You Traitor!

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Takemichi Black Dragon leader!AU

Yet again another angst chapter

Takemichi's POV:

Toman had another meeting this afternoon. Apparently they were planning to fight the Black Dragons gang in a week from now. This fight was arranged because Mikey wants Toman to get bigger in members and also take back what was once his late brother's gang. Black Dragons "agreed" to it. Does Taiju seriously think he's still the Black Dragons leader who can command orders? I half-beat his ass in a secret fight earlier. He was lucky I let him be my vice captain and let him go. Now he's gonna get fucking fired. I'll fire and beat him when the day of the fight comes. None of Black Dragon knows that Taiju isn't in command anymore except Inui and Kokonui. Got to leave it as a surprise for later~

Toman is like my second home. When I want a temporary escape from Black Dragon's internal conflicts, I ask Inui and Kokonui to hang out with me and the other Toman captains. We all share a good friendship with them. I particularly have made a wonderful friendship with Chifuyu Mastuno. We consider each other partners. I like it. We swore to protect each other, yet I do not need protection. I can fight for myself. I just need to pretend I'm weak so I can deceive people and perhaps find out a way to save Hina from dying in the future. It sucks that a fight is going to start between my two favorite gangs.

Someone snapped me out of my thoughts. It's Inui. "Boss, are you okay?" I nod. "Do you want to arrange a meeting and tell them you're the next leader? We do not have to invite Taiju." he asks. "Sure. You and Koko, make sure to stand beside me throughout the entire meeting. I will fire Taiju on the day of Toman vs Black Dragons fight. We will meet tonight at 9 pm. You and Koko must inform everyone without Taiju knowing."

"Understood boss. We will complete your request. Shall we head out of Toman's grounds now?" Inui slowly walked towards his motorcycle. "Yes." He drove me back to my place before driving away to Black Dragon's hideout.

It was 9 pm. I hid behind a pillar watching all of the Black Dragon members flow into the abandoned building. There were hushed whispers of "Where is our commander?" and "Why is only the elite guard and attack squad captains here?" It went on for a few minutes before Inui told them to hush. Everyone obeyed and stood quietly.

"Members of the Black Dragon gang! We have a new leader upon us! He has defeated Taiju Shiba in a fight not too long ago. Taiju was not permitted to ask for a fight with Toman without the new leader's approval. Starting from tonight, the new 11th generation of Black Dragons will be born. Let's make a generation that the future generations won't forget! Please welcome our new leader, Takemichi Hanagaki!"

I walk out from behind the pillar. Cheers were heard but some were shocked from my size who managed to defeat Taiju. I bow. "Thank you for the welcome, Inui. I'm pleased to be your new leader. You may have many questions and two of them might be "Where is Taiju?" and "Is the fight with Toman going to be canceled?" Well to answer those two, I asked Inui and Kokonui to not invite him here. I planned to have Taiju as our vice-commander but he did not ask for my approval on fighting Toman so thus he will be fired soon. Do not tell him or else you'll be met with my fist. Secondly, I will cancel our fight with Toman but we will still meet them anyways because I will ask Mikey to have an alliance with us. Does everyone understand the things I have planned for us?"

Everyone gives a "Yes, sir!" in unison. I dismiss them all and make small talk with Inui and Koko.

Mikey's POV:

Ken-chin informed me that there is a new Black Dragon's leader. No one in Toman currently knows who he looks like or what his name is. He also told me that they request for the fight to be canceled, but still meet up because the new leader wants to meet me and tell me something. We are unsure what it is, but I won't back out of the fight. Toman may grow if we win this fight but keeping the Black Dragon's gang members with us also serves as a memory from my late brother.

I'll prepare a surprise attack on them. Black Dragon's leader apparently wants all or as many Toman members to come to a location. Guess it works out in my favor. Me and Ken-chin talk more about the surprise attack I plan to do. "Are you sure you want to do this, Mikey? We don't know how powerful the new leader is." I stare at him and chuckle a little. "Probably just a little stronger than Taiju. When I last saw Taiju he had a few small bandages." Ken-chin looks skeptical. "Maybe it was a half-assed fight." I scoff. "I'll be damn excited to meet this new leader then."

[Timeskip to the day of the fight]

Both gangs were here, my gang and my brother's gang. Taiju is here, but where is the new leader?

The location was at an abandoned mall parking lot at 8:30 pm. It is openly spacious yet you cannot run away since this place is closed off with gates. The lot's lights shine down on both gangs, it blinds me a little. Taiju steps forward. I step forward. "Mikey, I'm glad to see you here. Are you ready for you and your little gang to get taken down?" He rubs his fists. "Taiju, who made you the leader? Let me speak to the new leader of Black Dragons." He looks at me confused. "I've always been the leader of Black Dragon 10th generation. There is no 11th generation or a new leader. What are you on Mikey? Let's get this show started!"

"Where is the new leader?" I say with a low tone. "The 10th generation is over. The 11th generation leader has something to tell me right now. So bring me him." Taiju stared then laughed at me.

"My apologies for being so late, Mikey. Taiju, you're fired. I fucking told you you're not in charge anymore. We aren't fighting Toman."

The new leader has me in a mix of emotions. I can't believe my eyes, Takemichy?

3rd POV:

A male voice from behind Black Dragon's crowd of members embarrassed Taiju. Everyone turned to the voice, then moved out of the way to make a path for him and two ambassadors. "Good evening, commander!" Every single Black Dragon member bowed except Taiju. Taiju was a bit surprised from being degraded in front of everyone.

All of Toman looked at the new leader in surprise and shock, especially Mikey. Chifuyu moved more towards the front of the crowd, he had no idea his partner was the leader of such a ruling and successful gang.

"Hey, Mikey. Don't listen to what he has to say. He's lying. There is no 11th generation, only 10th and I'm still the leader of it! He's just a lowly member!"

"Shut up Taiju!" Takemichi shouted. He ran up behind Taiju and punched his head then kicked his back. Taiju fell to the floor, passed out. The Black Dragon members cheered for their new commander.

Inui and Koko walked up to the Toman captains. "Takemichi is pretty strong isn't he?" None of the captains responded. Takemichi walks up to Mikey. "Are you ready to hear my pro-"


Takemichi was shocked, and very hurt from his words. "Please leave Takemichy. I honestly planned to fight you all but now I can't bring myself to. Leave Takemichy. Whatever proposal you make I want to deny it."

"You didn't even hear what I have to-"

"I don't care. If it's to have an alliance I don't care anymore... you're a traitor."

Takemichi tells Black Dragon to leave the area and take Taiju away while he follows behind them. Mikey tells Toman to leave besides Draken.

It's just Mikey and Draken alone in the parking lot, with the evening's cold wind gently blowing on their faces. Mikey faced Draken. "I don't understand why or how Takemichy got to be Black Dragon's leader. Better yet why is he, Inui, and Kokonui members of them."

Draken pats Mikey's left shoulder. "Who knows how long he's been a member of Black Dragon. Let's discuss about this tomorrow Mikey."

Both leave the area. Later on, Draken buys Mikey dorayaki which seems to have improved his mood a bit.

Word count: 1484

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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