Prologue (edited)

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A/N Hello peoples who read this book. It is loosely game-based (meaning that it takes place in the same region; however, the game plot/story line will not be included). I appreciate constructive criticism, compliments, and I'm absolutely okay if you joke at what I write. If you have any questions, state them and I will answer as soon as possible....



Also, as a quick afternote, please don't copy this story in any form and of course, I don't own pokemon, but I do own most of the characters of this book.


Icicles lined the floor in jagged, rough, and spiked patterns in the hall. They protruded through the room as they aligned themselves up and down the walls, almost like dangerous scales on a fish that could impale anyone who dared to step too close. They also decked the ceiling all pointing to where a beautiful white, glass chandelier used to hang. Instead of the magnificent piece of art hanging, pieces of glass were scattered throughout the floor, making the whole array look like a beautiful ice castle from a far away region. In the center of the room, was the physical chandelier itself which was shaped like a six-pointed snowflake. It too, had cracks shining and refracting the light that came through it as it laid in the end of a cone shaped break in the numerous pillars of ice. There in front of it, in the middle of the room I stood.

No doubt I was nervous. After all, how exactly would have the press reacted to the current mess the hall was in? Why they'd decided to do the address in here was beyond me. The room was literally a death trap waiting to happen. After all, if too many of the stupid reporters had tried to squeeze in the room at once, they could probably die, and personally, I would not like the sight of a poorly shish-kebabed interviewer. Who knows what they would've made out of the mess I was already in: they could've called me a brute, I could've been called maybe cold or cool, or maybe they could've even tried to reject my leadership by saying it was all a scandal. The possibilities were endless; however, deep down I knew that in the end I would reach my goal. The first step though, was to see what the press would think.

After a good 20 minutes of waiting and standing in the silence with nothing but my nervous and scattered thoughts, the first person to step through the door was the previous champion, Red. I had been waiting because he had to heal his team and call some people before we would meet with the press.

However, he ultimately had to come back because he needed to make his official exit on camera, according to the traditions involving championship battles and also because of a previous scandal that was involving him and the champion that preceded him.When Red came in, he smiled a knowing smile at the disorder the room was in, most likely feeling some kind of mannish pride. His eyes lit up at the concept of thinking of the battle beforehand that was a rather fast and explosive one right until the end, as he looked from the chandelier to me. Once he was done surveying the challenge room for one last time, his eyes met mine and he simply stated while blushing and flirting like an idiot, "Good battle, who knew the chandelier would reflect icicle crash and create this. It's rather beautiful, and shines like your battle style."

I laughed and shook my head at the silly brunette. He had also been silly like that while we were battling, which I personally think was a method of distraction from whatever the current task at hand was. When I looked up to make eye contact again, I joked, "Take a picture, it will last longer."

Red bursted out laughing at the over used joke and we looked spontaneously at each other with respect as the joking mood settled into a more serious, palpable air. After all, history had just been made. It was rather funny to me though, that after the battle, the look that Red had in his eyes showed that he was ready to pass on the task of a government. However, that was what I wanted. I wanted to lead Kanto into future glory as champion, a rather surreptitious and arrogant goal, but it was mine nonetheless. I of course had nothing against Red personally, but I wanted to be the one to make the people of Kanto realize that they could truly be great and new leadership was needed to do that. I wanted to make the ultimate Kanto and the only way to do that was to control the government myself.

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