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They'd been drifting slowly for a few days now, having Junmyeon push the stream faster in case of a needed getaway. He'd practice minimally otherwise, but never enough to control his power completely. It would surprise people the amount of work there is to do on a boat where it seems like there is unlimited unaccounted time especially if you have a crew of three.

Jean sat on the deck, or that's what they decided to call the small portion of the boita up front, looking out to the stream. It was her time off from work. Junmyeon was busy collecting food (fish and salt) from the waters and Hyojin was managing the navigation. Jean had just finished cleaning out the residue salt from all the water that had evaporated which involved severe scrubbing of the floor with limited boiled water. It wasn't fun nor very entertaining.

She basked in the sun, enjoying the prickly feeling on her arms due to the heat and the gentle spray of the water on her face with the wind. It wasn't too hot nor too cold, just pleasant enough to sit and enjoy the view. The sky turned a pretty orange, illuminating the stream to mirror it.

Jean was mindlessly staring at the sky, looking at the birds flying wondering when they'd reach the next destination when something out of the ordinary caught her eye.

A black wisp of smoke spontaneously started forming out in the middle of her view sight of the sun. It was fast and unnatural. Jean's entire attention diverted to it as it continued to grow at an abnormal speed. Soon the entire wisp of smoke expanded for a second before contracting down to form the outline of a person.

Jean realized that it was a guy, not much bigger than an average of the guys present. He reflected some of the light from the sun as Jean realized he was half naked, his upper body completely showing. Not only was he half naked but he was undeniably falling. The person, whoever he was, had just realized that there was no solid surface beneath his feet to stand on and started flailing his arms to catch on to something.

Jean stood up in a rush, rocking the boat slightly. She was scared for the man who might hit the waters in a rough manner. An impact from that height could cause death. Protests from her two companions fell on deaf ears. Jean could only see the guy falling.

Just like the guy had appeared, he was starting to disappear too. A black smoke clouded him as he neared the water, covering him at the same unnatural speed it had before. The wisp contracted again and disappeared as it expanded taking the guy along with it.

Jean's mouth flopped open. She gaped at the spot where the guy was, still awaiting the impact that should have taken place. Junmyeon walked towards her in a hurry from the back of the boat and Hyojin dropped her oars to see what had happened to her.

"Jean? What happened?" Junmyeon asked, placing a cautious hand on her shoulder. Jean snapped out of her trance.

"Did you see that?!" She exclaimed, pointing to the spot where the guy was.

"See what?" Junmyeon's eyebrows creased, wondering what she was talking about.

"The guy!" She dropped her hand, looking at him expectantly.

"Um, what guy Jean?" Hyojin raised her eyebrow from behind Junmyeon.

"The one... in the... sky," Jean trailed off knowing how stupid it might have sounded. Junmyeon dropped his hand and tapped her head lightly.

"That sounds stupid, you know?" He chuckled slightly. "A guy in the sky?"

"Jean, are you feeling alright?" Hyojin smiled with concern. "Maybe you should go inside and rest there till dinner."

"But I-" Jean was going to protest but stopped herself knowing it was futile. No matter how true it was, the entire thing sounded like a drugged illusion. She nodded minimally, glancing back to the spot before walking into the closed area.

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