better warn Mr. Jackson.

"You know she's married right?" I said to him.

"Uh huh?" he said. Then, he mumbled something about "being him."

Suddenly, his face lit up. He said, "Let's make a bet. If I can get Mrs. Jackson to kiss me next week at the party I'm holding at my house, you give me $200 but if I can't, I'll double the raise you want. How about that! I'll invite her company in honor of our cooperation."

Well, why not? I know he's gonna lose. 

"Deal," I smugly agreed.

≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈Now my good friend Alex will give you a quick montage of the week ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈

During this whole week, Mr. Jackson kept on flirting with Ms. Annabeth but she completely ignored him.

Whenever I pointed this out, Mr. Jackson just says they were playing a game called Ignore-flirt. Yeah, I know! Ridiculous, right?!

Anyways, I don't care. It's not my problem. I'll get a rise, that's all I care about!


"Welcome friends, family, staff, and rescuers to our annual work party! Today, we have invited Olympus Architecture to our party, let's give them a warm welcome!" said a short Latino elf. 

All of us cheered and clapped. 

"Now, our CEO has something to say!" he said.

"Hello everyone, remind me, why did we let Leo become our host?" he joked.

A group of people laughed loudly.

"Anyway, I would just like to thank all of you for the support that helped us through difficult times. We really appreciate it! And Annabeth and I have an announcement! We are having 4 little Jackson! She is going to be here in 5 months!" Mr. Jackson said.

Then, Mrs. Jackson kissed him on the cheek and smile.

That's when I suddenly realized that they were MARRIED! Oh God! Mr. Jackson tricked me!


After the speech, Mr. Jackson came to me and smirked. I reluctantly handed over the money. But Mr. J shook his head.

"You can keep it. I was planning on giving you a raise anyway," he said.

"Wow. Thanks, man." I replied, shocked.

Mr. Jackson is such a nice guy! I think I'm going to work extra hard from now on! I need to pay him back and not make him regret it!

And that's how I met Percabeth.


From now on, I will shout out and dedicate chapters to you readers who vote, follow me, and comment 'done' when you are done so remember to do so! 

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