12. The best choice.

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chapter 12.

They sat down to a light supper in a small but attractive dining room at the rear of the summer cottage. Silver candelabras filled with lighted beeswax candles were arranged to dispel the darkness. From the quaint English garden that lay just beyond the half opened windows, the heady scent of roses drifted in to gently perfume the air. The mellow sound of night creatures added a soothing natural music

Lily stared into her bowl of cold cucumber soup, tension straining her nerves so that she was barely aware of the pleasant atmosphere surrounding her.

It was her wedding night.

She squeezed her eyes closed for a second at the thought. It cast her to memories she long hoped would never rise to the surface again,

"Little sweet--ting... you are enchanting.. god how much i want you.."

"Let go of me Lord Walter..."

"Oh cease the formality sweetheart, there is only me and you here.."

the stupid teenage years of her sprawled back, a bitter taste left her mouth as she couldn't swallow down the food, dear god, would it always be like this? would the past haunt her forever?.

She could feel the intense gaze across her, Evan regarded her as he finished his soup, signaling permission to a nearby footman to clear then serve the next course.

A lovely poached whitefish accompianed by a creamy dill sauce and a selection of tender summer vegetables was offered. Lily accepted servings of each, then stared down at her plate as if it might somehow infuse her with a courage she needed. That night ended with her loosing everything and him nothing, she never told a soul, not even her sister. She knew that speaking of it would mean it happened, coming to terms with with reality. till this day she had not came to understandment, no she didn't want to think about her reckless years.

"Perhaps the turbot will be more to your liking than the soup," Evan said.

Her gaze flew upward to meet his. She cursed inwardly as she felt a flush of color rise her cheeks, trying to sound like her pure sister, "Oh, the soup was fine. D-delicious in fact,"

"Ah, so delicious i noted you took all of two bites," Humor softened his tone.

So the man could see her rattlement?

Lily smiled awkwardly, "I don't seem to have much appetite tonight, i confess"

"Shall i confess something to you as well?"

she nodded.

"I am not terribly hungry either. Still, I believe both of us ought to try to consume a little of this excellent fare Armitage's cook has labored to provide. Otherwise I fear we'll find ourselves in the bad graces of the kitchen staff come morning"

Her eyes widened. So astonished by the notion that some of her nerves melted away without her realising. Not once in her life had anyone voiced concern to the servants, and she never expected let alone thought it was possible for an earl to care for his workers. But Evan seemed to consider such matters.

"You believe cook might serve us cold tea?" she ventued.

"Oh, most definitely. And burned scones as well unless we take precautions now to ensure her pleasure"

Lily considered his statement, then picked her fork, "We had best give this a try, then, before it turns cold"

Evan lifted his own fork, "Right you are,"

She managed to eat most of the food on her plate. The first actual meal she had consumed since early morning. She had eaten nothing at the reception other than a single bite of cake forced upon her by the requirements of tradition. Meanwhile Evan engaged her in light, undemanding conversation. She found to her surprise that she was able to keep up, even volunteer a comment or two of her own. For a short while, she forgot her earlier trepidation and simply enjoyed being in his presence.

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