Chapter 31

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Sam woke up and became aware of the streamers she was tied in.

"What is this? Confetti?" she said.

"Struggling is pointless, my dimpled darling. My stupendous streamers have worked strangely well in capturing you" said the Joker.

"Joker! What are you doing?!" Sam shouted.

"Just passing the time, ma'am. Like I did my whole time in prison after those caped cabbage heads were lucky enough to outwit me" said the Joker.

"Luck has nothing to do with your arrest! The time you'd done was well deserved" said Sam.

"So was this break, my dear. After Two-Bits swindled those confounded Wiggles into his trick law firm" said the Joker.

"Why did you do this? The only answer I got from him was 'better them than you'." said Sam.

"And he's exactly right. Because he knew you wouldn't trust him one bit. Or even two bits! Ooh, a bit of humor for you!" the Joker cackled.

"This is one of your tricks, Joker!" Sam growled.

"Oh, well, it had to be. Life itself is one long impractical joke" said the Joker.

"That's the confidence talking" said Sam.

"Suit yourself, Sam. And now you'll never get away and you won't be there to protect Rose Grayson" said the Joker.

"What are you trying to do to her? Two-Bits already attempted to crush her!" Sam yelled.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out. But now it's time for you to find out how this is going to end" said the Joker.

He untied Sam and led her into a confined space in his trap.

"What is this?" said Sam.

"A smokestack. When there's enough smoke in it, you'll be drowned" said the Joker.

"Drowned?" said Sam.

"Yes indeed. So long, child" said the Joker.

Then he closed the doorway of the smokestack which started filling with smoke while Sam was still in it.

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