21. The Spectacles

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chapter 21

With shaking hands Lillian opened her baggage and searched for her spectacles since her troubled eyesight couldn't read all to well with letters, founding them digged deep down she put them on hurriedly and opened the letter with shaky hands,

Dear sister.. Lots have happened when you left, Kevin is no where to be found and he hasn't responded to any of my letters... oh god Lillian, i fear that something truly bad has happened to him. Father has not seen me but the town gossips already, it is only a matter of time before he finds out.... that is if you can still pretend to be me a little while longer.... I know you hate it and did it only for my sake, i cannot thank you enough my dear sister. I'm not asking for a lot of time but i cannot bear to think Kevin has came to harm, I am waiting for any whereabouts of his, until then please wait for me and do write me, i want to know everything.

yours truly, Eleanor

covering her mouth Lillian felt an alarming feeling. She had not expected to recieve this kind of letter from her sister, that Kevin was gone and that father was about to discover the truth

oh god, how did everything turned out this dreadful? Lillian read the words over and over again in a loop that had become a diabolical sort of torture,

her sister wanted her to continue pretending to be her.

it has already gone almost a month  now..... While Lillian was the one who started all she had not believed it would go this far... and a selfish part of her was not entirely sad that her sister wanted her to continue being married to Lord Hartwick——


She might share deep affection for Evan,

but she would not delud herself to let it be something more,

had it not been for the creak of the door she wouldn't realise that Evan was murmuring to his butler in low voice. Panic hummed in her viens, her heart thumping in a rapid staccatio inside her breast.

Her breath squeezed hard in her lungs as Evan approached.

Powerfully aware of the spectacles
perched on her face, In a flash of eye Lillian whipped them off and clutched them inside her palm. As casually a possible, she lowered her hand and the incriminating eye-wear, concealing both within the folds of her skirt.

Oh, lord, had he seen them?

Her gaze fell upon the letter she'd been writing with her name on, her heart jackknifing up into her throat. She couldn't let him see that either, and he was almost upon her.

she edged a sheet of plain paper over the one upon which she had been writing, then pivoted abruplty in her chair.

"Evan" she greeted, flashing him a wide smile. "What a happy surprise. Are you returned already? I thought you said your appointment with Mr. McDougal would last the entire afternoon"

He stopped, gave her a curious smile. "Our business took less time than expected." He glanced over at the desk, then looked slowly back. "Your writing letters?"

She stood, careful to face him as she deliberately moved away from the desk. She angled the hand holding her spectacles behind her back.

"Yes," she said. "I am writing to my sister, she is due to leave for florence soon and i did not want to miss writing her before she departed on the next leg of journey" Lillian felt the sting of guilt from lying, especially when Evan's face showed compassion, "I was not aware of the closeness between you two, your father hardly mentioned of your sister,"

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