10. It always burn out

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Chapter 10

Evan was in disbelief, from one second he was looking at his wife with an anticipation he had not felt in so long, then in the next he hurried to her side seeing her collapse against the floor had it not been for the bed at her side and his long less striding forward in speed, "Dammnation!— E-Eleanor, can you hear me?" he felt a terror spiking through his chest at the sight of her.

Bloody hell!

Why had he went through with it?

Why had he brought her here?

It clearly was a visible she'd not seemed enthusiastic about this whole arrange, while he expected for her to see this marriage as which other suitor that had asked her for her hand, not that she was the one to blame when he was formal to her throughout the weeks of courting he realised that he'd been unfair.

He couldn't hold onto the past and think it would repeat itself, he learnt from his mistakes and being cold and distant only made him see how he didn't want it.

He'd not always been that way, there was a time he'd been even happy. Content.

Was it not what his wife now deserved? She was his countess and as the vow said he ought to cherish her.

And so he wanted to make it up to her, for the boorish way he'd treated her before. Even his courting days he'd been detached and she hadn't questioned him, truth be told he was quite surprised she'd even accepted his abrupt proposal.

Now they were married.

And in a moment he hoped to get to know her better, the last thing he expected was her to faint at seeing his bedchamber close to hers, he had not expected to have a unconscious body in his hands, one that was his wife who clearly did fright over having him near.

He cursed silently thinking what the hell did he expect?

She's the Sociéte belle of London, a proper lady one who knows the exact angle to point her little finger for a cup of tea, ran the household courses and would be a perfect image besides him.

Simply not one who wished to spend time with their husband.

The thoughts were not helping him so he pushed it at the back of his mind and wrapped his hands around her slender waist, carrying her now bridal style he brought her properly to the bed making sure to not hit her head in the process.

Her eyelashes battled and he leaned forward, "Eleanor," he repeated her name and cursed himself to dismiss all of his servants, he wanted them to have privacy, and two weeks seemed to be a reasonable time.

But at the way her chin jutted forward like a royal queen once he told her it he realised that he probably should have taken her opinions to consideration.

It would have saved him now precisely.

He hovered over her now, her face this close was doing something to him, before he never bothered to watch her closely, she was beautiful and that was that, nothing that sparked inside of him, nothing that inturiged him

Until now.

Evan wondered how he never noticed the small beauty mark on her right side cheek, how come he hasn't seen it before?

Perhaps because you were the proper man who stayed ten feet away from your bride.

Evan pondered on that, it was true that he was a gentleman through out him courting her, even when she accepted his proposal hadn't he even been tainted to kiss her, Have a trysts or meet up in the dark of the night like two lovers.

But Evan Hartwick was a rough edged man, a rational man who never got tempted into distraction and destruction, yet being this close to her did something to him.

Her face, it enchanted him as he discovered more of dots of beauty marks at certain places, he wondered if she had it everywhere.... "No—" her sudden words brought him out of trance, he quickly leaned above her so close that he know was nose to nose with her, he carefully caressed her tousled hair, "You fainted, are you alright?" he rasped out realising that he felt breathless, like someone was pulling him deep into the ocean, as her eyes open he got back to the surface.

Her gaze seemed to take everything in and when she met his it felt like time had stopped, completely.

He always thought her eyes as blue, just blue. And to be quite frank he never duelled over an eye colour, it simply was a colour... But Eleanor's eyes was not simply blue...

And god he didn't even know what to call the colour, it couldn't be called just blue.. her eyes was a colour of her own. He wasn't aware of her words, only seeing her lips moving completely captivated by the intense gaze they shared, something changed in the air and he could wager she felt it to, her breath hitched and for a single moment his wife looked at him, without the quiever in her gaze.

but a bold one, and like it came to end he felt her small hands against his chest, slightly pushing him,

"Your staring," her eyes darted from him, and he straightened immediately

God his wife was bloody shy as a nun, and he acted like he never had seen a woman before.. What is happening to him? He threw his mind back to when he last were in the company of his mistress that he stupidly ended before courting Eleanor. The answer was to god damn long if he finds his wife now wanton.

He cleared his throat, feeling a rise of heat on his cheek, "Forgive me for making you uncomfortable my dear, let me bring you a glass of water," he raised from the edge of the bed and wondered if she was the one in need of it or him, because he didn't feel alright at all,

He felt unsettled and out of mind... and she made him so.

He darted from her room and wandered over the kitchen, his mind in turmoil.

Then he questioned himself what was wrong with him, in fact he couldn't have done anything wrong. Eleanor accepted his proposal, and yet she behaved like she were surprised of him, although there always was a shyness clouding over her he always thought that was how she carried herself in society, she thought before saying, her whole life seemed to be followed in a straight line.

But he had seen neither of it from her, she seemed.. afraid.. frightend.. and bloody scared of him.

Had she expected a cold union? A distant one?

he wouldn't be surprised since words spiralled around him from his first marriage. After the death of his wife he'd become a... hard shell. He'd stopped appearing in places he normally would, he'd completely isolated himself with work.

No wonder she'd expected that.

He realised that he barely knew her, and truth be told he never bothered to ask, weren't all the ladies the same? Raised the same? So why should it matter was his argument.

Yet now he wanted to know her.. wanted her to feel comfortable around him.

he didn't feel a threat against the new way he felt about his wife, it would die out, just like fire supposedly ignited for new weeded couple at the start until it faded. it always burn out.

And sooner or later would this weird behaviour of his.



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