~it's a __?~

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⚠️I really don't think there's anything but anxiety maybe⚠️

(A/n sorry I skipped to 20 weeks. I don't know what to write in between.)

"Kurt! Wake up!" I say. "Whatttt" he says in a tired voice. "I'm 20 weeks! And we get the gender reveal party today!" I say. "I know I'm so excited! Now give me 5 more minutes" he mumbles. I literally had to pee so bad so I walk in the bathroom and go pee. I get up and see my stomach. "HOLY SHIT!" I scream! I hear both boys run to the bathroom. "WHAT" they both holler. "LOOK YOU CAN SEE MY BUMP FINALLY!" I say! "Holy shit!" Kurt says while walking over it touch it. Eddie just watches. "Ow, fuck." I say "what?!" They both look worried as I bend over in pain. "OW" I say louder. "WHAT" kurt grabs me. I stand up and tell them to watch. "Holy shit! The baby! It's kicking!" Kurt and Eddie say! I start crying. "Y/n what's wrong?!" Kurt says. "I don't want to keep growing. I want to stay pregnant forever." I say. "Awww baby it's okay!" Kurt says while Hugging me. Eddie giggles at me. I get dressed and curl my hair too look good for the reveal. I walk out to the living room and hear kurt say "wow, you look amazing love" I kiss him to show my appreciation. Eddie asks if we're ready for the reveal. And we both nod. I start recording on my phone for our reaction. He hands me and Kurt a cupcake and we both take a bite at the same time. But it's white. "WTH Eddie" we both say. Just wait he says and he now hands us boxes. We open them and they have a piece of paper with word on it. I read mine with it saying "remember when Kurt got arrested? How was he getting around?" And Kurt's said "with those words go look for that vehicle now." So me and the boys walked around the house tot he garage. We got in the car to see a note it said "now pull out into the rode and honk the horn, it will reveal the gender to be prepared" Eddie was recording as I got out of the car and kurt drove it into the rode with me standing my the window with kurt. I counted down "3,2,1.." it's a.....! Boy! I started crying and kurt got out and hugged me. I was so happy! I kissed kurt and hugged Eddie. I started talking all this nonsense about a nursery. Kurt took me inside and threw me on the couch. He kissed me And then kissed my stomach. He sat with me while rubbing my stomach. Me, kurt and Eddie watched a movie. Then kurt got a text. "Fuck" he said. "What" I said with a worried look. " I have to work through the night tomorrow." I tried not to act bummed since I knew kurt already was. So I said "it's okay baby, it's going to be okay! It's only one night!" I smiled and kissed him. "I will call you tomorrow" he said. I kissed him and we continued the movie.
It was about 9:00pm and I told the boys goodnight and told kurt to come to sleep soon. I walked up the stairs and I heard kurt say. "Please keep care of her. Don't let anything happen to her, you hear me? If she needs you to, I give you permission to lay in our bed with her. Please just keep her okay.". Eddie nodded. Then I heard kurt walk up the stairs. He grabbed my butt and then my hand. We headed to bed and I cuddled him as much as I could before we went to bed.
I woke up in at about 5am and ran to the bathroom. I started crying and throwing up. I heard Kurt come in. He held my hair back while rubbing my back. I felt so sick. He carried me back to bed and we both went back to sleep. But about 10 minutes later I got back up. I couldn't sleep. So I got up and packed Kurt's bag for the night. Once I was done he was up. "Baby..." he said. "Hm?" I said. "Why didn't you sleep?!!" He said "because I couldn't sleep and I need to help you" he say down the stuff I was carrying and Hugged me. "I love feeling the baby bump when I hug you." He says. It makes me giggle. I finished packing for him and by 10am he was out of the house. I walked back inside after telling him bye. I started pacing and worrying. Eddie walked out of his room and saw me. He just came over and hugged me. I started fidgeting with my wedding ring. "Hey, he's okay, he will be okay" eddie says while lifting my chin up with his finger. I started to worry clean. And when I say worry clean... I mean like deep clean the whole house. Eddie watched my every move. All day, I just cleaned. I didn't eat till finally I felt like I was gonna die without food so I had Eddie help me off the floor and he made me something to eat. I felt so much better after. I thanked Eddie and he made me watch a movie with him which was nice and relaxing.

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