6. The vow

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Chapter Six

The day of marriage

"I, Evan George Colin Stuart Hartwick, take Eleanor Annabelle Windsor, to be my wedded wife...."

Lily knew she always used to be the rule breaker and the mischievous one of the twin sisters, it never had occurred to her what she was about to do until she had done it. Impulsivity was a common trait for her. She would do it and face the consequences later. But these past two years in ireland with Aunt Cecilia had taught her more than her father's harsh punishments could have done. She realised all the years of being held and told what to do and which finger to lift had made her rebel it was only that way she felt like being heard. But in ireland where she wasn't surrounded by shallow aristrotiac who were twice her age and cared for nothing but their reputation, she hadn't felt the need to flee. 

Until now, out of a sudden she felt like she was going to faint or get ill, in case even worse collapse right at the altar, in front of the serious looking man she is marrying and in front of everyone that has assembled in St. James Church to witness the wedding that was about to take place, the wedding that hailed of the year.

The deceit rather.

All she could be thankful for was that Eleanor made sure of less than thirty people attended, which would mean if she made a spectacle of herself, not the whole world would witness it.

She fixed her gaze upon the earl, who already was watching her, she pondered on if his eyes were hazel or light brown, in this closeness with his hands now clutching hers, she knew that nothing could be done taking back. She would marry this man, go through it as she had told her sister.

She swallowed, her throat feeling like sand was passing through. A tickle of something that only could be called nervosity rushed over her. Since when had she felt like that?.

Perhaps it was the man that frightened her, because truth be told she expected a lanky old man who had not an ounce of handsomeness, god has she been wrong.

This man was handsome.. and if one even believed attractive, his hawklike, aristocratic face was strikingly hard and stubborn. The breeze blew the dark locks of hair back from his forehead. His stern face was the reason why no one probably spared him a longer glance then needed.. well no one besides Lily, she was watching him straight in his rich brown eyes and felt his hard and unmoving gaze like a caress, it thrilled her.

God heavens she must be going insane to feel any kind of attraction to this man who almost destroyed her sister's life. And thinking of her sister she expected at any moment for someone to notice who she really was, to stretch out an accusing finger and shout, "Fraud!, the lady is not the bride!".

Suddenly she felt the nudge of his hand clasped strongly in hers, so masculine and an awkward chuckle from her left---- "Ahem... My Lady" The priest whispered, "It is your turn,"

"What? Oh forgive me, yes of course," she replied and held the squeak that was about to come out, she cringed to realize that everyone was now watching her, she glanced upward at the once stern looking face of her to-be-husband, now it was glimmering with curious puzzlement, before she could make a fool out of herself more she quickly faced the priest, "I Eleanor Windsor, take thee, Evan George....." Her mind went blank, god heavens what was it now again?

"Colin Stuart Hartwick" the priest urged her to continue gently

"oh Right.. Evan George Colin Stuart Hartwick to be my wedded husband"

The priest recited the next line.

She listened this time deeply and repeated the words when it was her turn, "...To have and to hold from this day forward.... For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer," she said it, and the lump that formed in her throat went away, she raised her eyes again still seeing him watch her, and for a blink of eye she wondered if she perhaps saw wrong, there was a steady regard that almost seemed like relief, the priest again waited for her to continue and as she watched him the words left her mouth, "....In sickness and in health,"

"...To love, cherish and obey, till death do us apart,"

The love part, cherish part and obey.. Well the man seemed to be one that most likely would want nothing to do with her, it seemed like nothing could cherish this brick of a person, god hell he had not even smiled once at her, the woman he supposedly was marrying. God knew what he would do, perhaps toss her aside after getting the large dowry that awaited him.

Which was perfect for Lily and even more clarified why Eleanor who believed the world spurt rainbows and fairy tales should never marry men like him. His eyes were cold, emotionless and there was a bleakness that puzzled Lillian. Made her wonder what put it there.

The priest said something, this time to Evan, who lifted her left hand and slid a slender but exclusive gold band in place next to the glimmering crystal and diamond ring Eleanor thrust onto her finger an hour ago. Which was her ring now.

Well of course temporarily.

"With this ring I thee wed.." Evans' deep voice honeyed and solemn. Lily wondered how the man could sound so attractive, when the man behind it was cold as the glace of north pool.  "I vow to cherish and love Eleanor Annabelle Windsor until death do us apart,"

Lily never had married, unlike him who Eleanor informed married years ago. She wished that she hadn't interrupt what her sister was about to tell about the previous countess, his previous wife.

Now as she watched him she wanted to know, an information she wanted excess to, it was odd where that need came from, but Lily told herself it was relevant in order to leave and get granted divorce paper perhaps like his previous wife had.

She had to either play like the perfect wife he expected or his worst nightmare, that way she could leave or be thrown away, not that she had not known what it feels like to be shunned and thrown.

Him being a man she shared no feelings it wouldn't matter what he thought of her.

Not realizing that he was watching her as he assisted her to her feet, keeping her right hand tucked within his own. A shiver raced through her as he curved an arm around her waist and drew nearer.

"My Lord," The priest smiled, "You may kiss your bride,"

Lily couldn't read the expression on Evan's chiseled face as he bent close, closer. She had been kissed plenty times before, all from stolen kisses behind the summer cottages, rendezvous and ones that she sneaked with gentlemen behind the orangery at all those tiring balls, they all had taught her one or two things, either liking it or hating it.

Yet something swirled inside of her, Her eyes fell to his once grim set of lips that she misread, because there was nothing grim about them as he stood this close, they looked inviting.. soft...

Evan's lips touched hers, warm and smooth, yet hard and tender. A rushing hum filled her ears, blood thrumming like racing with a horse, everything seemed to melt away and in the most unladylike way she parted her lips to let him take more, he deepen the kiss for a brief instant, It stole her breath, muddled her brain until she could only think blank.

Then suddenly it was over. He straightened and tucked her arm in the crook of his own to lean her back down the aisle. "Smile, my dear," Evan said for her ears only, "You seem to be distressed"

Lily certainly felt distressed now. But she did not tell him that, instead she planted a smile upon her lips and beamed upon the people that now congratulated them, it is finally over... it is finally over she chanted those words in her head as he kept her close at his side. The cologne with a hint of spice entered her nostrils and, in a moment, she was mortified to think that she wanted to lean into him.

Focus! You have already made a fool out of yourself. This man would give her a house somewhere, maybe in the countryside where he could be alone with his plenty of mistresses, that would leave you with a freedom you always dreamed of Lily kept telling her that.

Her own smile froze as her eyes cast upward at him, his eyes now filled with warmth that he threw to the guests, his smile widening and for a split of second it felt like the world stilled, his smile was breathtaking and squeezed in an odd place in her chest, Lily felt a sharp feeling that could resemble guilt, and regret.

And the last thing she pondered in that moment was who really is Evan Hartwick?


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A/N : this was a little long chapter, hope you liked it

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