24. Reliable

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⚠️ violence, murder, death, killing, weapons ⚠️

"You found her?"

"You found her?"

"It's not a her, your majesty. It's a boy"

The sounds of royal shoes hitting against stone echoes through the tower. An almighty, tall figure walks straight up the spiralling staircase, a serious expression on his face. He hasn't slept properly since his son and daughter left the palace grounds unannounced, so truly he's not a man to mess with right now. The king was never a man to mess with. Ever since he ascended to the throne he's ruled with an iron fist and hot temper, nothing could really stop him from killing whoever he wanted and imprisoning the rest. That's why he can walk so confidently here, in a place which he has chosen to keep despite the heavy backlash from his subjects.

The tower was his ancestors' idea and it has worked perfectly ever since it was built. It keeps the witches under his control, and the seasonal witches power in his hands. He absolutely loves the tower, especially the four actual tower parts of the tower. Even though it was proven to be less safe than he thought it was in the beginning, ever since the unruly spring witch managed to escape, he has still kept close ties and trust with the tower leaders. One day this fortress will hold all four seasonal witches again, and he'll wield their power. With that power, completely conquering the human world while keeping control in this world will come easily. Nobody will dare to say anything against him, not even his traitorous son.

The young Saint takes him for a fool. But it's the king who's leading his son into a trap.

"Let me see him right away, how old is he now? How long has it been..."

"Get down!"

Melora doesn't even register what Vallin shouts before Seiran has pushed them both to the ground. Three spears flash above their heads, missing their target by an inch. Melora lets out a little scream at what just happened, realising that she could've died in a matter of seconds. Seiran holds her in place on the ground until it's over, and then she bravely and quickly drags the spring witch up again, ready to fight.

"Give up and say you didn't find us, and I'll spare you when I become king"

Saint demands, his voice easily booming over the vampire soldiers and his friends. It's a very bold request from someone who is being chased by the king's men, but Saint can afford to be bold. He is still the official heir to the throne, and the second heir is his sister who is also on his side. As heirs to the throne Saint knows that he holds a lot of power, he's always known that. He shines like the sun as he walks across the palace courtyard, and spreads fear whenever he flashes someone a glare. It's only a person like him who can truly be bold and cocky in a world like this one. However, the soldiers don't even look at each other before running in for an attack. Saint knows what that means.

He knows where his father now stands.

This is no longer an operation meant to find him. This is an operation meant to kill him, just like he feared.

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