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"Should we start referring to you as Suho now?" Baekhyun chuckled to break the tension building up in the room. Junmyeon looked over at his sick friend and sent a prominent glare but soon sighed and smiled.

"I guess so," he slowly mumbled before chuckling. "Suho. It's got a nice ring to it."

"Yeah, one with a pretty little bow tied around it," Baekhyun laughed, despite his state. Junmyeon laughed and smacked the back of his hand lightly.

The girls smiled and the tension reduced. Jean dropped her aura and Emma and Hyojin relaxed in their seats.

"What's happened to you Baekhyun?" Junmyeon asked quietly. "This looks worse than a flu could ever look."

Emma stiffened for a second and glanced at Baekhyun. He on the other hand was eyeing Junmyeon steadily.

"You wouldn't believe it even if I told you," he said after some time and turned to look at the girls. "By the way, I've really never seen both of you before. Are you new to Clan 1?"

"We aren't from Clan 1 per se," Jean stated slowly. "I don't belong to a Clan, just a small village."

"Oh. And you?" He motioned his head towards Hyojin. Her smile seemed fake as she forced it out.

"Nomad," she curtly replied. Emma's eyes widened. It was quite unusual to see a nomad in this era. Everyone had a home.

"Hm," Baekhyun mused. "How did you end up with this douche of a friend I have?"

They chuckled as Junmyeon cried in protest. "Mostly by fate," Jean smiled. "We're sorry for being such an inconvenience to you, especially looking at your health."

"No no!" Baekhyun shook his head. "This place is always open for this idiot. Anyone with him is also welcome!"

"Have you been friends for long?" Hyojin smiled, less forced than before.

"Yeah," Junmyeon nodded. "I've known these two since we were 5 and I visited this place for the first time. Got them banned from my Clan too."

"The pride," Emma scoffed and ruffled his hair. She got up to go make food, Hyojin following her.

"Banned?" Jean asked, curious to no extent.

"Let's just say our prince's dad wasn't really fond of the likes of us," Baekhyun chuckled. "He tried his best to keep this jerk away from us, but as you can see, it just led to the king banning us from entering his Clan since he can't really do the other way round."

"Stop calling me names, I'm the prince," Junmyeon mumbled.

"Correction, you are Suho."

"And you are a massive asshole."

Jean laughed silently as they continued to bicker back and forth. Soon Hyojin and Emma were out with hot steaming pots of soup and bread. They served everyone and Hyojin could see the delight in all three pairs of eyes.

"Yah!" Emma scolded the two. "Stop fighting and eat, would you?"

"Bossy as ever," Junmyeon noted and winced as she caught his ear.

"You got something to say to me, pal?" She growled. Hyojin had a huge smirk on her face that wouldn't die down easily. Finally, someone was telling this annoying prince off and with ease.

"Aiii," Junmyeon cried as he rubbed his red ear. "Actually, yes I do. When did the two of you get married and why wasn't I invited?"

Emma nearly tripped on her own feet and Baekhyun choked. She hurried to him and pet his back in an attempt to soothe his discomfort. The girls were amused by their reactions, especially Emma's, whose demeanour changed in an instant. She was red and Baekhyun was no less. Though, that might be because of all the choking he was just going through.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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