{Y/N's backstory}

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An average height man with black hair turned his head towards his child. To his surprise there were feathers in the walls! The flying child giggled! "(Y/N)!" the sudden sound scared the child and she fell to the floor, "Owwy!" tears streamed down her cheeks, the man ran over to his child and picked her up, "Sh sh sh..it's okay.." the child settled down, the man put down the child.

She sneezed, and a whole bunch of feathers shot out, then the young girl sniffled, "Sorry.." "It's alright Y/N.." The father sighed as he grabbed his child's hand, and led her to his car, he picked her up and put her in her car seat, "Daddy where are we going?" "somewhere.." he got in the car a drove off


"Nuh-uh! I don't wanna!" The child shook her head, as she pouted "You don't wanna be a hero?" the tired man looked confused, "NO!" He put his hands together and looked at the father "Why not?" the child paused for a minute, "Because.." She crossed her arms.. "huh.." the man sounded surprised, "Mr. (L/N)...what's the quirk of the child's mother?" The father looked down "I don't know sir.." the child looked confused "What type of quirk did she have?" he thought for a moment "..It's not a mutant quirk that's for sure.."


{Years later}

{P.O.V change}

The sunlight beamed in your eyes as you opened them, you crawled out of bed and into the bathroom, a few minutes later once you were done doing your business, you got out of the bathroom and walked to the kitchen, to be greeted by your Father "Good morning, sunshine!" "Morning.." you croaked..


curiosity got the best of you..

"Dad.. Who's my mother?"

The rest is a blur...

And it hurts trying to remember it all..

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