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⚠️uhh I don't think there's really anything⚠️

(In this chapter let's just pretend that y/n and Kurt had been together for 5-8 years now. You can decide!:))

I get out of the airplane while holding hands with Kurt. Too scared to let go. I finally asked Kurt where we were going. But I got no reply. We got in our rental car and ofc Eddie had to come in the same car, but anyways we drove for about an hour till we reached this small beach house. I still had no clue where we even were till Kurt said "welcome to Hawaii my love" and then he kissed me! I was so happy. I grabbed mine and his bag and walked inside. I set our stuff in our room and ofc Eddie's room was right next to ours, he wouldn't chose the one on the other side of the house. Well I guess he will just have to hear me and Kurt then. Mine and Kurt's room had doors to open out to the beach. It was so amazing. I put on my swimsuit and so did Kurt. I grabbed his hand and we walked down to the beach together holding hands. Something seemed wrong with Kurt. But I didn't make anything of it. Me and him sat on the beach till the sun started to set. I grabbed his hand are started to kiss him. He kissed back till suddenly he said follow me, so I followed him a bit down the beach till I saw these lights and roses everywhere, it all looked amazing. Down the walk way had photos of me and Kurt everywhere! I followed the path while Kurt ran ahead. I started crying, these pictures brought back so many memories. I finally turned the corner to see Kurt standing under this huge thing of roses and flowers and there were candles everywhere. Lucky the sun hadn't set all the way yet so you could still see. All of a sudden Eddie showed up and started playing the song Apocalypse by cigarettes after sex. It was you're favorite song. And only Kurt knew that. You walked up to Kurt with an idea in your mind of what was happening. But you still asked. Eddie started recording, when Al of a sudden Kurt got on one knee.... You started crying so much! He said "Y/n I have loved you for so long, ever since that night I killed that dumbass who tried to hurt you. We have been through so much together and I couldn't spend another moment not being married to someone as beautiful as you! I love you so much, and I feel like I always have and I never will stop. Now Y/f&ln (first and last name) will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" I stood there crying the whole time. I was shaking so much. I said..... Yes! Yes yes yes! Forever yes! He got up and kissed me. I saw Eddie crying. It was kinda funny. I looked at Kurt in the eyes and touched our foreheads together. I pushed his hair behind his ear and just said "i love you so much and I can't wait to become mrs.kunkle!" He just kissed you again and said "me too my love!" He started crying but laughing so I knew he was just happy crying! Kurt then said "how would you feel about just getting married here? Like we don't need anyone but Eddie and a pastor! I agreed and said that we should do it in 2 days! Just enough time to buy a dress and get the pastor! Omg I could not wait for this wedding when I tell you oml!

.🤍My spree lover🤍.      .Kurt X reader.Where stories live. Discover now