Chapter 6 - Will the time be right?

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So, one May 6th during the break between classes, Paul decided to take the plunge. Abbie was talking to the girls in her group and so, Paul went over there and very very nervously opened his mouth and addressed her:

- Abbie - he called her with an embarrassed tone of voice - Can you come here for a moment? - he asked her.

- Hi, yes... - she said blushing, surprised that he was addressing her and looking nervously sideways at her friends before leaving. She was trembling and it showed.

At last he spoke to her for real.

- Hello... - she said trembling, she couldn't have a seizure, not now. - I'd like to talk to you. I know we haven't done it yet so far this year, but I think it's about time. - he commented uneasily.

- Yes, I was thinking the same thing," he declared, "I'm sorry for not talking to you sooner, but....

- No, no, I'm sorry - Paul interrupted him - I have to tell you something, I know it's not the right time and maybe it's sudden and we've never spoken before, but... - he wanted to finally tell the girl, but he was interrupted by the arrival of the teacher in the classroom.

Abbie turned bright red, you could see the brightness in her eyes and the trembling that gave her away and accused her two hands. Paul felt defeated, he hadn't had time to tell her. Would it be too late? What was he going to do now? A conversation like that could not be interrupted, otherwise it would not be the same? But then, quickly, before everyone sat back down to start class, Abbie whispered the following to Paul:

- We'll talk later, I have something to tell you too - she confessed to him most shyly.

Paul nodded in agreement, with a different look on his face and a wide smile, he was excited, there might be a chance that he could finally tell her.



*P.S. - It has been a short chapter, I know.... But I have to tell you that my emotions have been almost at the surface when writing this chapter, not as it will happen with the next one, for that one I will need to have a big box of tissues to write it, as I think you will also need it to read it, JA, JA, JA, JA.

I would like to tell you that I wouldn't want to be mean and leave you with the intrigue to know what will happen in the next chapter (which will be the LAST one, oops... it slipped out😬😬); but the truth is that I like the feeling of generating tangles with this plot, ha ha ha.

There's NOT MUUUCH left for the EEEEEND (I still don't believe it)....

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