15. It's just for pretend

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"What's up with that mask, little lady? Why don't you take it off for me?"

Melora slowly looks at him, confused. He's a tall, blonde man with unfortunate angry eyes and a possible inflated ego. There are two friends behind him, shorter and smaller but still taller than Melora. Just about the same size as Adar. The winter witch shifts uncomfortably whilst Melora is just curious. Why are they asking about her mask?

"Do I know you...., sir?"

Melora asks slowly, knowing that she should be wary of strangers in a city as rowdy as this one. Where the pine trees rise above and turn with the wind, one should be worried about those they meet. It's an old saying that Melora heard back at the tower. The werewolves who rule over the forests are unpredictable and dangerous to the ruling vampires, who have a hard time keeping them under control. That is why many vampires often keep away from the forests. Witches are instructed to do the same, by the vampires who do not like werewolves. But the reality is, most werewolves have nothing against witches, and would treat them much better than vampires do.

That's something that Melora learned from her parents, before being taken to the tower. Nobody at the tower believed her when she said that werewolves are actually friendly. They had been raised under strict vampire rule within thick stone walls, and never questioned what they were taught. Melora didn't have that experience. She came from a different world, a village full of witches who had knowledge beyond the vampires. But nobody believed her when she tried to tell them, so eventually the spring witch just gave up and kept everything to herself. Eight years of propaganda later, Melora still believes that werewolves are friendlier than vampires. She will always trust somebody else over a vampire, no matter what anybody else says.

But now it feels a little weird. This werewolf in front of her looks almost exactly like the vampires around her always do. Just the way he looks at her, as if she is lesser, says it all. This is not a good man. Melora is covered by her mask, so she doesn't know why he has targeted her out of all other witches, vampires and werewolves on the market today. It can't be because she is a seasonal witch, because both she and Adar have covered marks. It can't be because she is pretty, or because Adar is pretty, because their faces are, once again, covered up. Or maybe that's exactly why he approached them with his gang. Because they are covered up, and they don't like what is hidden away from them.

"I don't know. Maybe if you take off that mask, we can see"

The werewolf laughs, his friends echoing that in the background. It's not a very pleasant laugh, because it sounds awkward and forced. Melora cringes. Adar turns away, disgusted by the sight of them. Seeing as both witches are unresponsive to their behavior, the three werewolves grow restless. The tallest one reaches out to grab Melora's mask, undoubtedly thinking of ripping it off with force since the witch won't do it herself. The spring witch takes a step back, but realizes that it's too late. His hand is too fast.

The man will take off her mask and find out that she is a spring witch. Since Adar is wearing the same mask, he will immediately be exposed as well for the same truth. All hell will break loose if this crowded market finds out that they are seasonal witches. They are the most talked about thing right now, ever since Melora escaped from the tower. Not only will it have the guards on their tail, it will also have a bunch of rumors and bounty-hunters after them.

Just as his hand is about to reach her face, somebody stops him. A hand comes around his wrist and stops it mid-air, the werewolves' wrist twisting into an uncomfortable angle. There is somebody by Melora's side, the spring witch realizes. She turns around just in time, and sees an angry Seiran standing above her and the werewolf. Even if the man is tall, Seiran manages to tower over him. She glares down at him while holding his wrist in the air, her other hand slithering protectively around Melora's waist.

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