Professional Training

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{Y/N P.O.V}

I woke up to the sun shining brightly in my eyes"Morning.." I yawned at myself, I slowly got up to start my morning routine, I went to the bathroom did my stuff, and got out..

"Today feels different...but why?"


I had to go to that place..

that ..umm..what's that place called? ugh..crap..I forgot that too!!!

I quickly ran back into my room grabbed some clothes and changed I ran back out of my room grabbed my shoes and threw them on I grabbed my keys and ran out the door

I hope I don't get in trouble... Oh who am I kidding I'm dead meat!

I pulled out my phone

Okay so I have to go to ****  at ***PM  Crap I don't have much time, hey at least I'm not as late as I thought I was!


I have arrived, and I'm twenty minutes late! YAY!

I walked through the doors and went up to the front desk person "Hi..I have a 'meeting' for ** but I'm a little late.." "Sixth floor, the door at the end.." "Okay, thank you.."

I walked over to the elevator and pressed the button, I didn't even have to wait the doors opened up immediately, I walked in

Geez, I have never been so scared...What does this old ass man want from me?!

  A few minutes later the elevator doors opened, I slowly started to walk towards the end of the corridor...I made it to the door as I put my hand up to knock I heard "Come in"

What the fuck!? I swear today's the day I die! 
I grabbed the door handle and open the door "Hi.." I shyly spoke 

"you're late" The tired man spoke in a firm voice "I know.." we made eye contact, and he looked away..

Wait a minute! He's looking behind me
I turned my head to look behind me and standing at the door is pro hero hawks..

Oh, it's just pro-hero: hawks... PRO HERO: HAWKS!? HE'S TRYING TO KILL ME!!!
" there a reason why he's here?" I said pointing at my hitman, "You know pointing's rude right?" He scolded as he walked closer to me

What's his deal!? Ugh, men!
"Sorry.." I muttered, "Mhm..sure you are"
Now he's starting to piss me off!

"Geez, and your saying I'm rude.." I whispered, "What was that?" the winged man looked at me, "Nothing!" "Uh-huh that's what I thought"

"You know sass is rude right?!" I exclaimed mocking the tone he used
Wow interrupted by my own mouth

Both men looked at me in shock, I slowly backed away from the feathered freak that was about to kill me "Sorry.. I- I didn't.. mean to.." The messy hair bird man smiled "Geez, I was just messin' with you! There's no need to be so rude!" He chuckled

I whimpered
I thought I was gonna die!

"Alright, now Hawks please explain to her why she's here" The tired man sighed, "Right! So mr. man right there" he pointed the man at the desk with his thumb "Told me" he pointed to himself "That you" He pointed at me "Needed help with your quirk!" I rolled my eyes "Is that all?" "NOPE! He also told me you have the same quirk as me!" "Okay cool" I said sarcastically, "Y/N, Take this seriously! 'Cause, this is Professional Training!"

"Chill out mr. man! Let's go Y/N!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room, "Geez, touchy much!" I sassed pulling my hand out of his grasp he just smiled in return

For a professional hero, he acts just like a child... 

Could that mean something?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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