Chapter 13

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Have some patience with the ending and all, it will make sense next chapter, plus I was up till 1 am to get this done so I could have 3 updates


Chapter 13

"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is"

The words hung on a plaque in Cynthia's diplomatic office. They felt foreboding and almost ominous with their dark letters that were weaved around by thorned roses. It almost reminded me of a plaque in my favorite movie.

Just after I had boarded my things from this trip on the plane we had flown to the Pokemon league and we're now sitting in the lavish diplomatic offices where matters of interregional diplomacy were spoken about.

"So, it's time to get down to business," I said while looking Cynthia straight in the eyes.

She was serious today. Her lips were pursed and she sat fully and straight in her chair with her arms crossed on her mahogany desk. The seals of the government of Sinnoh and the SIS sat menacingly behind her as she started, "You already know that Kalos has been invaded by Hoenn and Unova. SIS got word, Diantha is alive still, but she's fled somewhere in the region."

"I've of course heard about Kalos," I responded, "I was informed by homeland security on the way here. However, they didn't tell me about the bombings. Besides, I still must call Lancelot about this nonsense! I can't believe he's in a war. It's quite unacceptable, near my soil."

"However, this is not why I am talking to you about Kalos," continued Cynthia with a bit of woe, "I don't know if Red told you about the tournament that was held in Hoenn, but they had a giant display of superior Pokemon and such."

"No need to go on about that, I already know, we spend half our time as champions getting briefed, yes?" I asked.

She responded with, "Of course, you also know that Adrian Hladik is a bad man then?"

"Yes, and so is Harama Hoorson, charge on my fair lady," I resisted rolling my eyes.

"Well, you've seen the aerial assaults here, that's from Hoenn," sighed Cynthia, "Sinnoh is at war with Hoenn, Unova, and Johto. We used to have Kalos, now we are all alone."

"You're point is?" I questioned full well knowing what the pour  was.

Cynthia sighed again and I could see the stress and worry in her eyes as she pleaded, "We need your help. We need to defend our region from this war."

"What about the League of Regions? What about our agreement against war?" I asked knowing of the plan that Red had signed off on that was presented by Adrian Hladik. It was at what was supposed to be a meeting table for regions to agree, however meetings were seldom.

Cythina clenched her fist, "It's fallen through Crystal! We need assistance otherwise our region will be starved and taken over. We need Kanto to join the war."

"Absolutely not!" I half said, half yelled, "my region has issues of its own at the moment and you expect me to sign up for a war against 3 other regions?"

"Can you at least help us somehow? Please,
Crystal try to help our innocent women and children from dying..." she begged in a soft voice.

I knew it was complete and sheer diplomacy, but it broke my heart and so I finished, "Alright, I will send a few volunteer fighters off, but don't expect me to join the war."

Although I knew it was lunacy, I felt truly bad and  so I did something about it; however, little did I know what would happen beyond that one decision...

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