Chapter 1 - Beginning of a new routine

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Ring, ring! - sounded the alarm with much alteration, a few seconds after starting the great roar that came from the alarm clock.

Paul decided to turn it off and wake up to start his daily routine, but this time he did it in a different way, since today he was starting his first year of high school. Luckily he didn't have to start studying in a new school, but instead of having to go to primary school he was now going to secondary school! He was very, but very happy, mega nervous and not to forget impatient for the day to arrive, because today he was starting a new course in a higher level of study, after being practically all summer doing the lazy and watching TV. It was obvious, he had been very bored during the summer because it was an absolute stress for him not having to do anything for 3 months in a row.

The things for his first day at high school, he had prepared them already 2 days ago, as he was very excited to start high school and wanted to get the vacation over and forget about it once and for all. More than anything, in the summer he had only gone to visit family a couple of times, he had sufficiently remodeled his wardrobe (it was about time) and went to the beach few times.

The day before, Paul, before going to bed, set his alarm to get up too early, so that he could get up on time and have a chance to do everything at his own pace. So today he got up practically at 6 o'clock in the morning, so that he could get to class on time without any problems.

The first thing he does when he gets up is to make his bed. From the nerves of waiting he could hardly rest. Now she is making herself breakfast in order to get enough strength to start that special day like today. She is preparing a bowl of milk with cocoa cereal and a muffin. When she finishes preparing her breakfast, she decides to start eating it and when she puts the first bite in her hungry mouth, she makes a very appetizing comment:

- Mm... So good and so hungry! My God, I don't know how I could have lasted all night without eating anything, well... the truth is that I was very nervous about this new course.

When lunch was over, he decided to go to his room to start dressing and getting ready, and arrive impeccable to class. As soon as he enters the room, Pablo thinks it would be a good idea to add to his outfit for today, a branded sweatshirt that was given to him at the end of the summer to make his outfit more attractive. The young man decides to do what his knowledge has advised him to do. So Pablo will put on his new navy blue jeans, with his favorite T-shirt, his new and desired Nike sneakers and his yellow and little used branded sweatshirt, which a few moments ago he has decided to add to his outfit. When he puts it all on, he finishes combing his hair and is ready to go. He takes his backpack with all his books, school supplies and everything he needs to carry just in case, and of course, he doesn't forget to take his cell phone and house keys. Without a doubt, Paul was very responsible and always wanted to be organized so that everything would go smoothly and without any problems, but even so, he was afraid that he would forget something because of his nerves.

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